[3] ((My New Life... As a Boy))

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-= (Your POV) =-

I've been here for almost one year and it's somehow fun. I was given an eyepatch by the caretaker and started wearing boys clothing. I have a friend, his name is Feliks, and he's been here for 4 years. He also, what's the word, cross-dress. He is the only person, other than me and the caretaker, Ms Leah, who has seen my right eye. He's pretty cool with it. I find the boys clothing more comfortable and matching, since an eyepatch wouldn't match with a girl wearing a dress, unless you're a female pirate, which I am not.

My life has been a daily routine which started off as breakfast, make bed, bathe, change clothes, play, laundry, lunch, talk, play swordfights, and if there were to be people who would want to adopt, then I would dress as a girl, with Feliks brushing my shoulder-length blonde hair, which would normally be in a ponytail, and I would wear contacts that match my (e/c) iris. Feliks would help pick out a dress, one of his dresses, while I would lend him my boys' clothing, and I would help dress him up as a boy. And it would go on like that. Outside I would use Feliks' name while he would use mine, so people won't think we're weird.

Every time someone misbehaves or breaks a rule, they get to pick whether to get hit by the cane, get whipped, which Ms Leah would give you candy if you didn't cry, or you can just go into the room of isolation, which is a gloomy, dirty and dusty room where you don't get food for a whole day, unless you have been really, really bad, you would stay in there for a whole week.

Once in a while, Ms Leah would take us to the river or take us to school to learn. She also takes us camping for one week, once a year. Ms Leah can also play many instruments, like; guitar, piano, harp, flute, violin and singing. She also teaches us how to fight, do laundry, make beds, cook, play some of those instruments and make things. For the gifted people, like myself, she teaches us magic. She gave us a choice of magic. Healing, black, natural, elemental, white, battle or death. I picked black magic, since that included battle, death and elemental. I'm a beginner and I already know how to summon a demon. (Cue England's Demon Summoning Song) Everyone doing the course is given a magic book, and the first we were taught was how to read it, and what language it was. And just so you know, it's Latin.

One day, Feliks and I were walking down the street, having a race. We were both dressed as boys, but the bundle of white hair was braided and wasn't in the ponytail, which then flew in the breeze. I was in the lead, while Feliks was lagging behind, like WAYY behind. I was looking back at Feliks and I wasn't looking at where I was going so I bumped into a man. He had spiky, gravity defying blond hair, sea-blue eyes and was holding an axe. I looked at him in the eyes. Since I was wearing an eyepatch, my vision was partially blocked. His eyes were saying that he was confused and shocked at the same time when he looked at me.

Suddenly, I got a wave of unknown memories which flooded my brain, blacking me out. The last think I saw was Feliks running to me and shaking me, yelling my name.

I watched as the memories went by, and all I wanted to ask the man was,

'Have we met before?'

-= (Matthias/Denmark's POV) =-

I was talking to Lukas, and walking backwards, that was, until a boy bumped into me. I turned around to meet the boy face-to-face to teach him a lesson, but I was shocked at who was the boy. It was (y/n)!

She was wearing boy clothes for some reason. Her hair was tied back into a mini ponytail, while the white hair was braided. For some reason she wore an eyepatch, but those eyes could never be mistaken. Her (e/c) orb was staring right into my sky ones. She was about to say something but she collapsed. A boy with short blond hair and green eyes was running towards her. Shaking and yelling her name and things like, 'Like wake up (y/n)!' or 'Ms Leah, is like, going to totally punish us!' The boy then looked up at me and asked questions.

"Like, what did you do to him?!"

"Well, first off, from my memories (y/n) is a girl. And second, she just collapsed."

"Like I'm going to totally believe your story! Just help me carry her back home."

"See, (y/n) is a girl!"

"Like, just help her."

And with that, I carried Greenland, bridal style, while the boy led me to their 'home'. It turned out to be an orphanage.

What was (y/n) doing at an orphanage?

Doesn't she remember me?

I wonder what happened to her while she was gone.

At least she's still alive.

But why is she wearing an eyepatch?

Those questions raced through my mind as we entered the orphanage. I handed (y/n) to the caretaker, whose name was Leah Lee (I don't even know... ^J').

Once I finished my business there, I headed towards Lukas, who was holding a bag of butter, coffee and liquorice. We headed back to the cottage which had Emil, Tino and Berwald sitting on the living room sofa. I began to explain to them about the encounter with Greenland and told them that she didn't remember me, and was at the orphanage and had an eyepatch and... and... (yeah Denmark, stop using so many ands) about the boy, and how she fainted.

Tino then suggested that we should adopt (y/n) back, but Lukas said that she was under a spell.

"She has a memory wiping spell casted on her. She also has another spell that allows her to talk, which would explain why she has the eyepatch." Lukas explained. "But I wonder who casted them?"

"M''b' 't's fr'm th' m'n w' s'w k'dn'pp'ng h'r." Berwald suggested.

(Maybe it's from the man we saw kidnapping her)

"I think so too Swe, since I can sense magical aura surrounding him. But..." Lukas stopped, taking a breath before continuing. "But, he also has evil aura surrounding him."

I gasped from the news, "Does that mean...?"

"Yeah, I think they have another team member on their side." Lukas said, keeping his voice monotone.

"But, when can we get Greenie back? I want my sister back!" Emil whined. Gosh he's such a kid.

"First we have to get her to us, or look at her day to day activities." He looked at Emil while saying this. I wonder what he's planning.

"Let's send Emil to the orphanage, to monitor (y/n) from close up." Lukas explained.

"Why me?!" Emil complained.

"Because you're still a child, while we're all adults. Don't worry, I'll cast a spell on you so you can talk to us using your mind." Lukas said, and he waved his hand, which sparkled and we could instantly hear each other's thoughts. Tino was thinking about Hanatamago, Lukas wasn't thinking about anything, Emil was thinking about (y/n), Berwald was thinking about furniture, while I was thinking about god-knows-what.

And with that.

The mission commenced.

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