[2] ((My Clone))

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-=(Greenland/Your POV)=-

I opened my (e/c) orbs and tried to rub my eyes. Well, tried. My hands were chained to the bed I was being laid on, as well as my feet, not that they would be of any use since they were stabbed, by certain Dane...

"Ah~ so the poppet is awake~!" A man with strawberry-blond hair said, as he walked in to the room, following him were two men. One of them had blond hair which was tied back into a mini ponytail. He wore a red shirt, sunglasses and was holding a hockey stick. The other was about the same height as the blond, but he had reddish-brown hair which had a cowlick resting on top. He was wearing a dark brown bomber jacket, jeans and was holding a nailed bat.

"So you must be the new country that everyone has been hearing about? Well, you're so cute~!" He stopped, before continuing. "Oh how careless of me! I am Oliver, these two are my sons! Allen and Mathieu~." While saying this, he pointed to the two boys, Allen was the one with the bat while Mathieu was the one with the hockey stick.

"Doll, you must be Greenland?" 'Allen' said.

"Of course she is, and if you're even dumber then you probably don't know why we're here!" the other said.

"Do you know why you're here doll?"

I opened my mouth, but remembered that I had no voice, so I quickly shook my head, which was really, really hard.

"Aw, can't the girl talk?" Mathieu asked sarcastically.

I once again shook my head.

"We have a deal, or two poppet. Please accept, since they will be for you benefit." 'Oliver' said. "I can give you a voice and we will let you free, but we have to do some spells before that."

I thought about it, and accepted the offer. I nodded, which much harder the shaking your head, and Oliver smiled. He began to wave his hand while saying some unknown words. My vision became blurry, but my right eye became very painful. I closed my right eye, leaving my left one to do all the work. I squinted it, trying to get a better view of my surroundings. My eyes concentrated on my nose, it was flooded with crimson red liquid, but the nose itself was still there. That made me think harder, until I found out what was bleeding.

It was the right eye.

From the thought of this, my vision became even more blurry, until it was all black.

-=(Oliver's POV)=-

Goodie! The poppet fainted and she has a voice now. J Now we can now proceed with the plan we were given by Luci. I began to cast the Dimensional Clone spell onto the little country. She began to glow. Her glowing beamed brighter, and brighter, until everyone had to close their eyes, as the glowing could blind anyone, country or not.

Once the glowing stopped, the boys and I opened our eyes, and our eyes fell upon the woman that stood before us. She had (h/c) (h/l) long hair, one maroon and murderous eye, while the other was a (e/c) coloured eye. She was wearing a dark (f/c) dress, which hid under a red and white striped cloak that had a hood. A sword and its sheath equipped onto her waist. She did not have footwear, but instead she had bandages.

She looked around the room we were in, (we were actually in an abandoned lab) and she walked up to me.

"I'm guessing you're the one who finally separated me from that body." While saying this, she pointed to the little poppet.

"Yes I did poppet. I'm Oliver, the other two are Allen and Mathieu~. How about you poppet~?" I asked, giving her a smile.

"My name? I don't have one. But hers is (y/n)." she replied, pointing to '(y/n)'.

I looked over to the boys and they nodded. They took one of (y/n)'s bad side's arm and took her to Luci's throne. I unlocked (y/n)'s chains and carried her bridal style, to a village near the Nordics' cottage. I laid her in front of an orphanage and casted a memory wiping spell on her. I put a note on top of her, pecked her forehead and left her, knocking on the door just before leaving.

Goodbye poppet~

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear care taker,

Please forgive us for making you take care of our dear (y/n). She was involved in an experiment and escaped it. She lost her memories during the process. Please place an eyepatch on her right eye, since you do not want to know what lurks there.

Thank you.

~Oliver Kirkland


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