Chapter 1: The Fateful Encounter

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   Naruto ran as fast as he could through the rain as a mob chased him. They yelled profanities as they gained speed, catching up to the small five year old.

   'What did I do?' Naruto questioned as he picked up speed despite his exhaustion. 'Why does this have to happen to me?' The small blonde felt a moment of panic as he tripped. Luckily, the mob was a way away and didn't notice as he scrambled into soggy bushes.

   He waited ten minutes as the civilians ran by and doubled back to head home muttering curses about losing the demon-child. He sniffed as he crawled out heading towards the top of the Hokage's monument. He didn't want to risk heading home and running into the mob.

   He shook his head and tugged his T-shirt closer to him as the cold wind but at him. "Man, this sucks." He muttered and sat at the head of the Yondaime Hokage. He tucked into a small ball trying to fight away the unwanted air. "There has to be some place I can sit..." He looked around when he noticed a smooth rock different from the jagged ones.

   "What the..." He walked closer and touched the smooth surface where words were engraved.

   Only those worthy may speak to the world's wisdom.

   Naruto frowned. "That...made no sense." He noticed more word at the bottom and another smooth stone. He bent down to examine it.

   Those with the blood of the past may open the doors to the future.

   "Well, well, well. Still doesn't make sense. What if I..." Naruto shivered again and but his thumb drawing blood before placing it on the stone. "This is what it wants, right?" He knew, even for a five year old, that there was a possibility that his blood wouldn't open the 'doors'. It could simply slide off or incinerate him, or something like that.

   To the Uzumaki's astonishment, the warm red liquid was absorbed into the stone. The ground rumbled lightly and the stone disappeared. He backed away as the wall of stone sank to reveal an opening of a cave.

   "Whoa.." Naruto poked his head in the poorly lit entrance and took a hesitant step inside.

   "Do not be afraid." A soft voice spoke from further inside. "I will not harm you."

   Instead of deterring Naruto, it urged him to move forward. The voice was compelling and smooth, full of warmth and peace. For a second, Naruto wondered if that was what a parent would sound like.

   "H-hello?" Naruto blindly reached around as part of the hallway wasn't lit.

   "Just a bit closer. It's alright. Watch your step, there's a crack near your right foot. There you go."

   Naruto blinked as he looked around. The room was big, probably as big as his small apartment. It was poorly lit as if the candles hadn't been changed in a long while. The lights were on their last flicker and the wax dripped on the cool concrete floor. The walls were an old brown, paint peeling off the smooth walls and the floor was dirty with webs and dirt. Finally, he noticed the person in the middle of the room.

   The young teenager sat on a stone square staring at the Uzumaki with warm brown eyes. His black hair was draped over his shoulders and reached the small of his back. He was pale as of he hadn't seen the sun and, judging by the place, he hadn't. He wore a simple light gray shirt with black pants along with small black shoes that covered his feet. They were worn and slightly dirty. Just as he was going to question that, he noticed the reason. The boy's arms were chained to either side of the stone with rusty chains. He sat crisscrossed as he regarded the five year old.

   "Welcome." The teen smiled. "It is not often I receive visitors. How may I help you?"

   Naruto gulped, not out of fear but of nervousness. "I need to get away from the cold." He whispered.

   "I understand. The last visitor who opened the door left a change of clothes in the corner." The man tilted his head to his left. "You are welcome to use them. I doubt he will be returning."

   Naruto nodded. "Thank you." He went towards the pile of clothes and picked them up. The person who was here last must have been a child for the clothes were only slightly bigger than himself.

   He sniffed again as he peeled off his wet T-shirt. He put on a black T-shirt and a forest green hoodie and nearly sank at the warmth. He put on a pair of black pants, like the man's, and rolled them up so he didn't trip.

   "Those were Sarutobi Hiruzen's." The man spoke up. "He came a while ago for needed advice."

   "These are Hokage-jii's?" Naruto asked pulling the collar of the hoodie and studying it. "But they're so small!"

   "Yes, it has been years since he came. I see he is now Hokage. That is pleasing."

   "Hokage-jii is the third Hokage." Naruto said happily. "Soon, I'll be taking that hat from him!"

   "I don't doubt that." The man spoke with warm eyes.

   "Eh? Why? Usually everyone does!" Naruto wondered inching closer.

   "It is because the only people who can open the doors are future Hokages." The man smiled.

   "Woah! I'm going to be Hokage!" Naruto jumped in joy before facing him. "Wait, who are you?"

    "My name is Arashi Yukimoto. It is a pleasure to meet you."

   "The names Uzumaki Naruto! Nice to meet'cha!"

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