Chapter 3: Meeting Our Team

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3 years later

"Congratulations on passing, Naruto." Shikamaru said as they waited for their sensei.

"Thanks, Shika. I almost didn't pass." Naruto laughed as he sat down next to Shikamaru.

"Well, I'm glad you're here." Choji smiled while eating chips. "It would've been really dull without you."

Naruto grinned. "Haha, thanks."

Suddenly, a man with a cigarette and a beard walked in. "Team 10."

"Well, that's us." Shikamaru and Choji stood up. "Good luck with your team." He tilted his head towards Sasuke and Sakura.

Naruto groaned. "Thanks. I'll need it." He looked at Sakura and frowned. 'It don't think even Yuki would like her.'

"Where is our sensei?!" Sakura screamed after three hours of waiting.

Naruto flinched. He was rather used to the quiet atmosphere with Yuki. "I'm sure he's coming."

"Hn." Sasuke studied him before turning away.

The door creaked open and a silver haired jounin walked in. Three fourths of his face was covered by a black mask and his left eye was covered by his Konoha headband. "My first impression of you're boring. Meet me on the roof in five minutes."

Naruto stood up and made his way to the stairs followed by Sasuke and Sakura. He shook his head and readjusted his forehead protector before sitting next to his sensei.

"Alright," the jounin said. "Let's introduce ourselves. Tell me your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and your dream for the future."

"Why don't you go first, sensei, so we can know how it goes?" Sakura spoke.

"Okay... My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have many likes and few dislikes. My hobbies... well, you're too young to know that. I don't really have a dream for the future."

The three genin sweat dropped. 'All we learned was his name!'

"Alright, brooder. Your turn."

Sasuke scowled at Kakashi. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I don't like anything and I my hobby is training. My dream, no, my goal is to kill a man."

'Yikes! Hope it's not me!' Naruto thought to himself.

Kakashi shook his head while Sakura swooned. 'An avenger.' "Alright, Pinky. You're up."

Sakura bristled at the name. "My name is Haruno Sakura. I like," She looked at Sasuke and blushed. "I dislike Ino-pig and Naruto-baka! My hobbies are," Again, she blushed as she gazed at Sasuke. "My dream is," She squealed and blushed violently.

Kakashi sighed inwardly. 'A fangirl..' "Last" but not least, Blondie, you're up."

Naruto glanced at him and gave a small smile. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen, dango, reading, training, seals, and Wisdom" He said the word like a name. "I dislike traitors, chains, rapists, murders, and pretty much everyone bad. My dream," He gained a determined look. "My goal is to become Hokage and free Wisdom from his bindings."

'Interesting...' Kakashi mused. 'But who is Wisdom? Why is he bound? Could it be the Kyuubi? No, that's not it.. It's something else.' "Very good. Now, we'll discuss your real genin test."

"But I thought we already were genin." Sakura frowned brushing her hair behind her ear.

"That was to weed out the hopeless ones." Kakashi explained. "This test is to see if you're fit to be on my team." He gave an eye smile. "Oh, and there's a 66% failure rate."

"WHAT?!" The genin shrieked.

"Meet me at Training Ground 7 at eight and I suggest you don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." He got up and waved. "Ja ne!" Kakashi shushined (sp?) away.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. I got to go visit someone." Naruto said making his way towards the stairs.

Sakura ignored him preferring to ogle Sasuke while the Uchiha grunted in acknowledgment.


"I see you're back." Yukimoto's voice drifted towards Naruto as he walked closer.

"Yeah, I also found out why I get chased by mobs." Naruto said solemnly.

Yukimoto studied him with his piercing brown eyes. "And that is?"

"The Kyuubi is sealed inside of me." Naruto whispered. "Iruka-sensei told me I wasn't the demon but I wanted to hear it from you." He looked up, his bright blue eyes filled with tears. "Am I the Kyuubi?"

Yukimoto gave a small smile but it was filled with warmth. He held his arms up as much as the chains would allow. "Come here, Naruto-kun."

Naruto shuffled forward and hugged Yukimoto who stroked his hair.

"You're not the Kyuubi. You're a sweet little kid with big dreams, that I can see. The Kyuubi is merely a prisoner and you, his jailer. Do not misunderstand. You must know both sides of the story before making judgement."

For a second, Naruto's stomach rumbled (not from hunger, mind you) and his abdomen heated up before cooling. Naruto took a shaky breath and leaned away from Yukimoto. "Thank you. Really."

Yukimoto smiled softly. "Tell me about your team?"

Naruto beamed at him and told him about his teammates; how Sasuke broods and Sakura fangirls. He even told him how Kakashi was three hours late just to meet his team.

Yukimoto chuckled. "They sound special."

"Depends on what kind of special you mean." Naruto laughed. He wiped his eyes. "Can you help me become stronger?"

"You want my assistance in your training?" Yukimoto questioned. "I don't see why not. However, while I would not be able to personally teach you this, I can give you this scroll."

Naruto got up when Yukimoto gained a warm red light around him. When the light disapated, in his lap was a medium sized scroll, the size of half his arm. "This, is my taijutsu style I used years ago. I can guarantee that you won't see anyone with it."

Naruto gingerly touched it, clutching it close to his chest. "For me?"

"Yes. When you master that, we shall go over other techniques. You may practice here so I can monitor your progress." Yukimoto explained.

"Okay!" Naruto beamed. "How come you don't fight anymore? Can't you break those chains?"

"No, I cannot. These chains can only be removed by a seal master or forcefully, which is painful. As for fighting, I gave that up years ago. My power was feared throughout the villages. While it has been years, I am sure some remember me. My power is dangerous, which is why I am here sealed inside the Hokage monument."

"Dangerous? What kind of power is it?" Naruto wondered. He couldn't picture Yuki being dangerous at all.

"It is my bloodline called Chūkū Gōon, Hollows Roar. It is very destructive if not used right. I'm afraid I cannot explain anymore." He smiled. "It is time for you to rest. You'll need it for your test tomorrow."

"Hai." Naruto hugged Yukimoto. "Goodnight. You don't seem dangerous to me."

Yukimoto tilted his head and gave a warm smile. "Goodnight, Naruto-kun. I hope you and your team does well tomorrow."


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-- AmericanDeadpool

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