Chapter 7: Lunch News

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   "So, Kakashi-sensei slipped when he was trying to grab something and that's how you two ended up 'accidently' kissing?" Naruto said, looking between the two with a look that said he obviously didn't believe either of them, "I call bullshit."

   "Well, it's the truth," Kakashi huffed, trying not to look at Yuki.

   "Did you have something to tell us?" The immortal asked, a knowing look in his eyes. How he did that, the genin never knew. It was like he read their minds or he could see the future.

   "Oh, yeah," Shikamaru shook himself out of his shock. "Asuma-sensei wanted our teams to meet up for lunch tomorrow."

   "That sounds fun," Yuki said and lifted his leg up, kicking Kakashi off from next to him. "Go with your students and do something productive. And don't even think about bringing those books of yours out in front of them."

   Kakashi blinked in surprise before nodding, "Hai, hai."


   Soon tomorrow came and Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi were making their way to the BBQ place that Choji's family ran. True to his word, the Hatake didn't bring out his orange book once since yesterday.

   "Huh, you guys are actually on time," Asuma said from his seat next to Kurenai, blinking owlishly at Team Seven. The jounin had invited all the genin teams, even Gai's, and none had expected Kakashi's team to show up.

   "Sasuke-kun, sit next to me!" Ino squealed, patting the seat next to her.

   "He doesn't want to sit next to you, Pig!" Sakura glared and actually pushed the Uchiha to the open seat next to the Uzumaki instead of her, "That's where he wants to sit!"

   "Why would he want to sit next to the dobe?!" Ino demanded, glaring at Naruto, who smirked at her.

   "Because they're dating, Stupid Pig!" The pinkette rolled her eyes, gesturing to the two boys.

   Naruto was still smirking as he lifted up his hand, which Sasuke had grabbed immediately when he sat down, showing their fingers laced together, "Ta da."

   "B-But- What?" Ino sputtered before going slightly as she saw something. 'They actually make a cute couple...' Hinata looked crushed at the news but accepted it well enough.

     Sakura just laughed at her rival before sitting down herself next to Hinata, giving the shy girl a greeting. Soon, the teams were talking adamantly, Team Gai introducing themselves to the other genin. They were asking different questions; likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc., and wondering if they wanted to train together some time.

   "This was a good idea," Kurenai commented as she sipped her tea, watching Hinata blush when Naruto asked her a question.

   "I agree!" Gai said, smiling brightly as Lee challenged Sasuke to a taijutsu match, "Their flames of youth are shining brightly already!"

   "I swear to Kami if you say 'fate' one more time, I'll bash your face into this table!" Naruto shouted suddenly at Neji, who was glaring slightly at Hinata, "And stop looking at her like that and eat your damn food!"

   Neji actually looked a bit shocked and went to say something but something in the Uzumaki's eyes stopped him. Maybe it was the murderous intent in his eyes or the wary sadness hidden there that only he noticed, like what the Hyuuga was saying about not caring about Hinata was physically hurting him. Because of that, he clamped his mouth shut, leaning back and picking at his food. For some reason, he didn't want to cause the blonde any pain.

   The sensei, who were about to intervene, looked on with shock and surprise clearly on their faces when Neji backed down without a complaint, listening to Naruto's words.

   "Thank you," Naruto huffed, grabbing Sasuke's hand once more and using the other to grab his chopsticks. He turned to Hinata, a soft smile on his face that sort of reminded the genin of a mother (as weird as that was), "Are you alright, Hinata-chan?"

   "Y-Yes," Hinata said, face red from embarrassment. "T-Thank you, N-Naruto-kun."

   "It was no problem," The Uzumaki nodded before turning to Sasuke, pointing his chopsticks at his last shrimp. "You going to eat that?"

   Sasuke picked it up with his own chopsticks before nodding at the blonde's plate, "We can trade; your piece of beef for my shrimp."


   The genin watched as, instead of putting the food on the other's plate like someone normally would, they fed each other. It was then that everyone, including the guys, decided that the Uchiha and the Uzumaki made a cute couple.

   "Right," Kiba shook his head, petting Akamaru, who was on his lap. "You guys wanna meet tomorrow to train together?"

   The children looked at each other, as if deciding something in their heads, before nodding and voicing their agreement, "Yeah, sure."

   The jounin sensei felt a sense of pride when they saw their students getting along so well, even Gai's team, who only met the others today. They couldn't wait to see how'd they interact tomorrow.

   Naruto whispered something to Sasuke, gesturing to a plate next to him that was untouched, and nodded to one of the waiters. The Uchiha nodded before stopping the man, "Can I get a box for this?"

   "Why didn't you just ask yourself?" Kiba asked and Shino too looked interested, wondering why the Uzumaki didn't when he was right there as well.

   Naruto shrugged, not looking at any of them, "Not many people like me."

   Sasuke looked at the blonde before leaning over and whispering something, making the boy blush. It made the others wonder what the Uchiha said and they noticed how Naruto's mood seemed better after the Uchiha moved closer to him.

   "We should be going," Kakashi said, standing up, and his students followed without complaint, Sakura grabbing the box with the food. "We'll see you all tomorrow." They quickly bid their farewells and left to the Hokage Monument.


   Naruto was talking excitedly to Yuki as Sakura handed the immortal the box of food, telling him all about the other genin and what they talked about. Sasuke added his two cents here and there, correcting the Uzumaki with a small smile when he said something wrong.

   Kakashi watched silently from behind the children, leaning against the wall. Yuki would smile at whatever Naruto was saying but Kakashi didn't miss how a sadness would linger in his warm brown eyes, a look of longing in his eyes as he gazed at where Team Seven came from. The Hatake itched to go and find Jiraiya so he could free the long-haired immortal but knew he had an obligation to stay in the village to teach his team.

   Yuki looked up with grateful eyes and the Hatake was confused for a moment before he realized that the man was thanking him for noticing, acknowledging his pain even when he couldn't do anything about it. At that, Kakashi nodded and inside he was already planning on finding a way to contact Jiraiya. Maybe he should talk to the Hokage...

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