Chapter 6: Ramen and Ships

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   Kakashi-sensei is going to be Hokage?!

   "Is something wrong, Naruto?" Kakashi asked, onyx eye full of concern. His student suddenly went pale and his eyes impossibly wide.

   "Huh, n-nope!" the Uzumaki shook his head, "I'm fine!" He shot Sasuke a reassuring smile when the Uchiha raised an eyebrow at him.

   Kakashi was glad that the team dynamics were going so well. He felt that he didn't really have to worry as much about Sasuke as before now that he had the Uzumaki latched on his side.

   Yuki looked knowingly at him and smiled, crossing his legs. The raven-haired immortal always seemed to know what Naruto was thinking and, this time, he was taking the utmost amusement from his thoughts. His eyes sparkled when he seemed to realize that the jounin was oblivious to his student's internal thoughts. Yuki looked over at Kakashi, "What do you plan on doing today?"

   "Well, I was planning on just taking a stroll while reading my precious Icha Icha," Kakashi said dreamily, rubbing his book on his cheek like a dork. "When I decided that hanging out with Yuki was way better."

   Naruto had to hide a grin when he noticed how Yuki's cheeks were dusted pink. Yuki was much more open now, seeming a bit less polite than usual. It was nice to see his sensei opening up too. Now, he wouldn't have to worry all that often about his dirty books, "Oh, really? That's cool. Want us to pick you guys up anything?"

   Kakashi and Yukimoto looked at each other (when had they gotten that close?) before turning back to the Uzumaki, saying in unison, "We're good."

   "Creepy," Naruto shuddered and Sasuke nodded. Moving forward, the blonde hugged Yuki, before going back next to Sasuke, who hugged Yuki as well. Okay, when had he gotten so close with him? Weird. "We're just going to..." Naruto pointed to the door, slowly backing away, "Yeah."


   "Kakashi and Yuki are my new OTP," Naruto said randomly as he and Sasuke walked to Ichiraku Ramen. The two decided on having lunch there since the villagers seemed to be glaring more harshly at the Uzumaki than usual.

   "OTP?" Sasuke arched an eyebrow at the blonde. The Uchiha had to stop himself from smashing someone's face in when they tried to throw a bottle at the Uzumaki. He didn't, though he did grab it by the neck in the air and chuck it back at the person when Naruto wasn't looking. And if he did a tiny victory dance when it his the person on the forehead with a nice 'thunk', well, that was Sasuke's business.

   "Hmm, it's a fandom thing," Naruto waved his hand at Sasuke. "You wouldn't understand."

   Finally, the pair arrived at the ramen shop. The Uzumaki immediately ordered a gumbo bowl of miso while the Uchiha asked for a small pork ramen. They sat for a while, talking about anything and everything, when Shikamaru walked in.

   "Hey, Naru," The Nara waved, taking a seat to the left of the blonde.

   "Hey, Shika, what's up?" Naruto asked while slurping his noodles.

   "Sensei wants to know if your team wants to have lunch with ours tomorrow," Shikamaru shook his head when Ayame asked for his order, missing Naruto's small frown.

   "Sure," The Uzumaki chirped, practically inhaling the rest of his ramen. He laughed at Shikamaru when he made a disgusted face, complexion going slightly green.

   "We should tell Yuki and Kakashi-sensei," Sasuke spoke up, finishing his ramen at a slower pace. He wasn't going to risk choking on his food when he just started hanging out with Naruto as a friend... Or more...

   "I'll go with you guys," The Nara stood up, placing money on the counter for the two bowls and ignoring their weird looks. "Force of habit."

   "Oh, Choji," Both members of Team Seven nodded in understanding, Sasuke more than Naruto.


   "Yuki?" Naruto called, his voice echoing down the hall. "Hey, we should put couches in here," He suddenly added, looking around.

   "Second that," Shikamaru yawned. He leaned his arms on both Sasuke and Naruto, practically being dragged by the two, "Nice fluffy ones."

   "Like the ones in the Uchiha Compound," The Uzumaki grinned, holding up the lazy boy.

   "And how would you know that, Nar?" Shikamaru smirked, elbowing the blonde lightly, "Hmm?"

   "Uh, w-what? We didn't do anything!" Naruto stuttered, face red, while Sasuke had to turn to hide his blush.

   "Sure, sure," The brunette laughed, pushing off them and walking ahead. He turned around to grin at them, "No funny business while I'm not looking, you two."



   Shikamaru laughed as he was chased, running into Yuki's 'room', before coming to a complete stop at the sight in front of him.

   "Hey, what's wro- OH, MY KAMI!" Naruto screamed (he did not squeal!).

   "Wha-" Sasuke made a small squeak behind him, obviously seeing what they did.

   Kakashi and Yuki... Were kissing.

   The Hatake pulled away first, looking flustered even with the mask, "It's not what it looks like!"

   "My OTP is complete, dattebayo!" Naruto fist-pumped the air, ignoring his teacher and Yuki, who was trying to get the blonde's attention.

   Shikamaru and Sasuke looked at each other before looking back at the two blushing adults and fist-bumping, "The ship... Has sailed."

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