Chapter 8: He's Just Naruto

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"You three have fun," Yuki gave Team Seven a hug and turned to Kakashi. "Don't let them get into any fights outside of the training grounds."

"Hai," Kakashi nodded with an eye-smile. "I won't even bring my book out around the children."

"Good and, Kakashi," Yuki looked him in the eye. "Try and actually talk to the other jounin. Make friends."

"I don't need friends," Kakashi shrugged. "I got you."


Team Seven walked into Training Ground 7 to see the other teams waiting for them, talking idly.

"Naruto-san, your flames of youth shine brightly today!" Lee greeted brightly, bowing at the waist.

Naruto chuckled when the members of Team Gai facepalmed and gave his own bow. For some reason, after yesterday, Lee felt like he needed to show the Uzumaki the most respect and would bow whenever he saw him, "Hey, Lee. Glad you're here."

"Sorry about him," Tenten rolled her eyes at Lee. "He gets excited. Morning, guys."

"Morning," Team Seven responded, echoed by the others.

While the kids chatted, Kakashi made his way to the other jounin.

"Where's your book?" Asuma asked, looking at the Hatake oddly.

"In my pouch," Kakashi answered, gesturing to it.

"Why aren't you reading it?" Kurenai wondered.

The Hatake just pointed at Shino and Neji, who had yet to greet Team Seven.

"That's never stopped you before," The Genjutsu Mistress snorted and Kakashi just shrugged at her.

"YOSH! That is a very youthful of you to consider the children!" Gai said loudly, giving his eternal rival a thumbs up, and Kakashi gave a put-upon sigh at having to actually listen to the jounin.

"Neji? Shino?"

The two genin in question looked up to see Naruto standing in front of them, smiling brightly. He had his hands in his pockets and he tilted his towards the others, "Let's go to the others, ne?"

Gai and Kurenai waited with baited breath to see what their reactions would be. They weren't the easiest to deal with; Neji too proud and Shino too quiet, but the two sensei wanted them to open up more. Maybe the Uzumaki was the one to make it happen.

The two genin stared at the blonde for a moment before Shino got up, followed by Neji, and the Uzumaki talked to them excitedly about the spars that we're going to happen if they were up to it.

"Your students a miracle worker," Kurenai breathed as she watched the boy get Shino to join the conversation.

"No," Kakashi had a fond smile on his face under his mask. "He's just Naruto."

"Who's fighting against who?" Kiba asked when the three joined them.

"This is troublesome," Shikamaru yawned, lying in the grass. "Just let Naruto choose."

"Me?" The blonde blinked in surprise, pointing to himself.

"Yes, now do it," The Nara ordered, closing his eyes.

"Um, okay," Naruto seemed to change right there, going serious as he studied the genin. "Neji against Sasuke. Kiba against Tenten. Sakura against Hinata. Ino against Shino. Shikamaru against Choji. Lee against me."

"Do I have to fight him?" Choji asked and Shikamaru didn't look happy about it either.

"Sorry," Naruto said. "But you need to be able to fight against each other should a situation call for it."

"What about me?" Ino wondered, looking at Shino's bugs in disgust.

"That right there?" Naruto pointed at her and then the bugs, "Is unacceptable. Those bugs are part of the Aburame Clan and should be respected. You need to get over your fear because, one day, they'll save your life."

Shino actually looked surprised while Ino nodded, looking at the ground. Man, Naruto sounded like a mother scolding a child.

"Hinata," Naruto turned to the girl, who squeaked in surprise. "I'm pairing you with Sakura so you both can learn more; you to not be afraid to fight and Sakura to get experience fighting."

The two girls nodded and Hinata didn't feel like the blonde was putting her down, what with his actually gentle smile and kind eyes. Sakura felt determined to do good, for Naruto, Yuki, and the team. She wasn't going to be useless.

"Sasuke, you're going against Neji for two reasons," Naruto turned to the two clan heads. "One, your clans have the ability to see chakra, the Hyuuga Clan more than the Uchihas. With this match, you two will be able to fight against people like you and how to counter it. Two, it'll be fun to watch a clash of egos."

Neji and Sasuke looked at each other warily, wondering what the outcome of the match would be.

"Tenten," The Uzumaki turned to the girl, who stood straighter, wondering what he'd say. "You're up against Kiba. I heard that you're Konoha's Weapons Mistress which means that you're able to fight in all ranges of combat. Kiba fights in close combat but also has Akamaru by his side and is really fast. I figured that you two will give each other a new fighting experience."

Tenten and Kiba nodded, feeling excitement run through their veins. They never fought someone like them and it would be a new experience.

"And, of course, Lee is with me since we both specialize in speed and agility. Fighting against someone like us will make us better prepared to fight other ninja."

The sensei listened to the explanation and we're astonished. Had the Uzumaki always been this smart? The way he took charge immediately reminded them of a certain blonde.

"First up is Kiba and Tenten," Naruto announced and the others went to the edge of the clearing. He raised his arm, looking at the two, "Ready?" At their nod, he lowered it, "Begin!"

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