Chapter 10: Gravitation

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This chapter is dedicated to TaylorLindsay442! I am so sorry for the wait, I don't know what happened. I guess this story slipped my mind. If it wasn't for everyone's continued support, I doubt this story would even have been updated this year.

Lots of love for everyone!



"Good job," Sasuke knelt down in front of Tenten, who had fell back in exhaustion. The battle was short but the girl was forced to run and dodge attacks from Kiba and Akamaru. The Uchiha handed her a bottle of water and gave her the bare hint of a smile, "You did well today and I know for a fact that Naruto was impressed with your seal work." He glanced at the Uzumaki before focusing back on the girl, "Make sure to work on your stamina. While it is pretty good already, you tired really easily when Kiba made you run around the area."

"Hai," Tenten nodded, opening up the bottle and taking a long gulp, before standing and walking to where her team was.

Sasuke went over to Naruto, who had just finished talking to Kiba and Akamaru, and looked at the sensei, "Do you have any input for them?"

"No," Kurenai smiled and Gai nodded with a large grin and a thumbs up from behind her. "I think you two seem to have everything covered."

"Okay," The Uchiha blinked before turning to Naruto. "Who's next?"

The blonde tilted his head, "Sakura and Hinata."

The two girls jerked in surprise when they heard their names, sending each other nervous glances. They went in the middle of the clearing and looked at the Uzumaki, waiting for his signal.

"Ready..." Naruto raised his hand before slicing it down, "Begin!"

Hinata immediately got into her clan's signature Gentle Fist stance while Sakura got into the academy's basic taijutsu stance. She knew Neji was watching, everyone else too, so, she had to try her best. If she did then, maybe, Neji would look at her with respect and wouldn't hate her as much as before.

The Hyuuga waited, knowing that it would be better if the Haruno struck first. She wasn't as proficient as her cousin at the Gentle Fist but she wouldn't let her clan down, not anymore. As she thought she would, Sakura surged forward, aiming a slow kick to her head. Hinata activated her byakugan and used the side of her hand to block the attack, twisting her fingers around the pinkette's ankle and throwing her away from her.

Sakura skidded back a few feet, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She grinned when she saw the determined look in the Hyuuga's eyes. 'Finally,' Sakura thought. 'There she is.' She charged forward and ducked under Hinata's hand, swinging her leg back in hopes of hitting the girl. She cried out when the purple-eyed girl hit her palm on her ankle, numbing it quickly. 

Hinata was quiet as she observed the pinkette, her usual shy demeanor disappearing for the moment. She couldn't let it hinder her, not matter how bad she felt that she may be injuring someone she considered her friend. Quickly, she numbed the girl's arms and blocked her chakra points, jumping backwards afterwards. There was no point in making this spar longer than needed and there was no point in causing Sakura to bleed when it didn't have to happen.

Sakura let her arms hang and she leaned on her right leg. She smiled as she panted a bit, "I forfeit. I can't feel my chakra."

Naruto grinned widely and raised his hand, "Winner: Hinata Hyuuga!"

"Hey, we should continue this tomorrow," Sasuke said. "It's already getting to four, maybe we should all get something to eat before heading home."

"Yeah, you're right," The Uzumaki murmured. "Hinata, great job! You finished the spar in short time and without purposely injuring Sakura. However, you need to improve your speed and try not to hesitate so much before you attack. Sakura," He turned to the pinkette. "You need a taijutsu form, the academy's is not going to cut it. I'll talk to Yuki about one for you later. You need to improve your stamina and speed." He looked over at the sensei sitting together under a tree watching, "Did I miss anything?"

Kakashi was practically oozing pride as he said, "No, I think you got everything."

Suddenly, the preteen looked down shyly at the ground for a moment before he cleared his throat and looked up, "Right, well, Sasuke and I agreed that we'll end the spars today and have lunch before heading home. Is that good for you guys?"

"Troublesome," Shikamaru sighed before smiling. "Yeah, that's fine with me."

"Us, too!" Ino grinned, gesturing to herself and Choji.

The rest of the genin nodded and even the sensei agreed. Soon, it was decided that they would eat at the BBQ place again since it was easier to get food for everyone there. They could even pick up food for Yuki, they knew that Kakashi wouldn't mind bringing it to him. After food and Naruto saying a quick "Shika v Cho tomorrow at 9," Kakashi found himself left behind at the BBQ joint with a box of takeout in his hands and an order to bring the food to Yukimoto.

"Kakashi," Yuki looked at the jounin in surprise when the silverette walked in his secluded area. "What are you doing here? Isn't it almost seven?"

"I brought food," The Hatake sat next to the black-haired man, ignoring the chains that looked innocent enough but bound his friend to the stone on the ground.

"Oh, you didn't have to," Yuki smiled, tilting his head.

"I know," Kakashi smiled back, his mask moving with the motion. If he was being honest, he was already planning on visiting Yuki to bring him food, he didn't need the kids ordering him to do it. Still, it was better than them thinking that he had a crush on the man or was trying to woo him by bringing him food. Maybe that was what he was doing. Maybe it wasn't. Truth be told, he wasn't even sure what he was doing anymore at this point.

The two men sat in companionable silence, both focused on their own food, but they couldn't ignore how they seemed to gravitate towards each other.

And they couldn't ignore how, when their hands brushed together, neither bothered to move away.

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