The Real Her (A Tre Melvin Love Story ) Chapter 1

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"And That's My Cue, Goodbye Loves And Goodnight ."

As YouTube Ends The Video His Beautiful Voice Is Still Echoing In My Mind. Only God Knows How Much I Love Tré Melvin And Only God Ever Will. Just One Of The Many Secrets I'm Forced To Hide Because Of This Life. -sighs- Sometime I dream of being able to fan girl over him like most can and tweet him some of the crazy things I think like my fans do, but alas it's not one of my abilities .

Just another part of the real Kendra I must hide behind my stage name "Kendi Sweet" . Jesus I hate that. Its so unoriginal and mainstream, not my taste at all but my taste doesn't pay the bills. If it did I wouldn't be quote on quote "madly in love " with that jackass Ray better known as Mindless Behavior's 'Ray Ray' . He smiles and totes Me around like a trophy on display in public but behind closed doors, I don't even wanna go there. I guess it's just apart of this actress life I gotta live for my passion. I only do it for my fans and my momma God rest her soul. She's my motivation to do this.

Like the universe heard my thoughts, I get a loud banging on my door along with


Back to my Dramatic Life On Camera as 'Sapphire Jones' in "Kisses Of Life: a teen soap opera". I take a brush to my golden streaked brown head, push up my bra (the girls need a lift too) , apply my extra strength lotion to my caramel toned skin, take a deep breath and paint on the oh so fake smile I've been wearing since Momma C passed away in April.

"This is for you" I whisper kissing the small heart locket of mommas' that resides around my neck. Walking to the door of my dressing room I glance back at my now black computer screen.

"Maybe I'll have a Tré Melvin one day" my thoughts speak as I walk out the door into my public life.

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