Chapter 8

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I awaken to a beautiful bright golden Ray of sunshine glowing on me. Already it's a great day and you know what makes it even better? I HAVE A DATE WITH TRÉ MELVIN! AH This is so unreal. I know I know, He was an ass but everyone makes mistakes right? He deserves another chance, hell he deserves all the chances he needs because he was indeed right. I do let rayan do whatever wants and he does mistreat me yet We're still together. I don't know if it's because I'm scared the label will dump me if I dump him or if I secretly need him. Why must I be so nutzo? Oh mama I wish you were here. You'd know exactly what to say to make the world right. I know God took you for a reason, and I'm glad you'll never suffer again but you were my life support. I feel like I'm drowning without you. -sighs- I know you're always with me in mind and spirit . Lord knows I would give my right arm for a bear hug though.That's something these people don't know about, some good country TLC and they never will. I can't show them either, too personal. Another life secret but whatever. I have a date with Tré Melviiiiiiiiinnnnnn. I must prepare.

I hop up and run out of my room and around the house like a little girl. The butterflies in my stomach are unbelievable like they keep multiplying and fluttering. I haven't had this feeling in a while and I don't wanna give it back. Happiness where ya been?

------------------------------------------ sorry it's been a while yall, I'm on vacay! promise to write more! Love !


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