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(To lazy to name the chappy)



Sasuke's POV

I sensed someone's chakra and I immediately activated my sharingan then dobe told me it wasn't some stranger. I looked at the guy who was standing behind us it was Neji(A/N He's back♡♡)

"So Uchiha's got some problem?" Neji said


"So what are you doing here?-ttebayo" Dobe asked Neji. I was also curious as well, why is he here?

"Well I was just looking for some flowers at the forest for tenten and I just sensed your chakra so I went here"


I was about to go when Naruto called me.


"Neji can help-ttebayo" Naruto suggested. I really didn't know why he said that.

"And why can you say he can help, dobe?" I said while pointing at the hyuūga protège. Then I heard him give a chuckle.

"You underestimate me? Heh, my proposal to Tenten was the best!" Neji said with pride. I looked at Naruto and he gave me a nod, I then looked at the hyuúga.



"I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry no one will know, I'll meet you at?" Neji looked at us.

"Ichiraku's Ramen!!" Naruto answered happily.

"Ok I'll meet you there and Naruto tell my regards to Hinata-sama" with that Neji left.

"So teme I was thinking if we could ask some help from Hinata-ttebayo?


Naruto started to scratch the back of his head thinking of an idea then he suddenly grinned.

"Well Hina-chan can lure Sakura-chan while we are doing the preparation and she can also be our Intel"

Hmm Dobe's got a point.

"Ok but how can we surprise Sakura?"

"Thats the part where Neji and Hinata come's in"

Dobe grinned.

Naruto's POV

I need to talk to Hinata about this. I went to the kitchen to see Hinata cooking lunch.

"Hinata-chan can we talk a bit... please...please" I told her like a kid wanting a candy.

"What is it Naruto-kun? Hinata looked at me confused. "Is this about Sasuke"

"He's proposing to Sakura-chan-ttebayo" I told while jumping. Hinata looked at me happily after all it was really Sakura-chan's dream that she always share.

" Thats great news Naruto-kun!"

" Hinata can you help us with this we need someone to lure her out while we're doing the preparations and some intel"

"Count me in Naruto-kun"

"Yosh well meet with Sasuke and Neji at Ichiraku's-ttebayo"


No ones POV

They were already at Ichiraku's and started their "meeting"

"So Sasuke what is Sakura's favorite place so we can have an idea where to held your proposal" Neji said looking at Sasuke for an answer.

"The last time when we were out on a date she told me she loves to go to places where there are a lot of Sakura." Sasuke stated not looking at Neji's direction

"I think you should propose on a cherry blossom field." Hinata suggested. Then Sasuke nod's in reply.

"Yosh place has been settled-ttebayo now how can we surprise Sakura-chan? Naruto questioned Sasuke and Neji.

"I have an idea how about the two of you have a date then after the date you release some fireworks then propose." Neji suggested then turned to see everybody's reaction. Sasuke still wore his emo face

"Hn it's not like me and knowing Sakura she likes date but she doesn't want the too extravagant." Sasuke said with a demeanor." Sasuke then thought an idea. "What about this, I'll bring her to the cherry blossom field where there is only the two of us then we chit-chat for a while then ill do something and I'll propose"
The others in nodded in agreement.

"I can help you for designing the place for your proposal, Sasuke-kun and I'll ask Sakura for some things needed. Hinata suggested then Sasuke was the first to response "Hn arigato gozaimasu Hinata" Sasuke said with embarrassment. Naruto noticed Sasuke blushing he wanted to laugh but seeing Sasuke so flustered about planning his proposal to Sakura made him smile. 'You really love her Sasuke' Naruto thought.

"Yosh lets make this proposal successful for Sasuke and Sakura-chan-ttebayo" Naruto said offering a fist bump

"Hai" Hinata fist bumped Naruto

"Hai" Neji was the next one.

"Ne, Sasuke?" Naruto said offering Sasuke a fist bump.

"Hn" Sasuke then gave Naruto a fist bump.

"Yosh gambate dattebayo!"

Sorry for the lame chap. I know that their OOC (out of character) but I can't help it.. Thanks for reading minna
Arigato Gozaimasu.

Naruto: Arigato minna!
Sasuke: Arigatou

Please stay tune for more chapters.

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