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No one's POV

As Naruto and Sasuke exited Ichiraku's they headed to the cherry blossom field to check. Naruto then talked to Sasuke

"Ne, Teme why did you suddenly thought of proposing to Sakura-Chan?" Naruto said grinning to his friend.


"C'mon Teme"

"Let's just hurry to the field."

"Ehh, Teme."

As they were heading to the cherry blossoms field they saw Ino coming from the field.

"Hi Ino!" Naruto greeted

"Oh hi, Naruto what are the two of you doing here?" Ino asked looking at Sasuke.

"Were heading at the Sakura field" Naruto said elbowing Sasuke.

"Huh? but the Sakura hasn't bloom yet. And why are you heading to the Sakura field?" Ino said giving a sly smile to the guys. That caught Sasuke's attention.
'What the' Sasuke thought

"Ino when do you think the Sakura's would bloom?" Sasuke really wasn't expecting for them not to bloom.

"Hmm, apparently this Saturday afternoon" putting her index finger to her chin.

"Why are you here anyway?" Sasuke asked as he watched Ino carefully.

"You're being talkative ne, Sasuke, I'm here cuz I applied some fertilizer at the Sakura" Ino then bid the boys goodbye.

Sasuke's POV

Dammit what if the cherry blossoms won't bloom in time for my proposal... Argg I hate this. We were already at the field and damn there wasn't any single pink tree. We went home directly after looking at the field.

"Dont lose hope-ttebayo" Naruto said patting my shoulder.

"Hn" I replied giving him a smirk.

Naruto's phone rang and he answered the phone. He was talking to Hinata. I looked at the sky and the thought of Sakura refusing my proposal went in. I was then dead on my tracks, then I was back to reality when Naruto shouted

"Teme, gotta go Hinata already called" Naruto said scratching the back of his neck grinning.

"Hn" I simply nodded. It was good to see that dobe had found a family. Hn lucky him. I called Sakura to invite her for dinner but no one answered maybe she is still in the hospital. I'll just get her.

I went to the counter then asked for Sakura. Then Sakura went out of the room carrying a bag.

"Sasuke-kun" Sakura then gave me a bear hug. I just poke her forehead. Then I walked her to her apartment and bid her goodbye.

I was walking back to my apartment when someone called me, Neji. I rejected the call and continued walking. Once I reached my apartment I thinked what can I do for Sakura. I went to my bed and let the darkness consume me.

Sakura's POV

"Somethings wrong with Sasuke-kun....
" I thought as I entered my apartment. He was acting strange this days. He's been very sweet to me. I know that it's nice but it just bugs me. I went to my room to change then my phone rang.


"Hello, tsunade-shishou"-sakura

"Sakura I need you to double shift tomorrow because we are understaff"

"Of course shishou"

I ended the call then went to my bed. I know he's up to something but I don't know. As I close my eyes I imagined Sasuke being there in my side until the darkness consumed me.

Sasuke's POV

I woke up earlier than usual and heard my phone ringing. I saw that it was Neji. I answered my phone.

"What is it?"
"The cherry blossoms didn't bloom eh"
"Yes and what's your plan"
"Call Sai"

Before he could continue I ended the call. I went up and looked at my window why would I call Sai? I wanted to call dobe but it's still early. Maybe I'll just go to Sakura and cook her breakfast. When I was at Sakura's door I saw that the lights at kitchen where open so knocked at the door several times. When Sakura opened the door I saw that her eyebags where darker. I wanted to ask her but she just hugged me instantly. I went inside the apartment.

"Cant sleep?" I asked her while making some tea

"Yup and guess what I have a double shift today" She complained.

I gave her tea and walked towards the sofa

"Hn don't overwork yourself it'll be ironic if the doctor was to be sick" I half smiled hoping to cheer her up. She smiled and went next to me. I covered ourselves with a blanket. As we sip out tea she suddenly asked which caught me offguard

"Sasuke-kun is there something wrong" she asked with a worried look

"Nothing's wrong Sakura" I looked at her and convinced her that everything was Ok. As I looked at the clock it was still 1:43 am. When I looked at her she was peacefully sleeping. I just can't stop mesmerizing at the pink head in my chest until I didn't realize that I was falling asleep.

Sorry for the late update.....
Thank you for reading the book guys and please tell if there was any grammatical errors.

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