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Sasuke's POV
I was about to live when Kizashi called me. I was surprised to see a serious looking Kizashi. I followed him to a room. Once we entered the room I was surprised to see it was Sakura's former room.

Hm it's neat even if it's unused for a long time. I thought as I saw Kizashi sitting in one of the chairs. He was looking at a picture where he was carrying Sakura at the back.

"She was an innocent child, she didn't know how world works, before." Kizashi said while holding the picture frame.

Who knew this funny guy can be serious at times. "What do you want to talk about?"  I asked him. He looked at me with a worried look. I thought they gave me their blessings? I thought as I looked at him.

"Sasuke as a father I am worried about Sakura, I may be goffy at times but I can't help but to worry about her." Kizashi stated.

"What is bothering you about Sakura?" I asked sternly.

"I'm sure you are taking care of Sakura, but you made her open up her eyes to the pain full world around us." Kizashi stated with a bit of annoyance.

"What is it you want say?" I said with a irritation.

"What I'm saying that I am bit worried you might kill the little innocence left in Sakura" Kizashi said with worry evident in  his voice.

"Are you saying you don't trust me?" I said accusingly. Why are people not trusting me I thought as I clenched my fist.

"No I'm not saying I don't trust you but I want you to 'promise' to me you're not leaving Sakura again" Kizashi said with determination.

"I..... I'll be leaving the village again soon.. but-" was cut off by Kizashi.

"See thats what im talking about you're leaving her again making her wait for decades for a person who isnt sure to return." Kizashi was mad and sad at the same time but he should also let me finish.

"Kizashi, Sakura wont wait again beacause im bringing her with me" I said in a matter of fact tone. Kizashi was stunned

I sighed and looked at him with sincere eyes. The look o his face changed from hard to soft. He took a deep breath and looked at me with eyes full of determination.

"Well then Sasuke, Im still not sure but I cant be reason why Sakura can't have the happiness she deserves even if its with you" Kizashi said stretching his hands. I looked at him with a blank expression. "So you're not approving me to marry Sakura is that what you're trying to say" I said to him with a blank expression although I was feeling disappointed. Kizashi looked at me with a amused look. What is this person thinking again I thought angrily looking at him. Now I now where Sakura got her annoyingness I sighed and looked at the man again. What the? I looked at him. He was now laughing uncontrollably last time I saw him he was serious and now he's laughing. He looked at me and stopped his laughter.

"Sigh, You should have seen your face, it was worth laughing" Kizashi snickered again. I looked at him in disbelief. "But you know I was serious at that time, I can't just stay serious for a long time" He looked at me with content eyes. "So are you serious about not wanting me for Sakura?" I looked at him curiously. He snorted and looked at me with determination with a hint of sadness or was that happiness? "Just promise us Sasuke that you won't hurt our blossom." He said smiling. I nodded my head and stood up. "I wont" I extended my hand for him to shake but instead of shaking it he caught me in a hug. I was surprised that I almost pushed him away remembering he was Sakura's father. "Make her happy" he whispered and let go of the hug.

"I'll be taking my leave thank you for giving your time" I said heading through the door I was about to open the door when he called me.
"Uhmm Sasuke you summon hawks right? He asked. I nodded my head. "Ahh a little advice grow your hair so it'll look like a hawk's wing rather than a duckbutt" he snickered at the last word. I went out of the house without further a due.

When I was outside it was already night time. I was about to call Sakura when I saw her message.

[I'll be taking a double shift tonight Sasuke-kun. Hope you're fine. I love you]

Hn you always think of me Sakura. I thought while heading to my apartment. I stopped by the Sakura trees. It already has buds but when will they bloom? I thought as looked at the trees.

When I arrived at my apartment I went to the kitchen to eat some leftovers. I was about to eat when someone called me. I looked at my phone to see who was calling I sighed in annoyance when I saw the caller ID.


I didn't want to answer but the phone was already annoying. I picked the phone and turned it off. No more nuisance I thought as I continued eating. After some hours I was already in my room reading some scrolls I collected from my journey when a loud knocking was heard from my door. Tsk its DOBE for sure. I thought irritatingly. I stood up from my chair and went to the door. When I opened the door. I saw a angry looking Naruto. "What do you want Usuratonkachi" I said with an irritated tone. He looked at me suspiciously then grinned. "Nice boxers theme, so fit. Is Sakura coming?" He asked with a malicious grin. "Baka, not only stupid but also a pervert" I said glaring at him. He looked at me liked I stabbed him. "Is that the way you to treat your future Hokage" he pointed an accusing finger at me. I stepped aside and called glared at him as he went inside. "You mean dobekage" I said as I went inside to sit at the couch. "So how was the talk? Did you get the blessing" he said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ah, yes I did" with a hint of gladness in my eyes. Naruto happily stood up and pat my back before going to the door. "Ne, Sasuke I'm happy for the you and Sakura-chan dattebayo" he said with sincerity in his voice. I looked at him and smiled. "Better go now Hinata-chan's waiting for me" he excitedly said with hearts in his eyes. I looked at him with a amusement. "Oi, dobe maybe she's sleeping so she can escape you're silliness in bed" I told him controlling myself not to laugh. "Hey it's not what it looks like teme" he angrily yelled at me "And by the way I'm not silly I'm a best" and with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke. I snickered and closed the door. I went to my room to rest for the night. I lay down on my bed and thought about my proposal. I'll arrange everything tomorrow, I'll never leave you again Sakura. Those were my last thoughts before drifting off my sleep.

I know all of you are full of my apologies and promises. But I'm only human (;´ຶДຶ ')
Ive been busy lately so im really really really sorry. So thank you everyone for having patience in my work. Arigato Gozaimasu ↖(^▽^)↗ And thanks a lot to my friends for motivating me (^v^).

Ja-ne (☆∀☆)

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