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No Ones POV

As Sasuke finished walking Sakura to the hospital he went directly to his apartment. Neji then appeared in front of him.

"What do you want Hyuūga?" Sasuke said in an emotionless tune.

"I am here to inform you that I can no longer help you with your proposal" Neji said looking stern. As Neji finished talking he noticed that Sasuke twitched...

"The hokage sent me to a mission" he said leaving

Sasuke's POV
Damn that hyuūga! Huh? Why am I complaining I'm an Uchiha I can handle this with or without the help of that hyuūga. I went to Naruto's place and was greeted by Hinata

"Ohayo Sasuke" Hinata greeted

"Hn ohayo Hinata is Naruto inside?" I asked.

"Naruto-kun is inside" Hinata then lead me to the kitchen. As I went inside I noticed some of their pictures. The one that caught my attention was the picture of their wedding. Hn you sure are lucky dobe I thought when someone hit my head.

"Oi teme why are looking at my hinata-Chan!!" Naruto yelled at me angrilly.

"Usuratonkachi! Why would I want your wife when I'm planning to propose at Sakura!!" I yelled at him at the same time hit his head.

"Oh yeah.." Naruto said like a grade schooler. Ahhh stupid as ever. After some meal that Hinata prepared I told Naruto about Neji.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Naruto said with a worried face.

"Stop depending on him. Last time he told me to call Sai" I said worrying about the cherry blossoms.

"Hmmm what could Neji planning?" Naruto said while scratching the back of his head

When I was about to leave an idea suddenly went inside my head.

"Dobe I have a plan"

Naruto's POV
"Ehhh how can you think of that idea teme!!" I told Sasuke as shocked as I can be.

"Stop being immature Naruto. I know it's not like me to do a plan like that but..... I can do anything after all." Sasuke said arrogantly. Damn his attitude. But to think about it, it really is a good plan to impress Sakura-Chan.

"So when are we going to Sai" I asked stretching my back

"Right now" Sasuke demanded

"Wait wha-" I was cut off by Sasuke who was dragging me out of my house.


We finally arrived at Yamanaka flower shop. As we entered the shop we were greeted by Sai.

"Oh Naruto, you visited, how can I help you?" Sai said with his fake smile. Ino then came out.

"The two of you again?" Ino looked at us with a sly smile. I just laughed nervously and elbowed Sasuke.

"Hmmm somethings odd are you two hiding something" Sai looked at us with a smile.

"Come to think of it you two have been hanging out for a while. Are the two of you hiding something?" Ino said.

Damn I'm already shaking. I looked at Sasuke, damn he still looked so cool. I acted like I was chillin but deep inside I was panicking. I was thinking a lot of things like what if Ino will know our plan. I was thinking like that when Ino suddenly squealed.



"What happened beautiful?" Sai said looking at his squealing wife.

"OMG Sasuke are you planning to propose to billboard?" Ino said covering her face.

"What made you think of it?" Teme asked turning his head to the other side blushing a little.

"Simple I read Naruto's mind" Ino said calmly.

"Eh?! H-h-how d-di-i-d you k-k-know?" I said stuttering

"Naruto I think Hinata went inside you" Ino said laughing

"What!!" I quickly looked inside my shorts. Ino then punched my head.

"Idiot!. So Uchiha are planning to propose to Sakura?" Ino said looking serious at teme.

"Theres no point in hiding it. Yes I am planning to make Sakura an Uchiha."

Sasuke's POV

As I explained to Ino my plan she promised to keep her mouth shut so Sakura won't know what will happen.

"So why did the two of you really come here?" Ino asked looking at the both of us.

"Its none of your business, I'm here to talk to Sai" I said in a demanding tone.

"Attitude Uchiha you're in my house. If you wanna talk to my husband, first you gotta respect me" Ino said with a smirk.

"Hn, well it looks like I don't have a choice, sigh....... Sai I have a favor to ask you, Can you..... Draw some pictures of me and Sakura..." I said while looking at my side to hide this dammit blush.

"Hm of course I'd be happy to help you with your proposal. How many pictures would you like?" Sai said smiling. I was thinking how many pictures would it take.

"As many as you can" I said with hesitation

"Ok when will you be needing it?" Sai questioned me.

Damn I almost forgot the cherry blossoms haven't bloom yet. I turned to face Ino. Then I elbowed Naruto indicating that I need him to ask Ino.

"Ne, Ino when will the Sakura trees bloom?" Naruto asked Ino.

"So you're going to propose at the Sakura field. Nice choice, it'll bloom this Saturday afternoon, I guess" Ino said thinking

"Wait you're not sure about that" I asked with a worried look. Damn when these trees bloom.

"I'm in 50/50 about it but I'm sure it'll bloom tomorrow." Ino said with determined voice.

"Well it's settled then. Sai we need the drawings tomorrow cause we still need to place them in their respective places. Dattebayo" Naruto said with a giddy voice.

"Ok Naruto, well I'll go now to start drawing" Sai said waving goodbye to us and kissed Ino's cheek.

"Yosh I'll be waiting outside Sasuke" Naruto went to the exit.

I was about to exit when Ino stopped me. I looked at her with a stern voice.

"Sasuke are you sure you want to propose to Sakura? Do you really love her? Are you sure you're not gonna break her heart again? Ino asked seriously with a hint of worry.

"I know that I've made so many bad things to Sakura in the past but I'm sure about proposing to Sakura and I've loved her ever since the war and I will never ever gonna break her heart again" I told Ino with a hint of blush in my face.

"Well it's settled I'm giving you my blessings, just tell me what can I do to help you? Ino said smiling.

Maybe she can arrange the house I had for Sakura.

"Ino I want you to arrange the house I've bought for Sakura" I said in a demanding voice while handing her the address.

"Still bossy huh? Sure I'll arrange it Uchiha-sama" Ino said sarcastically.

I went outside and Naruto gave me a thumbs up. I smiled in return and gave him a thumbs up. Hm maybe asking some help ain't that bad I thought. Then we went to Ichiraku's Ramen to eat lunch.

I'm sorry for not updating I got busy with school. So how was the story? Tell me what you think and please tell me if there are any grammatical errors. Thank you very much.

I'll try my best to update frequently.


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