Chapter Two

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"What do you mean that there's another quest?" Nico questioned his boyfriend, not liking it already. He may also want to find their friends, but he was severely worried about Percy's health. It wasn't like Percy was the healthiest person around right now- especially mentally.

"I mean, there is another quest. The gods told me." Percy replied, rummaging for food with his boyfriends. Jason, Nico, and Percy had been assigned the job of foraging while another group went hunting and a few people stayed at camp and prepared a fire. No one had gone far from camp since the attack, and it was no different for the hunting party.

"Are you sure you weren't imaging it? You haven't been sleeping well, Percy." Jason said in concern, making Percy grow angry. Jason didn't understand how the attack had affected Percy- Thalia was out hunting with the others, perfectly fine. None of Jason's friends or family were missing.

"I know what I saw." Percy growled, storming back to camp with the berries he had gathered in a weaved basket. Jason and Nico followed, worried and uncertain.

Hazel and Frank were waiting in the camp, starting a fire. They'd settled in quite comfortably here, making friends with the Greeks and helping in any way they could. Reyna had gone back to Rome a week ago- someone needed to run the country, and they didn't trust Octavian.

Percy took the food to the stream to rinse, and he heard the thundering sound of beating wings and hoofbeats that told him the hunting party had returned. Jason and Nico came up beside him to wash their baskets of food, and Percy turned to see the pegasi landing as the demigods, riding on horses, came into the clearing, dragging a stag behind them.

Ever since the attack, hunting parties had pegasi and their riders flying above to keep a look out for dangers while those on horseback hunted.

The riders climbed off the horses and pegasi, detaching the stag from the horses, and dragged it over to the fire. Chiron began helping the kids skin the stag while Hazel and Frank began cooking pieces of meat that had been skinned. Percy carried over his now-clean berries over to the eating place, hungry hunters already going to eat some of the berries. They'd been hunting all day with no breaks.

Percy grabbed himself some berries and went over to his sleeping area. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He knew he need to eat and get some rest, but how could he at a time like this?

Tyson walked over to their area, sitting down next to Percy. He looked tired after having hunted with the others. It was known that he was one of the best hunters, though he could kill something to save his life. He was good at tracking, though.

"Hey, Percy." Tyson said, smiling lazily to his brother. Percy felt something close to happiness with his brother by his side, but knowing the rest of his family and the other campers may still be in danger made these moments with his brother bittersweet.

"Hey, Tyson." Percy forced a smile, trying to hide how he felt. Tyson may be simple, but he could read people. Tyson seemed to analyze Percy before giving up and laying down on his pile of leaves. Tyson played with his leaves for a bit, and Percy just watched as his brother tried to get comfortable. But both knew that it was impossible, and Tyson soon gave up with a sigh, stilling his hands as he closed his eyes to try to sleep.

Percy hadn't slept near Tyson in a while- since before he was kidnapped, actually. He had been in Rome, and after the attack, he always slept with Nico and Jason in the middle of camp. He hadn't had the chance to spend quality time with Tyson, and he was appalled at himself for that. Here he was, the last family member Percy had, and Percy wasn't even spending time with him.

Shows what a good brother Percy is.

Percy realized now, just sitting near his brother, how he'd been pushing his loved ones away. He hasn't treated his friends, boyfriends, or brother right ever since the attack. He'd been too consumed in rage and grief to see it. All this time he's been lusting after revenge, he's been mistreated what he still has.

And he knew that if the gods hadn't intervened today, he'd still be in that same downward spiral, too consumed in his own dark emotions, not even realizing what he was doing.

Of course, it wasn't like they hadn't tried reaching him. They'd tried reaching him, but Percy refused to reach back. He hated himself for that- but how could he let them see him like this? Broken, useless, caged? Caged not by them, but by himself. By his own demons, who haunted his nightmares and his footsteps. Those who dwelt in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"Percy." Percy heard his name called, and turned to see Leo with a devilish smile on his face. Percy glanced at the sleeping Tyson before creeping away from him. Leo and Percy went a ways away before Leo started talking excitedly.

"Ok, so I know you been really sad lately and all, but I have the perfect thing to cheer you up!" Leo said, and at Percy's quizzical look, he pulled out a blue-handled mirror. Percy rolled his eyes, but it was beautifully crafted.

Where the handle met the mirror, waves crashed and curled around the mirror. It was crafted to look like bubbles were forming around the mirror part, and at the very top was a small trident. The trident was golden and looked exactly like Poseidon's. Around the trident was actual seashells. It looked like it must have taken a long time to construct.

"Leo, why are you giving me this?" Percy asked, narrowing his eyes at the curly-haired boy.

"A few days ago, I dreamed of this. I had no clue why, but I got the urge to forge it, so I did. Then, last night, I envisioned you holding it. I couldn't see the image in it, and I couldn't hear the words you were whispering to it, but I knew it was important that you had it. Also, the glass was shimmering gold, and your eyes turned gold, and gold dust was everywhere. It was freaky." Leo said, shivering.

"Well, thank you, Leo. It is beautiful." Percy said after a moment, unsure of what to do. Leo nodded and walked off, leaving Percy alone to his thoughts.

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