Chapter Eight

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"Percy, when was the last time you ate or slept?" Annabeth asked with a sigh, her condition no better as deep bags were under her eyes and her stomach could be heard from more than a foot away. Of course, these weren't actually her concerns. Yes, she cared for Percy, but right now she was worried about getting Piper back from maniacs. Sleeping and eating wasn't her main concern, as shown by her own haggard appearance.

"Tell Nico and Jason to stop worrying," Percy groaned, rubbing his temples as he tried to think. There was a downside to working tirelessly- you actually get tired. Percy's brain wasn't working as fast as it should due to exhaustion, but he couldn't get his mind to sleep even if he wanted to, which he didn't. His baby sister, Tris, was missing. His mother was missing. Paul was missing. Piper was missing. Countless others were missing. How could Percy possibly sleep?

"Just do it, okay? If you do, they'll stop worrying and be focused, and you might actually be useful in a fight and not have a fried brain. You can hardly think. Just sleep. They'll all be still alive when you wake up," Annabeth told him, guiding him towards the opening in her tent. He'd come to strategize, but strategy wasn't really his strong suit. He was wired for battle, not for planning the battle.

Percy signed in resignation, allowing her to lead him out. When he stood in the moonlight, alone, he stood there a moment. Then, he made his legs work. He traveled across the camp, standing in front of his boyfriends' tent. He quietly went in, knowing they probably weren't asleep.

Jason and Nico were laying in bed, holding each other close. Nico was tucked into Jason's chest, beautiful brown eyes shut as he breathed peacefully. Jason was rubbing circles in his back, singing a soft lullaby in Nico's ear.

Percy had never seen this side of the Roman. Jason had always been coarse- not mean, just rough. He'd never held Percy without wanting something. He'd never kissed Percy sweetly. Jason had always wanted to possess, not love. What Percy saw before him was love. Jason loved Nico. Jason obviously didn't have an overwhelming need to claim Nico. Not like he wanted to possess Percy.

Percy wished Jason treated him like how he treated Nico.

Jason's sky blue eyes met Percy's ocean green ones, smiling at Percy warily when he saw the boy. Percy fake smiled, pretending like he didn't feel like he was being stabbed. Percy crawled into bed on the other side of Nico, away from Jason. Percy wanted to minimize the touching between him and his blond boyfriend.

"How are you doing?" Jason murmured, and Percy swallowed hard.

"Fine. You?" Percy asked, not even faking his own concern. After all, Jason's best friend was imprisoned. That couldn't be easy on him. Percy hadn't stopped to think about it often, too focused on his own pain. Percy, now reflecting on this, realized it was a bit selfish of him.

Actually, reflecting on his recent behavior, Percy had been acting quite irrationally. He had barely spared his boyfriends the time of day on this trip, so it wasn't any wonder that Jason had become closer to Nico, and the two had reason to not believe Percy. He hadn't exactly been the best example of coping since the attack.

"I'm trying," Jason murmured, his arm extending a bit farther than Nico's nimble body so his fingers brushed Percy's hip.

"Jason..." Percy murmured, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Come back to us, Perseus. We miss you," Jason implored. Percy opened his eyes and mouth, struggling for words, but couldn't seem to think of anything to say. Jason smiled lightly, almost amused, before retracting his hand to go back to Nico's waist and closing his eyes to sleep.

It was a clear, silent message.

Percy had to mend the bridges. Jason wouldn't push it. It was all open to what Percy was comfortable with.

Jason was giving up control, giving up dominance. This was a clear choice he was giving Percy. Percy didn't force Jason to give him the choice. Jason was willingly doing it.

Percy smiled for the first time in what felt like forever and reached his own arm out, it landing on Jason's hand to intertwine their fingers on Nico.

In his sleep, Nico smiled. Nico's bigger boyfriends' feel asleep with smiles on their own faces.

They were happy.

Everything was okay for now.

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