Chapter Seven

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The sun was just rising, the group having swam all throughout the night, when the arrived at the edge of the Roman Empire.

Jason strode on the beach with renewed purpose, finally back in his element. This was his country, his home, and he confidence bolstered as he stepped on land that was his. He felt as if he could do anything- crush cities, topple buildings, destroy everything that stood in his way. Even win back Percy's affection...

Hazel and Frank also felt more comfortable on their home soil, but they were the only ones. The Greeks all seemed uneasy, looking around as if they would be ambushed at any moment. They might've, too, if everyone in the empire didn't fear for their lives around Jason. Jason inspired so much fear and admiration that he hardly needed guards.

The group followed closely behind Jason, who took the lead with a confident stride. "Where are we going?" Annabeth asked cautiously, walking towards a small village.

"We're going to an old friend's." Jason replied simply, not missing a step. The others continued following, sharing nervous glances. Hazel and Frank stuck close to him, make sure no one would hurt him. Villagers all glanced towards the group as they made their way through town, unsure of who they were or why they were here. This village wasn't even on the map, so small that it didn't even have a name.

On the outskirts of the village, a humble home- compared to the gorgeous villas Percy had seen in Rome, at least. A man came out- no, not a man. A satyr, like Grover! His bottom half was a goat, his top half being an average looking, scowling man.

"Jason! What do ya want?" The angry, short satyr shouted, glare on the mighty Jason. Percy almost cowered from the ferocity of it. "Maybe a hug, Hedge." Jason replied, chuckling, and the satyr rolled his eyes.

"You better get inside before someone recognizes you, you idiots." The satyr, Hedge, grumbles, going back into what could only be assumed to be his home. The group followed, looking for anyone who might be staring or watching them, but seeing no one. But Annabeth felt that knowing tingle...

"Jason, you shouldn't have come back. It isn't safe." Hedge says, scowling with a frown of disapproval. Jason furrowed his own eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean? This is my empire, Hedge." Jason said, his reminder cold and firm.

"Well, your augur seems to think otherwise. He took control of the army and imprisoned Reyna as soon as she'd returned. He spouted some crap about how Reyna must have betrayed you and killed your two guards and you and had returned to become the dictator of the country." Hedge said, sighing.

"What? He took Reyna prisoner? I'll kill Octavian when I see him!" Jason growled, his sword almost vibrating at his side, calling for him to unsheathed it and sheath it into Octavian's stomach. The little brat had gone too far, and Jason was eager to put him back in his place- maybe even six feet under, depending on Reyna's condition.

"Yeah, it's a mess in the capitol. Everyone is killing everyone. The dead litter the streets, and most chose to hide within their homes. Disease has increased the mounting population of the dead, and there's a new attempted uprising everyday. It's bad, Jason. It's been bad since you left." Hedge murmured, shaking his head sadly.

"What about Emperor Aelius?" Jason asked, worry leaking into his voice. The emperor might be cold, but he was the only father Jason has really ever known.

"I'm sorry, Jason, but he passed not long after you left. He was old, you know. Most don't live to see sixty, and he did. He lived a long life. He died peacefully in his sleep." Hedge said, his voice apologetic.

Jason sighed, his form slumping as he leaned against the wall of the home.

"I'm Gleeson Hedge, by the way. I was the main guard of Jason when he was younger. Taught every last one of them that guards him now, including these two, who have yet to say hello." Hedge said, pointing to Hazel and Frank.

"Hello, Master Hedge." Hazel greeted, smiling sweetly, laughter in her eyes.

"Master Hedge," Frank greeted respectfully. "How is the baby?"

"Still crying all night, if you can believe it. So anything you want me to do that'll get me out of this house, I'll do it." Hedge replied, chuckling.

"Want to help hunt down a group of Greeks who have been captured by Romans?" Leo asked, smirking. He highly doubted this Hedge guy would agree.

"Gods, yes. You'll need me anyway. Your token three Romans haven't been in the country since everything went to the Underworld, so you'll need me as your guide to not getting killed." Hedge chuckled, grinning.

"I could keep them safe." Jason grumbled angrily, bristling at anyone thinking for a moment that he couldn't defend his boyfriends. Percy wished he could truthfully deny the shiver that was sent down his spine at Jason's gruff, low tone. Nico was downright turned on by Jason's protective, macho behavior, and Nico wasn't afraid to admit it.

"Sure, kid. Let's get outta here before my wife kills me for leaving her here with the baby." Hedge said, herding them all out the door just as footsteps were heard, along with an upset baby.

Once they cleared the door, Hedge started running. The group matched his pace, the door barely having time to close by the time it slammed open again, a woman exiting the door.

"Gleeson Hedge! You get back here! You can't just leave me alone with a screaming baby! You're dead, Gleeson! Dead!" The woman screamed, a screaming baby in her arms, and that just seemed to make Gleeson run faster.

Of course, now they had some help in the unfamiliar country, but no real plan of action.

Things seemed to be going swimmingly for the rescue party.

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