Chapter Six

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It had been twenty minutes, and Annabeth was still crying. She was clinging to Percy, her head buried in his chest as she sobbed out her heartache. The girl was a mess, her face red and blotchy, her eyes puffy, and her voice sounding hoarse and scratchy. Her blonde curls appeared ratty, sticking to her damp, tear-stained face.

The others weren't sure how to handle the poor thing who was too broken inside to even stand on her own two feet. They'd all dried their eyes about ten, fifteen minutes ago, but Annabeth had just broken down once the mirror had stopped showing them Piper.

"We have to get moving." Leo whispered, unsure.

"We can't keep waiting around- we're sitting ducks." Clarisse growled, not liking the fact that they were out in the open.

"What do you want us to do? Sling her over my shoulder and carry her out of her? She's grieving." Frank said defensively.

"We could just have Percy call Blackjack and throw her on the pegasus." Thalia thought aloud.

"And she'll be pissed when she's back to her senses." Jason retorted, and the others nodded in agreement.

Finally, after more whisperings, Hazel sighed in frustration and walked over to where Percy still comforted Annabeth, kneeling down next to them. Hazel gripped Annabeth's shoulders, forcing her pale grey eyes to meet Hazel's golden eyes.

"Listen to me- I know you're worried sick and full a fear for Piper, but crying isn't going to get her back. You have to pull yourself together and keep going. You have to be calculating- you're a strategist. We need a plan, and you're our best bet. Planning and cunning will return her to us safely." Hazel said, her voice somehow stern but soft. It was like she was wrapping a comforting blanket around Annabeth, drying her tears and soothing her soul.

Annabeth nodded, actually drying her tears. She took a deep breath, evening out her heartbeat. Percy watched, worried the waterworks would start again, but they didn't. Annabeth stood up, dusting herself off, and Percy followed suit.

"We need to move fast. We know what direction we should be heading now, and moving on foot is too slow and is leaving us susceptible to monster attacks. Percy, we'll need some pegasi." Annabeth said, her voice still slightly scratchy and her eyes red-rimmed.

Percy nodded, thankful his best friend was back to normal. He shut his eyes, trying to focus enough to call out from a distance. Blackjack, I need you and twelve other pegasi to come and give us a lift, please. Percy called out, hoping he'd thought loud enough.

Soon enough, the pegasi arrived, led by Blackjack. It always astounded him how good a pegasus's sense of smell was. Hey, boss! You called for a ride? Blackjack whinnied, throwing back his head in greeting.

"Okay, guys, get on. We're riding northwest, Blackjack." Percy said, patting the black pegasus's muzzle. Got it, boss. Blackjack neighed, and Percy mounted the winged creature. As soon as Percy was seated properly, Blackjack took off, the other pegasi following suit.

Their wings beat furiously against the wind that seemed to be against them, the air gradually becoming colder. Percy noticed the winged horses struggles as their movements became jerky, and their wingbeats uneven, very unlike their usual, graceful flight patterns.

Blackjack, what's wrong? Percy asked his stallion with concern, patting his neck comfortingly. Suddenly, Blackjack dropped five feet in the air, and Percy clutched his black pegasus's main, praying to Poseidon that he wouldn't continue dropping.

"Percy!" Twin yells were emitted from Percy's fearful boyfriends. Of course, due to the fact that he was still (irrationally) angry with them, he didn't even look back at them or tell them he was okay. Quickly, Blackjack regained his altitude, but still struggled. Blackjack? Percy repeated worriedly, worrying that his four-legged friend was injured.

Sorry, boss, but it's so cold that ice has begun forming on our wings. We're gonna have to land. Blackjack replied regretfully, already beginning his descent as the rest of the horses did.

They were near a large body of water- what lay between Roma and Greece. They were at a beach, the usually burning sand cold due to the weather.

"Great. Now how are we going to get to Rome?" Clarisse asked, voice dripping with frustration.

"I've got an idea." Tyson said meekly, head lowered but his arm raised.

"What is it?" Percy asked curiously.

Then, Tyson began focusing really hard, closing his eyes. The waves began to grow, bigger and bigger, crashing on the beach violently, relentlessly. The others all looked around with fear, but the angry waves somehow calmed Percy. It could feel his own anger ebbing with the tide, content to watch waves beat against the shore, carving the sand into new patterns.

There! In the waves! Percy spotted something in the crest of the wave! It shimmered in what little sunlight there was, almost looking like a rainbow. It moved elegantly through the water, but Perseus couldn't quite tell what it was. He could hardly get a good look at it.

Soon, there were more. Percy began counting, having to recount a few times. There were twelve in all, all of a similar shape. Percy realized they were getting closer, and looked to Tyson. He looked ecstatic, staring out to whatever moved in the waves.

"We'll have to go out there. They can't swim any closer." Tyson said, grinning like he had just solved all their problems. The group was all shaking their heads no, looking at Tyson as if he was insane. Except Ella, who stood beside him, holding his hand, looking scared but trusting.

Percy began focusing, imaging the water lifting them up and into the air. The water from the sea began moving around them, and at his friends sound of protest, he knew it was working. Soon, he felt himself being lifted up. Percy continued focusing, even as they moved above the sea, towards the creatures that waited patiently.

"Hippocampi." Annabeth murmured in amazement, and Perseus struggled to recall those old stories.

"This one's mine, Percy." Tyson said excitedly, and Percy slid him on the one he pointed to. "Hey, Rainbow, how's my girl?" Tyson asked sweetly, and Percy slid Ella on the Hippocampus next to Tyson's. Soon, Percy put everyone on the half-horse, half-fish creatures.

Tyson led the group, the hippocampi surging through the water with a graceful ease that only creatures of the sea could truly achieve towards their destiny.

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