Chapter Four

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The thirteen set off by the early light of dawn. The rest of the camp waved them off, Chiron, Rachel, and Juniper standing together. Rachel looked envious, Juniper looked worried, and Chiron looked proud and concerned for the thirteen.

Percy hurried the group along, leading the way. The group wasn't sure where they were headed, and neither did Percy. The gods hadn't told him a direction- just that he'd travel the country. But this direction felt right to Percy.

"Where are we even going, Percy? Do you know a direction? Or are we just aimlessly wandering?" Jason asked, and there was annoyance in his voice. Jason and Nico were concerned about their boyfriend's sanity; he hadn't slept in days, and he wasn't taking care of himself. He wouldn't talk to them, either, and they were really worried.

Percy didn't answer. He just kept walking, and the others began to doubt Percy as well. Was Percy really losing it? Did he know where they were going? What was even their mission?

Percy could feel their anxiety, and he inwardly cursed his blonde boyfriend. If they'd kept their concerns to themselves, they wouldn't be worrying the whole team. Yes, Percy didn't have a direction, but that's beside the point! Percy was letting the gods lead him, and he got the feeling it was supposed to be that way.

"I know what I'm doing, Jason. This isn't my first quest," Percy growled, wishing he wasn't consumed with doubt, too.

"Percy, maybe we should talk before we just start wandering around," Nico said softly, coaxing. He didn't believe in Percy, either.

Percy stopped, his chest deflating. Was there anyone that thought he could do this? The son of the sea slowly turned around to his group, his friends, looking over their faces. Clarisse was annoyed, as per usual. Calypso just looked scared and tired. Leo looked unsure but determined. Jason and Nico looked concerned, staring at him. Thalia had her arms crossed, a scowl on her face, rebellion in her startlingly blue eyes- the same eyes of one of his boyfriends.

Hazel and Frank looked torn, Hazel loyal to her brother and Jason, Frank loyal to Jason, but both friends with Percy. They wanted to believe in him. Hazel sent Percy a soft smile of support, her choice suddenly made, it seemed. Frank looked to Hazel, then gave Percy a thumbs up. Ella looked scared, looking around at the surrounding woods as if something was about to attack at any minute.

But the last three gave Percy pause.

Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson. The three Percy had probably cared for the most before he'd been captured except his family. They were his best friends and his brother. They had been what he'd strived to return to- they were everything normal and steady in his life. He'd mistreated them, though, once he'd returned, too focused on his own issues, his own pain. He was ashamed to admit that to himself, but it was the bitter truth. He'd mistreated everyone when the people he cared for were kidnapped.

And the three looked like they would follow him to the ends of the earth still.

Tyson was smiling at Percy, his loyalty unwavering in his eyes. Annabeth was glaring at Jason and Nico, her eyes narrowed to gray, steely slits that showed her rage. Her arms were crossed across her chest, her hands balled into fists. Grover smiled to Percy too, giving a thumbs up to show his support as well.

They believed in him more than the two that professed to love him the most.

Percy's chest swelled as his heart fell. He'd given into Nico and Jason so quickly, that he'd never thought to reconsider their relationship or how they treated him after the quest. He'd just gone along with it, endured their patronizing attitudes, without complaint.

Now, at a highly inopportune time, he was beginning to have doubts of their so-called love.

But, his three best friends gave him power and confidence when his boyfriends sought to belittle him.

"I know what I'm doing, but if you don't believe so, you can go right back to camp and send the Stoll brothers. They're less annoying and won't constantly be telling me all that I'm doing wrong," Percy growled, feeling furious and hurt.

Jason got the look of jealous rage on his face- it was widely known that the Stolls were bisexual and had a crush on Percy- while Nico looked wounded. Percy wanted to comfort both suddenly, hating the looks he put on both their faces but held firm on his stance. Percy was working with what he had, and he was sick of their condescending behavior.

Percy was fine- worried about his kidnapped family and friends, bitter about not being there for them, and sick of his bad taste in men- but fine.

His boyfriends were loving, but suffocating.

"Percy, please..." Nico whimpered, and Percy couldn't fight the urge to pull him into his arms and hold him close. He rubbed his back comfortingly, breathing in the smell of Nico. Nico clung to Percy as if the world was spinning and the only thing still was his green-eyed boyfriend.

When Nico calmed down, Percy released him, and the group kept moving. Jason didn't complain this time, and everyone else seemed to just keep quiet.

They were headed through the woods now, and there was a natural rustling all around them from the creatures of the forest. Occasionally, they would spot a group of giggling nymphs with a bunch of animals, but then the animals and nymphs would spot them and run off.

"When are we getting a break?" Thalia asked, and Percy realized that his group was tired and thirsty. Percy shut his eyes, trying to sense a nearby water source. He'd realized a long time ago that he could sense any body of water near him, and it came in handy now. Percy led them to a stream, allowing for them to cool off a bit in the shade.

While they got a bit of water, Percy went off to scout ahead. Eventually, he went so far that he couldn't hear his group anymore.

Then, with a start, he realized he didn't hear anything. No scuttle of tiny feet, not the rustle of a bush, no call of a bird, not even a twig snapping. Percy's senses went on high alert; animals could sense danger, and the forest would only be this quiet if there was a bigger, more dangerous predator.

Then, the ground began to shake violently. Percy was knocked off his feet with the force, falling on his butt. He looked around frantically, not sure what was making this happen.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the slim, little trees began to fall in front of him, and there was a disgusting, giant foot in front of him. Percy slowly looked up the foot, to the leg, to a grotesque stomach, up, up, up, all the way to a disgusting, chubby, filthy face that only had one eye.

Percy held in a scream, frightened. The filthy cyclopes laughed a big-bellied, cruel laugh that had Percy trembling. Percy scrambled up, unsheathing his sword in the hopes of defending himself.

"Yum, tasty demigod!" The creature shouted gleefully, bending over and reaching out his hand to snatch up the son of the sea. Percy dove out of the bumbling hand's way, the chubby hand narrowly missing him.

"Hey, no fair!" The cyclopes bellowed childishly, and Percy realized that this one probably wasn't that much older than Tyson. This was Percy and Tyson's kin, but it was trying to eat Percy.

"Come here, puny demigod!" The cyclopes pouted, both hands now reaching out for Percy. Percy avoided the first hand, but the second hand caught him off guard.

The hand clenched around him, lifting him up, high into the air.

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