Chapter 10

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We were standing in the room where we had decided Defence Against the Dark Arts would be.

"Hey Harry, what is all this stuff?" Neville asked.

"Loads of Defense Against the Dark Arts equipment. Hopefully we'll be able to get to all of it before the end of the term." he replied. "You need to understand something before we start though. Defending yourself from the dark arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck."


A couple of months later

I was walking down the hall with Fred and George when a crowd of students started rushing past, which was unusual.

"Cho," I said as she walked past. "What's happening?"

"Something to do with Trelawney." she replied. I looked at the twins then we quickly ran to see what was happening, and we saw Umbridge standing in front of the divination teacher.

"You can't sack me." Trelawney said.

"I can do whatever I wish." Umbridge replied.

"This is my home."

Umbridge started grinning evilly.

"Not anymore." she said, as she pointed towards the gate. "Now remove yourself."

Then Mcgonagall came in and took hold of a crying Trelawney, trying to comfort her.

"She will not be leaving." a voice said, and I recognised it as Dumbledore's.

"I have the authority headmaster." Umbridge replied.

"Oh I agree with you Professor Umbridge. You do have the power to dismiss my teachers. However, you cannot send them from this castle. That is still my decision. Professor Trelawney will remain here."


A few days later

I was in the library with Harry, Ron and Hermione just sitting at one of the tables.

"So you're saying that the weapon after is in the department of mysteries?" Ron asked.

"It's got to be." Harry replied.

"That's got to be what Surgis Padmore was doing in the ministry when he was arrested." Hermione said.

"Probably." I said.

"Mr Weasley was probably there when he attacked too. That must be what the order's guarding." Harry said.

"But why the department of mysteries?" Ron asked.

"It makes perfect sense Ron. It's got to be something the ministry's developing. Something top secret." I said, and Harry nodded in agreement.


A few weeks later

I woke up to repetitive knocking on my door, wearing my black sweatpants and dark blue sports bra with my hair in a messy bun. I put on my thick grey socks and went to open the door.

When I opened it I saw the twins and Ron.

"Jesus bloody Christ guys." I said, running back into my room and throwing on my Gryffindor quiddich sweater before going back to the door. When I looked at them they all were just staring at me, and Ron had his mouth open.

"Um...helloooo." I said, waving my hands in front of their faces.

"El? What's happened?" I heard Hermione say from behind me.

"Oh, right well I opened the door without this jumper on and now they're all shell shocked." I said with a smirk.

"Well my dear it seems like you've gotten young Ron here hypnotized." she whispered with a smirk.

Then I wacked the twins on the back of the head and hit Ron on the arm.

"Guys. Come on." I said and they all looked at me.

"Sorry El." they said in a chorus and I heard Hermione laugh before she walked away.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"We were wondering-" Ron started to say before he was interrupted.

"Well, I wish I got to see that." I heard a voice say, who I instantly recognised as Malfoy.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I said, glaring straight at him.

"You, me, Hogsmede, date." he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think so Malfoy." Ron said.

"Why's that then Weasley?" Malfoy said, staring him down.


"Because she's spending the day with us at Hogsmede." Fred said, looking down at Malfoy.

"Why would she spend the day with you losers?" he said, before walking away.

"So, I'm spending the day with you weirdos am I?" I said with a smirk.

"Well...only if you want." Ron said, blushing.

"Of course I will Ronnie." I said, ruffling his hair, and he blushed even harder.

"Meet you downstairs in half an hour?" Fred asked.

"Of course." I said, then I closed my door and went into my room to get showered and dressed.

Ron's POV

"So...Ronnie." Fred said, smirking at me.

"Shut up." I said, pushing him to the side.

"You like herrrr." George said in a sing song voice.

"No...he loves herrr." Fred said in the same tone of voice.

"Guyssss. I don't!" I said.

"Whatever." they replied in sync as we walked to wait for Ellie.

Ellie's POV

I quickly showered before going into my closet to choose an outfit. I decided on my red skinny jeans with a white turtleneck crop top and a black cardigan. I also threw on my white high-top converse and brushed out my hair and straightened it. I then put on my pentagram necklace, pentagram ring and my lightning bolt earrings that Harry got me before throwing on a black beanie and going into my bathroom and putting on some eyeliner and mascara before putting on some nude lipgloss, putting in my silver nose ring and grabbing my black backpack before going downstairs.

Love you awesome nerds & unicorns xox

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