Chapter 22

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The next morning I was sitting in the kitchen when Harry, Hermione and Ron came in and Harry was carrying something that looked like a piece of paper. Harry and Hermione sat opposite me whilst Ron came and sat by my side, kissing my forehead as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"So R.A.B was Sirius' brother?" Ron asked.

"Yes. Question is, did he actually destroy the real horcrux?" Hermione said.

"Stop! I order you!" Harry said, standing and walking away and Ron, Hermione and I looked at each other confused.

He soon came back with Kreacher, the house elf, hanging by his ear.

"Kreacher." Ron said.

"Been spying on us have you?" Harry questioned in an annoyed tone.

"Kreacher has been...watching." Kreacher said. "Kreacher always watches."

"Maybe he knows." I said, because I knew exactly what they were talking about.

"Ever seen this before?" Harry asked him, holding the necklace in front of the elves face, and Kreacher let out an incoherent grunt in reply. "Kreacher, I own this place. Sirius left it to me. Which means I own you too."

"That was Master Regulus' locket." Kreacher said.

"That's right. But there were two weren't there?" Harry asked, and Kreacher nodded in response. "Where's the other one?"

"Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is." Kreacher replied.

"But was it here? Did you ever see it?" I asked.

Kreacher suddenly turned around and looked at me, his face one of anger and disgust.

"Filthy Mudblood." he said to me. "The death eaters will soon be coming for you!"

I saw Ron picking up a saucepan and going to hit Kreacher, but I grabbed his arms and held him back.

"Blood-traitor Weasley-" Kreacher said, obviously trying to get under Ron's skin.

"Ron, calm down. It's fine." I whispered in his ear, wrapping my arms around his waist. He hooked his arms around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head before leaning his head on mine.

"Answer her." Harry said.

"Yes. It was here, in this house." Kreacher said reluctantly. "A most evil object..."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Before he died, Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to destroy it. It was the last thing he asked of Kreacher. But no matter how Kreacher tried, he could not."

"Where is it now? Did someone take it Kreacher?"

"He came in the night. He took many things including the locket."

"Who Kreacher? Who was it?"

"Mundungus. Mundungus Fletcher."

We all glanced around at each other, before Harry looked back at Kreacher.

"Find him." Harry said, and with a pop the house elf had disappeared.


Later on that night we were sitting around the table when we heard a noise. We turned to see two elves and a man. I recognised them immediately, one elf of course being Kreacher, the other being Dobby and the man being Mundungus Fletcher. Mundungus suddenly rolled up from the floor, his wand held up at us.

"Expelliarmus." I said as I pointed my wand at him, causing him to lose his and it land straight in my hand.

"As requested, Kreacher has returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher." Kreacher said proudly.

"Dobby has also returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher." Dobby said in a timid sort of voice.

"What are you playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding house elves on me?" Mundungus said.

"Dobby was only trying to help. Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious. And then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name, which Dobby thought was very curious. And then Dobby saw the Kreacher was talking to the thief Mundungus Fletcher, which Dobby thought was very, very-" Dobby said.

"I'm no thief you foul little git." Mundungus interrupted. "I'm a purveyer of rare and wondrous objects-"

"You're a thief Mundungus." Ron and I said in sync.

"Master Weasley! So good to see you again." Dobby said to Ron, then looked at me. "Oh, Dobby doesn't mean to be impolite. Who is the Mistress?"

"I'm Ellie." I said, shaking his little hand.

"Dobby is pleased to meet Mistress Ellie." Dobby said, looking up at me and I smiled back.

"Listen, I panicked that night all right? I never volunteered to die for you mate. Can't help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom." Mundungus said.

"Stop lying!" I said, moving towards him. I suddenly felt a set of hands on my shoulders pulling me back slightly and I landed on a chest.

"Piece of advice. Let's not rehash old times. Got it...mate?" Ron said, and I knew he was the person behind me so I relaxed a little more.

"When you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket, am I right?" Harry said.

"Why? Was it valuable?" Mundungus asked.

"You've still got it haven't you?" Hermione asked.

"No. He's worried that he should've gotten more money for it." Hermione said.

"Wouldn't be difficult would it?" Mundungus said. "Bleedin' give it away didn't I? There I was, pitchin me wares in Diagon Alley when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see my license. She said she's in a mind to lock me up, and would've too if she hadn't taken a fancy to that necklace."

"Who was she? This witch?" Harry asked.

"Well she's right there ain't she? Bleedin' bow and all." he said. Pointing at a newspaper we looked and saw the face of none other than Dolores Umbridge.


We had the two witches and two wizards in front of us, and Hermione and I had brewed up some Polyjuice Potion and had put it into four cups.

"Right so let's do it. Who gets who?" Ron asked.

"Well unless one of you fancies wearing a skirt..." I said with a smirk and Hermione let out a small giggle before we plucked the hair from the two witches and put them into our cups.

"Remember what we said. Keep your eyes down. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Act as normal as possible." Hermione said.

"Just do what everyone else is doing." I continued. "We do that and, with a bit of luck, we get ourselves inside. And then-"

"It gets really tricky." Harry interrupted.

"Correct." Hermione and I said together.

"This is completely mental." Harry said, eying the four in front of us.

"Completely, utterly without question." Hermione said.

"The worlds mental. Come on, drink up." Ron said.

"We've got a horcrux to find." I said, and we all chugged down the drinks.

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