Chapter one: The Party

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"You'll be late for the party!" My younger sister groaned as she pulled me from my bed, where I was happily watching an episode of Teen Wolf and drooling over Dylan O'Brien. I make her let go of my hand and roll my eyes.

"I don't even want to go! I don't do parties." Eager to get back to Teen Wolf I plop myself back onto my bed, much to my sisters disgust.

"Ugh, I give up. I put together an outfit for you anyway." She rolls her eyes and walked out of my room. I groan and slowly drag myself off my one true love, my bed. Sitting on my dresser is a short, cream chiffon dress with a pair of sandals and hair accessories.

"Thank you Chris! I love you!" I call to my sister and just hear a mutter for a reply. I change out of my comfortable clothes and slip on the chiffon dress, it suits me and doesn't show the lump of fat on my stomach that I've always felt self-conscious of. I slip on the matching sandals and somehow brush out the dreadlocks that have formed in my hair since the last time I brushed it. Whilst I scroll through my instagram feed I yell to my sister.

"Chris! Will you please braid my hair?" I plead and for once, she comes. She smirks at my current state of procrastination and starts to braid my hair down the side.

"Who's the best sister in world?" She asks in a sing-song voice. I roll my eyes and decide to put on a light layer of makeup. After all, it is Alec Walsh's party, the most popular yet biggest player in the school.

I grab my car keys and walk outside to where my blue Jeep Wrangler is parked. So what if I bought the same Jeep that Stiles has in Teen Wolf? It shows my dedication to Dylan O'Brien and why I should marry him. I shove the car keys into the car and the engine hums, with my hands on the steering wheel I reverse out of the garage and start driving to the party with the view of our small colonial house in the review mirror.


Even 5 minutes before I arrive, I can already hear the music pounding through the woods leading up to Alec's house. I park my Jeep in between a small mazda and a BMW. The little path leading up to the huge Victorian home is packed with teenagers, drinking and dancing. I feel queasy as I see a couple begin to makeout, I'm not one for huge public affection nor have ever had a boyfriend. Alec stands at the door greeting people, when he gets to me he looks up and down with appreciation.

"Ahh Sage, You look stunning. I'm surprised you came, here" He hands me a small piece of paper and when I'm inside I read it, I can't help but roll my eyes. Alec is such a boy, his number is written on the paper along with the time that the bonfire will start. I put the piece of paper in the bin and search the crowd of people, scanning for my best friend.

A warm hand slides over my shoulder in a half hug and I instantly think its a drunk boy, I somehow flip him over my shoulder in a attempt of a judo-flip, only to be met by a groan and a familiar face.

"Jesus Sage! How did you do that?" My best friend, Sam ruffles his hair and gets up. "There's too many girls here, I can only deal with a few!" He whines, its not his fault he was born with good looks. I give him a sympathetic look and grin.

"Do you want to get a drink?" I slip my hand into his jokingly and we saunter off towards the drink table. I pour two cups of a red liquid and hand one to Sam. As we drink I see a teenager walk towards us, his eyes roaming all over me.
"Hey sugar, it's nice to see such a beautiful lady here." He speaks in what I think is an attempted flirtatious tone.
I instinctively stand back next to Sam, "Excuse me?" I blush and frown.
Another boy comes up, his dark hair complimenting his skin tone and eyes. "Oh my lord I am so sorry! Alex just thinks he can flirt with any girl he lies eyes on. We're sorry for bothering you." He walks off hurriedly, probably to go find his friend and lecture him.
For some reason, I decide to call out. "Wait!" He spins around questionably "It's okay. My names Sage, and this is my friend, Sam." I offer a smile and a warmth fills me at the sight of his grin.
"My name is Jacob." He turns around and leaves.

Authors note.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading if you've actually read this, for the next chapters and rest of the story one of my really good friends, his name is yet to be revealed. I hope you enjoy our chapters and perhaps it will be easier to write novels with two people. Thanks for reading and I'll see you when I post next. Don't be a silent reader and please vote and comment!

- Mickey 🤘🏻

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