Chapter 2: Trouble

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~ Jacob's P.O.V ~

"Wake up Jacob!" My mother screams as my alarm goes off.
"Ugh, why does the party have to be today?" I complain as I put my suit on.
"Jacob, you should be grateful you even got invited, remember there will be girls!" My mother winks at me.
"Eww, Mom be quiet!" I groan as I slam my door on my mom. I continue getting ready for the party knowing that I'm going to look ugly as fudge.


"Mum I'm going now!" I leave the house and hop in my Mazda 5. I arrive at the party hearing the loud stupid music and the other people singing and screaming. I park next to a blue jeep wrangler, it looks very extrodiary but it seems it has been through alot.

As I enter the door I see Alex my best friend standing at the counter to the left and it looks like he is having a 'great' time. "Hey Alex!" I scream out to him because of the stupid loud music.

He glances at me and nods his head obviously making me come to him. "Seems like someone is having a great time" I say sarcastically as I walk to him. "Hey Dude, do you see that chick drinking the drinks?" Alex smirks,

"Alex, nearly every girl here is drinking, you're so stupid!" I look around trying to spot 'the one'. Alex starts walking off to who knows where. "Alex, where the hell are you going!" I continue following him until he stops at two people, one female the other male.

Alex walks right up to the girl and tries to wink "Hey there sugar, its nice to see such a beautiful lady here."
"Excuse me?" She asks as she tries to walk back. "Oh my lord, I am so so sorry my friend Alex is just so ignorent sorry for bothering you" I start to walk off until she calls
"Wait!" I come back not knowing why. "Its alright, and its Sage, and this is Sam" She smiles,
"Nice to meet you, my name is Jacob, and you obviosly know Alex". I reply with a grin.

We smile at each other before I melt into the crowd.


~ Sage's P.O.V ~

"Sam? Sam!" I call out frantically to the crowd, on my first party I've lost my best friend, who might I say is extremely drunk. I spot that boy Alex walking towards me and hurriedly turn the other way, only to crash into a chest. I look up into warm coffee eyes, it's Jacob. He peels me off his chest and looks down at me,

"What's happening Sage?" He asks curiously.

I shrug, "My friend's extremely drunk and has ditched me, its pretty fun." I fake smile and he chuckles.

"I'll give you a ride home then, come on." I pause hesitantly, why should I trust him? I've just met him. I decide against it and follow him out into the forest surrounding the house.

I suddenly remember my car is here and my mouth opens to tell Jacob but something rustles in the bushes, I shrug it off before I see a pair of glowing red eyes glaring at me. "J-Jacob...." I shake as I point at the bushes. The red eyes disappeared, maybe someone spiked the drink I had...

Before I can reply to Jacob's questioning look from me stuttering his name several dark shapes surround us. Their heads all lift up and red eyes bore into Jacob. He walks backwards and stands in front of me in a slightly protective stance. Their hair simultaneously lights on fire, showing their faces.

One of the strange females walks forwards a little bit and smiles flirtily at Jacob, "Hey handsome, why do you need this girl when you have me?" She grins and pushes out her chest in an attempt of flirting. Jacob pulls a face,
"Sorry, you're not my type" The monstrous girls all snarl and bare long fangs, their faces suddenly turning from beautiful to sunken and pale.

"We aren't your type? Bah, we are the Empousai! We are everyones type!" The girl snarled with all her friends. "Girls, I'll get the girl, you get the boy! They absolutely reek of demigod!"My head spins, who are these people? Demigods? Maybe I am really drunk. With the world spinning I'm vaguely aware of the leader sprinting towards me with her clawed hands outstretched. I step to the side, the world all coming back into focus as a fight starts. The leader runs again, this time with a determined look on her face. She bares her fangs and I kick her in the shin, where a hollow noise echoes, like the hammer hitting metal. She growls and grabs my arm. I shriek as blood starts to flow from cuts on my arm from her claws. She stands behind me with her fangs inches from my neck. Helpless, I watch Jacob somehow fights the other empousai, his movement and defence, its almost as if he's done combat training his whole life.  A empousai charges at him and he kicks it to the floor, while it struggles to get up another sneaks behind him. Before I can scream a warning to him it traps his arms behind him and pushes him to his knees. They all titter excitedly and murmur something about 'Graecus scum and a nice meal'.

The Empousai holding Jacob and I drag us further into the woods and away from civilization. With a twinge of panic I realise we're probably being led to our deaths. A pathetic plan forms in my head and when the Empousai shove us near each other I whisper it in his ear. He looks a little unsure but still nods. As the Empousai drag us again I stumble and fall to my knees. I wail and Jacob pretends to act concerned.

"Please, let me help her! She has a er- terrible disorder that sometimes puts her in pain!" He cries and with an annoyed look on her face the Empousai holding Jacob lets him go. He rushes over to me and as soon as he does I get up with a thick branch in my hand and whack the empousai leader hovering over me across the face. She falls to the floor and before the others can process what happened we sprint off into the direction we came from. A noise similar to a sonic boom echoes through the forest and a grey, mist cloud appeared above our heads. In it was a lit torch, smoking slightly. Jacob frowned,

"I think it wants us to follow it?" We uncertainly take a step towards it, fully aware of the empousai probably following us. It shifts backwards and we move so we sprint and follow it, rushing through the forest until we could see a dull light in the distance. As we got closer the torch covered in mist disappeared with a pop and left us staring at a sign lit up with torches. It read 'Camp Half-Blood'.

Its only now that I realise the stinging pain on my neck. I feel around it and two holes are there, I bring back my fingers and they are covered in blood, I must've gotten bit by one of the Empousai but with my adrenaline I must've noticed it. The world sways and everything goes black.

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