♥ Shine Bright Like a Diamond ♥

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"It was such a hot Sunday and my friends and I were at the beach chilling out a bit after the tour. Josh uncle wanted to eat and ice cream so he sent me to the ice cream seller to buy ice creams for everyone. I'd put on my big red headphones and with my Iphone in my hand and strolled my way to the ice cream vendor. I was busy scrolling through my songs list that I didn't notice a girl running in my direction with two ice creams in both her hands. Bam! She bumped into me and I fell flat to the ground along with her ice creams smashed on my face. "What the fuck?" I yelled as I put my headphones around my neck.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was running to; I'm so sorry!" a girl blurted out. When I raised my chin, I saw that it was a girl in red shorts and her hair tied in a messy bun. She was different from the other girls. No makeup on, a bit curvy and just perfect. "Hmm...It's alright, don't worry!" I said trying to convince her not to worry yet she looked stunning with the wrinkles of worry that marked her forehead.

"No! I'm so clumsy, I never watch where I'm going!" She said and took out a piece of tissue from her pocket and handed it over to me. "It's alright love, chill!" I told her trying to cheer her up. "Are you sure? Still mum's gonna kill me!" she mumbled under her breath.

If you really want to compensate for your disaster then you should have an ice cream with me!" I flirted with her.

"Really? But I don't know you!" She said and crossed her arms and smiled, probably understanding my motive

Wow, that attitude though; I knew at first sight that I had to make her mine. This girl was probably a gift from god! "Come on, I don't bite! Besides, I'm not likely to kidnap you or anything!" I said hoping she'd agree. "Ok, you seem to be trustworthy enough..." She teased and led the way to the ice cream seller.

"I'm George by the way." I said and extended my arm forward for a handshake. "What George? Like George Bond?" she said and laughed her head off. This girl was definitely a psycho but yet damn cute. I scratched the back of my head and extended my hand forward again, "George Shelley..." I trailed off.

"I know, my little sister is a great fan of your group, Union J. I'm (Y/F/N) by the way" She said and responded to the handshake.

"Beautiful name for-- " "...a beautiful lady... same old clichéd dialogue" she interrupted.

"Holy shit, you're even faster than Google!" I said and she laughed at my joke which usually everyone found lame before.

We were having a little chit chat when her phone rang. It was time for her to go back home, "Hmm...(Y/N), could I have your number?" I asked nervously wondering how she would react.

"If you want my phone number, then you should add me on Facebook first! Bye!" She said and screamed from distance.

"What's your Facebook name?" I asked again but she was already gone.

That night, I logged on to my Facebook, I immediately typed her name in the Facebook search toolbar and I had a list of like hundred of (Y/F/N) on Facebook. I scrolled desperately through the list until I noticed her profile picture which was her with a teddy bear. Damn that girl was driving me crazy! We talked for months and then we started to Skype till I finally got her number.

Days and days passed by and I was falling deeply in love with her. I asked her to be my girlfriend on her 20th birthday and then introduced to your uncles and the whole family. I proposed to her three years later at the very same beach. We got married and found out that you were coming three weeks later but then maybe God needed your mum back, so she went away." George narrated to his six year old daughter. "And yeah, that's the story of your mum and I..."

"But why did God take her away, Daddy?" his daughter Sydney asked.

"She's not away from you! She's always with you! She just left to keep and eye on us! Look, she's right above you right now!" George said as he pointed to the sky.

Sydney stared at the dark sky and saw that one star that was shining brighter that the others right above her head. "Is that mommy?" she asked and looked down at George.

"Yeah it's mommy..." George trailed off looking at the star as well. "Now go to sleep sweetheart, you have school tomorrow." He said and gave his daughter a peck on the forehead and Sydney climbed out of his lap to her bedroom.

George got up from the balcony and entered his bedroom. He sat at the side of his bed and picked up a photo frame with a picture of you kissing his cheek while he had popcorn in his mouth.

"I love you (Y/N) Shelley, I always will. Goodnight beautiful, I'm going to sleep for now, see you in the dreams..." George said as he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

P.S I'm really sorry guys but basically you kind of die in this imagine. That's the scenario, I'm sorry though. Hope you liked it! X

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