George Imagine 3 ♥

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“You have to quit that job, damn it! Just quit it!” George yelled to you. You were a successful choreographer and since you were choreographing Austin Mahone’s new single. George’s been to the rehearsals and he thinks you are being to flirty with Austin. That why both of you started a fight about George being possessive towards you and telling you to quit that job. “I’m not going to quit it at any cost!” You yelled back. “Ok then, tell me what‘s the last time we slept together; what’s the last time we went out as husband and wife, what’s the last time we had dinner together? Come on! Tell me!” You threw you bag on the floor, “Ok, you wanna sleep with me, fine!” You opened the first three buttons of you shirt and moved towards George. “Come on! Take me, I’m all yours!” “(Y/N), don’t be an asshole!” “Oh I’m the one being an asshole! Come on! Why don’t you do it? I’m your wife huh, you’re scared?” You said coldly. Suddenly George pushed you backwards till your back hit the wall with great force. Despite your back ached as you hit the wall, you didn’t realise that as George was only inches from you. His light breath caressed your cheek. You took a deep breath and you saw George glance at your lips while he bit his.  You tried to get away, but George caught hold of both of your wrists and pinned them to the wall. “Let me go!” George didn’t utter a word but instead looked straight at you causing his sight to pierce your soul. All of a sudden, George abruptly attacked your neck and started kissing it wildly. You tried to pull apart but George didn’t let you. After giving you some love bites, George moved slowly to your ear and then your mouth. He eased a bit and did it more calmly. When he reached your lips, he could feel you smile through the kiss. He begged for an entrance but you teased and didn’t let him in. George released your wrists and moved his large hands on your hips while you ran yours through his brown messy hair. Then, George pulled back and said, “I think this isn’t happening...” “Let’s go up!” You said. Both of them rushed to your bedroom and closed the door behind you. George threw you on the bed and started making out. He slowly pulled off you shirt and threw it on the floor. You helped him remove his as well and threw in on the floor too. Everything was going on smoothly and his hand had reached your bra ready to undo it  when your phone rang. George was on top of you so he didn’t let you get it. “Please let me get it...” “No I won’t!” He said continued kissing you neck. “Please...” You pleaded again. “Yeah, fine!” George sighed throwing himself at the other side of the bed. You sat on the bed and answered your phone. “Ok, yeah, I’m coming, bye.” George heard you say. He knew you had to go and he had already pulled a face. “Hey! I’m sorry I-““-gotta go; yeah, just go” George continued your sentence. “Hey come on!” You sat on his lap. “I really have to go! It’s very urgent! I promise I’ll come back early!” You reassured him. “You promise?” George pulled a puppy face. “I promise!” You replied before giving him a small peck on the lips and dressed yourself properly to go at the rehearsals...

George Shelley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now