2 boyfriends?

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Louis's P.O.V.

Hey babe I miss you how you doing? ;) - Zay xoxo

Um I'm ok no homework thank god I miss you more. How's your jaw? :) - Lou xox

Awww babe. my jaws fine I don't know why I can't come back. I can't really stay away from you for to long. - Zay

Don't worry you'll have me back in your arms in no time. ;) - Lou

Yeah. Hey babe can I ask you something? - Zay

"Uhhh Niall stop babe. Uh I can't t-type. "

"Who you texting?" He smirks kissing my neck hitting my soft spot.

"Just my brothers I got to tell them I uhhh got a r-ride h-home."

"Fine. I'm going to get us some food k baby cakes. "

"Fine. Thanks babe. " and he kisses me quickly an heads for the kitchen. I know I'm horrible. I'm texting my boyfriend while my other boyfriend is kissing down my neck. Uhhhh

Sure what's up babe? - Lou

Well see Liam told me something and I just want to ask if its true or not. So did you kiss Niall Horan. The blonde one who you bumped into on your first day? I won't be mad just ....please don't lie to me. - Zay

"Shit how did he find out. Oh right Liam. Wait Liam ! How did he find out no one knows well except Niall but he w- Niall."

Um yeah about that. It's true but it's cause he threatened me if I didn't kiss him back. Since he knows Liam likes me. He wanted to give him payback for some debt he didn't pay. I'm sorry now my lips doesn't taste of your anymore. :( - Lou

"Ooh well I can fix that *wink* ;) come on over - Zay

The same house last time? - Lou

No actually that was Liam's house I was just there and he was leaving so I thought it would be much easier if you just went there. My address is 2349 Zelzah st.

Um ok be there as soon as I can cant wait to see you babe love you and miss you. Your always your Loubear - Lou ;) xoxox

K can't wait to see you either love you more baby. - Zay yours truly xoxox

I love our texting. Even more sexting but well get to that eventually. Anyways what do I do with Niall. Maybe he'll just go and talk with Liam or something like that. I should ask him.

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you, I would have done whatever

And I just can't believe we're here together

And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you

I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring

"I thought I was your baby already. Niall Horan are you cheating on me?!" I fake cry. I loving messing with him.

"Awww Lou bear don't cry baby I wouldn't never cheat on you. Just a song love. Swear. " I sniffle and 'wipe my tears'

"Ooh ok good cause I can't handle heart break. " I laugh. And scoff why did I come in here again? Oh right food!!!

"Babe you make something for daddy?"

"Yeah here's a sandwich and chips and carrots your favorite. "

"Ooh Niall I love you!!!! " I squeal man knows me and my carrots.

"Hahah I love you more. " an pulls me I'm for a nice kiss. No tongue just small and nice. He pulls away and we start digging in. After we're done we start watching just like heaven.

"Your dead!!!"

"Stop saying that. I'm not dead. "

"You're walking through a table. Your so not dead. " I snort.

"Bitch is dead. " Niall snorts back.

"I know right. "

"Hey tomorrow I'm coming to pick you up ok? Say 6:15 ok and we can go eat some food and see a movie ok. "

"So your going to spoil the date everytime we go out?"

"Ooh right sorry love Im just excited our first official date. "

"Yep can't wait. " and we snuggle together. Niall actually sleeps over my mom doesn't seem to care since Niall basically begged my mom to let him be my boyfriend she said yes right away though. He just wanted her approval. Almost like Zayn was going to OH FUCK ZAYN I STOOD HIM UP.......FOR NIALL HORAN. I'm totally screwed. I get up and get dressed thank god it's Saturday I'll just go over and out apologize till he forgives me. Niall left said he had to go to work or something. Woke me up at 7:35 on Saturday morning. Who does that?! Obviously Niall Horan. Fuck. I feel so dirty I'm leading them both on. And I can't stop thinking about both of them either. Shit I'm such a slut. Suddenly the neighbors alarm goes off. At least I think it's an alarm or maybe just a boombox. But I really dont know. Then for whatever reason I start singing to it. I just love this song.

But if you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can't fly unless you let your...

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

What's gonna make you fall in love?

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love

But you can't fly unless you let yourself,

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall,

So fall in love (in love)

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don't have to be scared at all (don't have to be scared, don't have to be scared at all), oh, my love

But you can't fly unless you let yourself,

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

If you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can't fly unless you let your... let yourself fall

And I hear someone gasp. I guess my voice is that bad. Anyways he sticks his head out of the window but I don't want him to see me. He could kill me at school. By going around just blabbing on and on about ' the new kid tried to sing and he sucks ass' or whatever shit like that so I put m hat over my head luckily I never worn this hat yet since we moved here so no one had seen it.

"Hey you sound good. You should sing more often. " the person says he sounds familiar I just can't put my finger on it. I make my voice sound nerdy

"Uhh thanks the boys have told me to be more serious but I just think that desperate calls for desperate measures and I just think SUPERMAN!!!!! " and I take off downstairs before he can reply. But before I go I hear him cackle. It sounds very attractive i must say. Coming from the guy who currently had 2 amazingly hot boyfriends boo. yeah buddy.

Songs :

Baby ~ Justin Bieber

Fall ~ Justin Bieber

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