Sleep over.

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Louis's P.O.V.

"You want to. spend the night?" I say nervously not wanting to face rejection.

"What. Why?" Shit that hurt.

"Well cause see my moms on business and well you live with your mum and so why not just help me sleep. Come over please babe. "

"Ok. But I can't have sex yet. We just had our first aldare it's not like that. I'm not a slut. Got it tommo?" Ow that hurts considering I'm a slut oh well.

"Ok. " I say. He takes my hand entwining them as we walk to the door. I take my keys out and unlock the door. I hold open the door for him.

"Oh thanks love. "

Anything for the best. " well this is going to be hard picking one. He blushes at this comment. I escort him to my bedroom.

"Here it is. "

"It's nice. Roomy. "

"Yeah I guess I kinda got lucky for being the first child and all. I got to pick first. "

"Well that's always an advantage. I guess huh. "

"Yeah well goodnight Niall. "

"Night Louis........ Um Louis?"

"Yea ni? "

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure what's up?" I say pulling my pants off re my shirt and then lay next to him in bed.

"Well I um am erm in love with you. " holy shit. What did he just say?! He loves me.

"So do you love me back?"

"Yes yes of course!!!!" I wasn't going to bring him down. Though I'm not sure who I love who's just a fling and who's just a crush. My poor head can't take so much. I wonder if this would change me. Hahahah

"Oh thank god I wanted to let you know. "

"Ok night I'm tired. "

"Right night Nialler I love you. " I say kissing him lightly.

"Night love you more baby. " He says.

--tomorrow at 11:45am. --

"Hey babe morning. "

"Morning it's so great to wake up to your face. " I say. Ok I think that we a little to much.

"Awww your adorable babe. " he says. Leaning down and crashing his lips into mine. They connect and move like a puzzle piece. I feel sparks. Sweet. He pulls away. I pout.

"Now Tommo I'm starving aren't you going to feed your guest?"

"Yes of course babe. Forgive me. " I say and march downstairs. I get the pan out and cook an egg. Knowing Niall I'll have to make 2 or 3 sandwiches for him. But he's worth it. I don't mind. So I cook 3 sandwiches. I think 2 should be enough. I put. Egg turkey and provolone cheese. I pour him milk since he hates coffee and orange juice so do I though. My kind of peeps. Anyways I set it up. Then I grab him by his hips kiss him.

"How's that taste. "

"Really yummy what is it. " he asks. I covered his eyes so he doesn't know I just kissed him. Unless he does.

"What so you think it was?"

"Hmm my yummy boyfriend Louis Tomlinson?" Aww he knows me to well he's so adorable. That's really cute.

"Well yes you got that right."

"Oh good. Lol. "

"So the real food is right up. Here but I want to play a game. I want you to try the idem and then tell me what's it is. And what's in it. " I first hand him a sour a cream Pringles to start out easy. He bites it and laughs.

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