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This chapter is dedicated to all the people who've stalked their crush on social media (i see y'all) and who have loved-hated school trips (that'd be me)

The only hot topic in our high school was majorly the new selfie stick, Mac book Air, who is dating who or the latest Bale goal. None of them included me, now wouldn't that be awkward if they were talking about me in the conversation of the new selfie stick or bale's goal?

When I said my biggest lie which was exactly 8 minutes ago, I imagined and expected my classmates to burst out laughing. Now, don't they say expect for the worst and hope for the best? So, instead of laughing at me, they believed it.

For once in my life, some people believed in something I said which was, in turn, a lie.

"What? Daniel knight as in the youngest billionaire?", Rose asked in suprise. I heard chattering across the room but everyone looking at me with patience and waiting for an answer.

"Yes, Daniel Knight the one who I'm going on a date with", I said with a new wave or sensation of epitome of confidence. Some curious faces snapped at me.

"How did you even meet him?", Lily asked. I felt the sudden urge to slap her perfect face and push a metal chair on her but of course, I superseded it.

"My mother is a fashion designer", I rolled my eyes making it seem like the most obvious thing in the world. Some of them were already convinced and they nodded their heads. "She has contacts"

"Is her mother really a fashion designer, Maddy?", Rose asked Maddy while I stood there smirking. Maddy looked clueless but she did know that my mother was a fashion designer.

"Y-es", Maddy answered and more than seventy five percent of the class was now believed to what I had made up.

"So, are you going to answer some more questions or are you done with?", I asked and a couple of them laughed in my support. Double standard people.

"I just can't believe it", Rose exclaimed while looking at her friends and promoting them to ask something which will bring my lie down.

"Try all your devices", I smirked, suprised myself with the sudden wave of confidence.

"Oh..", Suddenly, Maddy smirked and the room turned to face her. "We all know about the field trip we have to New York every year after the second week of school this year all we want is to call Daniel Knight and jusy talk to you in our hotel- after all - you did say you'll go on a date with him right?"

My heart started beating loudly. It was like a quick sand where I can never come out of. Feeling breathless, I looked around the class who was now agreeing to what Maddy had proposed. I was going to be embarrassed in front of the whole school now.

"Seems fair", Rose nodded in agreement. Followed by Lily, Cody, Will and almost everyone in class then.

"Okay", I answered and the sounds behind me became insignificant. My mind started working faster. All I had to do is to find about who Daniel Knight was. 

After the day ended, I walked towards my house. I took my phone out and searched for Daniel Knight and clicked on download of the pdf file available. It did not even take 30 seconds for all the websites to pop.




I clicked on the third link and waited for it to load. The picture loaded of the most handsome man I had ever seen. The picture was one of the meetings where he was wearing a LV suit and his hair perfectly styled up.

Daniel Knight, the youngest billionaire in the world of the age 23 taken over the family insurance and companies on 25th of March, 2014 by Matthew Knight and his wife, Cressida Knight. Knight Co. spreads in the fields of Hotels, Catering, renewable resources and developing technology. They have shown interest in the oil market recently, but all the rumors are not precisely answered by Daniel Knight during their annual summit. Daniel Knight being astonishingly rich and handsome has shown interest in super models like ADELINE Parker, KARY Lewis and many more. He was spotted with Kendall Jenner as well but they said it didn't end up good.

I pushed my cell phone back in my pocket. There was no way possible I could ever even meet him forgetting dating. He was rich, popular, witty and liked by everybody which means, my polar opposite. He probably uses fuel worth my entire house and life.

As I was waiting for the bus, I thought about all the embarrassment I would have to face when I admit that I had lied. I imagined Maddy and Rose's smirking faces and the entire class calling me names and making my life hell. Suddenly, I realised I had to do something. I couldn't let this go.

I picked put my almanac and saw the dates when the senior year was going to New York which said 24th June. I opened my browser tab again and clicked on the bar and searched "Events Daniel Knight will take part on 24th June, in New York"

Way to act like a stalker.

I searched alot of pages when I finally got that he was there in his own hotel called Titan's Plan Launching event which would take place in crystal auditorium that very day.

That's it.

I could do this. I knew this was not going to end well but I was ready to do it to break the motonous movement of every activity in my life.

It's time to finally act reckless, and maybe even, to live.

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