Chapter 11~ The Dance

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The next day, Seth sat next to me and Paul in first period.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being a clever clog yesterday. You lot are my friends and I shouldn't of been suck a clever dick yesterday." Seth said.

"Clever clog?" I asked.

"You lot?" Paul asked.

"Clever dick?" Paul and I asked simultaneously.

"Clever clog means pain in the arse. You lot means you guys. Clever dick means smart arse." Seth explained.

"What the fuck does arse mean?" Paul and I questioned simultaneously.

"Jinks! You owe me a soda!" I shouted while Paul said, "Splash splash you owe me cash!"

"Take that back! You owe me a Cadillac! And BLACKOUT! HA! I won! Take that Pauly Wally!" I shouted.

"Jamie and Paul! Is there something you want to share to the class?" Ms. What-Ever-The-Hell-Her-Name-Is asked. Paul and I rolled our eyes and said "No."


I left P.E. and made my way to lunch like always. I was still slightly confused about what arse means. Suddenly, two arms linked with mine.

"Hey Elizabeth!" My younger sister Tiffany exclaimed.

"We're picking you up today," My other sister, Rebecca said.

"Kay. Bye!!" I said as I pushed them away. "Wait... Why are you too picking me up?"

"The dance silly! Don't tell me you forgot! It's tonight!" Tiffany said as she tapped my nose.

"Never do that in public," I snapped. I turned to Rebecca, and said, "Isn't today Monday?"

"Nope it's Friday." Rebecca said. "I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go to my next class."

"Bye Rebecca!!!" Tiffany said loudly as she waved like the moron she is. "So Jamie, are you excited about the dance! I am! Who's your date!? Is it that hot new British kid? You two look like really good friends! If I didn't know better I'd think you two where dating...." I put my earphones in my ears and started blasting music so I won't hear Tiffany's babbling. I took one earphone out as I sat down at my table which was empty besides Seth and Josh. Josh was glaring at him and Seth was about to leave.

"Where's everyone?" I asked as I sat next to Seth.

"Sitting with their dates for that stupid dance,"  Josh answered still glaring at Seth.

"Josh, Seth can stay. He's cool. You'd know that of you sat with us every once in a while," I said.

"Oh... Sorry man. We can't let anyone sit here," Josh said. Seth looked relieved.

"Jamie! Who are you taking to the dance?" Tiffany asked. I jumped.

"Jeez Tiff! I thought you left!" I said.

"No! I was talking to you in the hall! Then I asked if could sit with you at lunch and you nodded. So here I am!" Tiffany said.  I rolled my eyes, knowing she was the only person that could beat me in an argument.

"Who's she?" Seth asked.

"My younger sister," I said. Seth looked at me then Tiffany.

"You two don't look alike...." Seth said.

"She dyed her hair black which brought out her eyes and made them look like a more like at teal color then blue. Overall, she looks more like our daddy and I look like my mommy," Tiffany explained.

"Oh...." Seth said sounding slightly confused.

"She wears a lot of make up." I explained.

"I can tell..," Seth said glancing at her. I looked at Tiffany to see her putting something on her eyelashes. I turned my attention to Josh who was texting.

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