¤Chapter 10¤

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Calleb shushed me and pointed over to the door.

"He's still in the house. I can sense him." He whispered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sense him? So you're a dog or something?" I joked. His body tensed a little, but he just walked over to the window.

"Get your stuff and come on." He said. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed my duffel bag. I slung it on my shoulder and tightened the strap, so it wouldn't fall off of my body.

I jogged over to the window and waited for Calleb to open it. Instead, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a key.

"This is the key to my car. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which is mine. I want you to make a right out of the driveway and keep going straight until you get to town. You can decide what you want to do then." He said. I shook my head.

"I can't take your car, Calleb," I said. He sighed and grabbed my hand, sticking the key in it and closing my fingers around it.

"He's going to be mad at me for letting you go, but he can't keep you if you don't want to be kept." He said. He released my hand and opened the window. The cool breeze blew in my face.

"Go. Get Sam and leave. He shouldn't have brought you here." Calleb said. I furred my eyebrows.
"Why not?" I asked.

"Because he almost showed you a valuable secret." He said. Before I could ask him any more questions, he started to push me.

"You have to go before he comes back." He said. I climbed out of the window and landed in the backyard. I looked back at Calleb and smiled.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and closed the window. I looked around and saw the door that was leading to the front. I ran over to it and opened it and was greeted by Sam. He knocked me down and started licking my face.

"Okay. Okay. Sam." I said. He stood up and barked. I put my finger up to my lips and stood up.

"Ssh. You have to be quiet." I walked around him and closed the door. I pressed the button on the key and looked up.

A black jeep beeped. I smiled and ran over to it. I opened the backseat door and Sam jumped in the back. I opened the front seat door and was about to get in when Mark came out of the house.

He looked up at me and I saw anger in his eyes. My eyes widened and I got in the car.

"Erin!" He yelled. I closed the door and locked it. I stuck the key into the ignition and twisted it.

"Erin. Don't leave." I looked over at Mark and saw sadness in his eyes. His eyes. They looked so... familiar. I shook my head.

"Thanks for everything, Mark. I really do appreciate it, but I have to go now." I said. He sighed then dug in his pocket. I started to put the car into drive, but the curiosity won me over.

"What are you-"

"Do you have a phone?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Here." He took out a phone and waved it around.

"It's a back-up. You can have it just in case something happens." He said. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'm not opening the door." He chuckled. He just kicked a door in, what makes you think he can't break the window and pull you out of here? That does make sense.

"Roll down the window." He said. I pushed my finger on the button but didn't let it go down far enough where he can grab me. He stuck the phone through the window and dropped it. It landed in my lap and I saw that it was an iPhone 5s.

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