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King Cairo Stevenson

I guess asking about mom was way to early I didn't mean to make her mad or sad I just wanted to see if she was ready to see her again I mean I know it may seem like I have forgotten about her but in reality I kind of still have love for that woman because she did provide us since we came from the whom but she did do my sister dirty so honestly I don't even know anymore I mean the only person who could give me the actual help on shit like this is my dad..

So I walked down the stairs and saw my dad chilling with Chynella she was crying I guess about what I had asked her earlier and I walked down there and my dad noticed my and waved me to go to the kitchen were Honey was and I did what was told and hugged and honey and she hugged back and told me to be quiet because Chynella was talking to Our dad

"Dad I just don't won't her in my life anymore I don't Want her to hurt me again she almost ki-kil-killed me" she said as she started crying which kind of man a nigga get in his feelings

Then everything got silent...

[Y'all probably wondering where's Porsha and Tre well there parents came back on Monday because the whole separation thing didn't work out so well and Maya she went back to her condo because she has a Photoshoot to go to in Miami but Chynella is still dating Tre and Porsha and Chynella well y'all know what's up with them]

But then I saw my dad come in with Chynella and she looked a mess a heartbroke mess and I got up and I hugged her and she stood there not hugging me back and it kind of made my heart break

"Chynella I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up her I didn't know you still had it hard in the heart like that I'm sorry can you please forgive me" I said hugging her still and she didn't move or nothing it was like she was lifeless and I pulled her from me and she just looked into my eyes and cried and fall into my chest

My sister was emotional wreck what happened in the past were has put a scar into her life and that scar was deep..


"Yeah I feel like it's all me why she feel the way she feel Tre" I said as we played 2k16

"I mean it's not all you Bruh it's y'all momma what's put that image back in her head you good Bruh I just OHH DAMN YOU GON DO ME LIKE THAT!" Tre said interrupting himself because I stole the ball from him

"Like I was saying I just feel like what y'all momma did was dead wrong in so many ways so whenever somebody bring her up she get to the thought that her mom did what she did to Chynella" Tre said being deep which he was the person you would never think he could be serious

"Thanks bro have you seen or heard from her since today?" I asked because she can't even look at me or speak without crying which break me apart every time

"Yeah I went up to talk to her when you were downstairs getting that ass in trouble about that ticket to ass got" Tre said laughing

"Mane shut up I had to piss I was not about to sit at that long ass light when nobody was even there to go" I said slick laughing also

Then as things started getting quieter and slowing down a small knock came to the door and it was Maya

"Hi guys I just wanted to let y'all know Chy is ok she  has been crying for the last 2 hours but she is a asleep now" Maya said looking sad

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