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2 months later..

✖️Sunday afternoon ✖️

Arial Nelson

"Mom all he ever does is love me! You and dad don't see that! before I told you me and him wanted to be a thing you liked him but now all of a sudden he is a bad influence on me and will stop me from going to college. Are you kidding me get the hell outta here with that" I said shaking my head in angry and frustration

"Arial Rihana Nelson have you lost your high yellow mind!? Talking to your mom like some crazy HOOD CHICK off the streets!"my dad said as he emphasized 'Hood Chick'

All I could do was shake my head yes, that's all I could do because me and King been together since what a week ago. I'm just now telling them that I want a thing with him.

But unfortunately since I was brought up to be fancy and above all I never came out what my parents wanted me to be I was the complete opposite but my eldest brother he is what my parents dreamed of he is a hardworking business man and makes paper like it grows on trees and is happily married with two twins boys

"Arial we just want the best for you" my parents would always say to me but if they did they would let me fall once so I can learn on my own to pick myself back up I can't do that because they spoil me too much not saying it's bad but to the point were they won't let me be my own person spoil type

"Can I leave I have a better place to be right now and here is not one of them I love y'all and all but I need space for a couple days" I said as I sprung up from the table grabbing my phone, keys and wallet

"Please come back home tonight hunny we just want the best for you that's all please forgive us" My mom said which was the same excuse her and my dad both used when I told them I was going to leave for a couple days

"I doubt I will be back I may be back on Wednesday dunces" I said and threw up my peace sign and walked out the back door

Hopped in my challenger and close the door and lean into the stirring wheel and just cried one thing you should know me is that I don't cry in front of people I don't care who the hell you are I will not cry in front of you because you don't need to see that what you said made me weak.. Just that simple..


As I walked into The Stevenson's house I mean cause you know I'm Ari haha nah but because I'm that cool with the fam but  I heard laughers and giggles but one seem really familiar and the other did not but I shut the door and walked towards the living room

"Hi y'all" I said as I saw Tyga Honey and Cbreezy

"Hey Ari you look so pretty" honey said and got up and hugged me and I hugged her back

"Cbreezy" I said pointing at him and smiling and he did the same

"Hey pretty girl ya boy upstairs but Chy is gone with Aisha and Cortez to the movies and out to dinner but they should be back soon"  Tyga said and smiled

I walked up the stairs it's like they house a maze because I always get my ass lost

"Excuse I'm sorry where is King at could you show me I get lost in y'all house it's like a maze " I said as I walked backwards down the stairs

"Oh my that's what everyone says child come on" honey said as she followed me up the stairs and I paused once I got up the stairs

"Ok so down the hall on the right then take a left down that hall and go down them steps over that way right there " she said as she pointed and I looked and saw the stairs " Then right down there would be a door and two doors one is bathroom and one is his big as bedroom I'm sure you will figure which one is which " she said as she walked back and I just shook my head no way in the hell would I ever memorize this muthafckin house

Unexpected Life (Tyga's Daughter Story)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now