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Chynella Stevenson

Y'all know I stay sleep so my ass in my room or whatever laying down with my eyes halfway open and closed slick dozing then someone decide to knock at my door

"Can I ever sleep what!" I said then Tre appeared at my door

"Well I'm sorry I just wanted to see my baby" he said as I hopped up quick and hop onto him and hugged the boy out of him

"We'll see I didn't know it was my baby and I was dozing I'm a little tired from yesterday" I said as he put me down and layed his head on my thighs looking up at me

"How'd it go?" he said and I shook my head

"It went as I thought she praised the fact that King was there and didn't acknowledge me and my dad until It opened kings eyes that the way she has been treating me isn't knew she's been doing this since we were little kids so it pissed him off and after I had said my words we left" I said as he rubbed up and down against my lower back

"Aw damn baby I'm sorry" he said

"what is there to be sorry she's the dead beat not me" I said

"Well I missed my baby and her fine ass"Tre said as he got up on top of me and kissed my cheeks and neck then back up

"Seem like you mi" his phone ring cut off my sentences and he hopped off of me and looked at his phone to see who it was and he answered

"Hello..yeah..ok...alright I'll be there in five or so" he said and hung up

"I'm sorry babygirl but I have to go and I will be right tho" Tre said as he kissed my head and left out of my room but what I wanna know what was so important and who was he associating with

But I brushed it off my shoulders and laid my ass down and eventually fell asleep


Maya Fernandez

So do you guys remember the other night Tre came over he asked me to get him something to drink and I did but I drugged him up just that I could get some dick because I missed King and couldn't get what I wanted at the time and since Tre was over I just fell vulnerable at the time and since my ass was so vulnerable he doesn't remember a thing beside the fact that he was still at my house

But the bad new is that I'm pregnant and that was not suppose to happen the way it did so I am debating weather I should tell King he is the father or tell him the truth or forget about it and have abortion I don't even know what to do

Honestly I don't even know why I called Tre over here because he is not going to remember the fact that we had sex so I called him back


"Yeah what's up I'm still on my"

I cut him off

"Don't come I got it" i said lying

"Ok well in going back over to Chynella house you can't make calls like that I'm with her aight"

And with that being said he hung up lord help me I don't know what to do at this point

As I slide down the walk and put my head in my hands and cried hard and long..


King Cairo Stevenson

"You ain't gon nun on me unc" I said as me and my uncle played one on one on the court

"Don't let my age fool you boy I can school yo young ass anyday" my uncle said as he didn't make the shot

"But I thought you said I repeat "I can school yo young ass anyday?" What happened to that?" I said laughing as I made the ball in the net and that was game

"Step your game up unc then come to me trying talk smack" I laughed as I went inside and Sochitta and my dad was sitting at the table like they were waiting on me to come in

"Yes?" I said as I went into the refrigerator to grab a water

"Well Maya wanted to tell you that she had sexual intercourse with someone and got pregnant but is going to have a abortion" my dad said and I almost choke on water for what he had just said

"Maya what?" I said and that's all that could come out at the moment


Sorry for typos or mistakes





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