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Author's note
[pictures of all of them above or whatever you get your media and if you didn't know Chynella is the cover]

Tyga Stevenson

I hate waking my kids up they are like me not early birds and I completely understand why but I have to wake my babygirl up and My King

I walked in Chynella room and she was no where to be found so I checked in the closet and there she sat half asleep in the chair

"Nella?" I said picking her up with her wet hair and clothes in her hand

"Yes?" She said softly half opening her eyes

"Get dressed so we can go to the studio?" I said and she nodded and smiled and I smiled back and lifted her room and closed the door and walked down the hall and knocked on King's door

"Ki" and I paused and saw Maya laying beside him and King laying on his second bed and I nodded out of respect of his mom rules he followed them seeing that slightly made me think about them having their lovers sleep over so I walked in and went over to King and shook him

"Hmm Chy im sleepy Bruh what" he said and looked up at me " oh my bad dad thought you was Chy what's up tho?" He said and laid his head back down

"Studio my boy" I said walking out and I heard him groan but hey he wants this life he has to own up to it

"Honey! The hell you doing you lil freak" I said walking in our bedroom seeing my wife half naked

"Getting dressed my boy what are you doing with your pj pants on Chinese looking boy" she said and I smacked her ass

"Aight women keep playing with me you gon see a Chinese looking boy" I said walking in the bathroom


Chynella Steveson

I'm sitting in the back of the Range Rover listening to King Rap his part of the song and my dad also my parts aren't as needing of practicing because I have already done my part just my rapping which is the end so I have to end strong or else I would make me myself and my twin and uncle and dad look bad

"You got your parts Chynella?" My dad and brother asked me

"My bad I was thinking" I said laughing "but yeah I got my parts just need to focus on the end because j want it to be fye" I said trailing off at the end because they both knew how hard I was on myself

So we had pulled up to my uncle Chris house and I got out and saw that Tashun's mom was here hoping that I won't see Tashun in my uncle breezy house

"Tashun bet not be here" King said it was like his ass was all in my head and I hit him and he laughed because he knew why I hit him

"Stop that ugl" and I cut myself off because I heard and seen the boy I did not won't to see Tashun that is

"Yeah mom I will get it out the ca" he paused and looked over at me and King and we both mugged him and walked past him into our uncle's house I brush off that he was here and focused why I was really here

"Hey my baby" my uncle breezy said picking me up and hugging me and I smiled and hugged him back

" I missed you, you barely come see me often you are always there when I'm sleep or gon knucklehead" I said popping the back of his head

"Ouch my bad lil mama I will try more" he said and I nodded

"What's up King" unc said to King but his attention was on how Tashun was here which I knew would throw off his whole mindset because once Tashun does not like someone and they are around his family he loses his control sometimes

"Come on King" I said grabbing his hand and he yanked away and it kind of scared me because he never has snatched or pushed me back like that

"What man you been looking at me since you got here what?" Tashun said walking towards us and he should've never said that because King  knocked his ass out like Debo knocked out Red

"Don't come back around here nigga I have told you until you own up like a man don't say shit to me I look at you as a hoe!" King said and walked off like nothing happened and I shook my head that's Tashun fault for getting in my brother's face for thinking he run shit

"Really you guys let him do my son like that?" Ms.Johnson said running towards Tashun and my dad shook his head and so did my unc and we all walked towards the studio

"Sorry but your son deserve what he got talking all that hoe ass shit" my uncle said and she didn't say nothing back because that could cost her

Well back to my music..


"Porsha lemme tell you, you should've been there to see King smack his ass omg I could've died right there but I was trying to be nonchalant about the whole situation" I said busting into laughter and Porsha and Tre started laughing like they could pictured it

"His lil punk ass should apologize to my sister and my family and until then he gets no respect from me" King said holding Maya in his arms as she slept ever since her dad left and haven and back since then has took a toll on her life and losing her close cloud in has been tough so she really been through it for a couple days

" I feel you bro I feel you I would do the Same" Tre said nodding

Then there was knock at the door then mama and the boy we spoke up stood at the doorway King was holding Maya which I was thankful for because I didn't won't him to move a muscle I got up quick

"ma really?" I said

"He said he had a couple things to say and you know what it is so don't beat him I want him to leave this room like how he is now" she said and made it clear and left the room and so we all looked his direction as he stood in the corner

"What nigga what do you have to say that's so important?" Tre said and we all had agreed and he looked towards me first

"Well first I want to say that I am sorry to you all and mostly Chynella because I have hurt you the most hooking up with another girl but we both promise it was us and only us but i messed up and I'm sorry I just want us to start over please and as for y'all" he said referring to Porsha and Tre,King " I'm sorry for being a little hoe as King would say" and King laughed and nodded "  and not owning up to be a man just hope y'all could give it in your heart to forgive me?" Tashun said

King looked at me then Porsha and Then Tre and I was caught up and didn't know what to say I blankly stared back at them

What to do!...


Sorry for any mistakes or typos

What should she say?

What do y'all think he should be for given so easily?



And tell me what you think

Love y'all 💖


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