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Tyga Stevenson

"My baby all grown up" I said putting while her bags on the couch

"Yeah I know mom made you miss my birthday well not really"She said waving her beats and iphone6 that I brought her for her birthday I slicked laughed

"Yeah I know but I can also understand why she wants you and your brother to stay with her so you guys can have a normal life" I said to her and she nodded

"Well where's your shadow" i said to her referring to King

"Dad he's not my shadow but last time I saw him he was being a baby bout not seeing mom until Tuesday" she said rolling her eyes

"Hey you know your going to be the same way about seeing me when you have to leave" i said tickling her and she busted out laughing

"Ok so but I barely get to see you I see that women errday daddy" She said then her "shadow" walked in the room

"Hey King" i said and it surprised me when King started crying while hugging me like Chynella did


Chynella Stevenson

"King you crying?" I said getting up about to hug him then he started to wipe his tears away and I hugged him and he hugged back well I see why they call him my "shadow" because he basically is my shadow I'm by him and he's by me even though we don't get alone all the time

"Yeah I'm fine just miss dad and haven seen him in a while" he said and it kind of made my dad sort of sad

Then I pulled them both to me and hugged them

"But guess what we're all here together so we are going to be find we have finally had a say so to see our dad every weekend" I said and they both slightly smiled which made me happy then my Uncle breezy walked in

"How yall gon leave me out of the group hug" he said hugging us and we all laughed and me and King wiggles out of their grip on us and we both sat on the couch

"So how yall been give your Daddy some updates on both" he said then King looked at me first because he knows me best

"Well pops school is ugh but the dance is cool and my acting is come along well I have a movie coming out soon" I said crossing my legs

"And boys?" He said

"Dad that's under control almost everyone in the school knows I'm Chy brother so they don't even try and if they do they get the run down" King said smiling

"That's my boy!" Both my dad and Uncle said to King dapping him

"But anyways I'm doing good tho I'm better in dance and my rapping is going great i just dropped my new mixtape "AllBoutThaKing"

"I heard about it but I didn't know it was you nephew" Uncle breezy said

"Yeah that's all me unc" he said popping his collar

"Okay don't get to full of yourself" I said then my phone flashed indicating that I got a notification which was from a boy that I met at my best friend party

Omarion(2:30p.m):: what you got going today?

ThuggaChyy(2:31p.m):: at my dad's this weekend

"Come on so I can take yall home to get yall ready for tomorrow" our dad said and we both looked at each other than back at him

"Where we going?" Me and my twin said at the same time and Uncle Breezy laughed while my dad just shook his head at us

Unexpected Life (Tyga's Daughter Story)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now