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Chynella Stevenson

So me and Tre walk in together with his hand intertwined with my hand and as we were walking in since it was only us in the Starbucks all eyes were on us and Maya smiled and I looked at my brother he was nodded and smirking and once I looked Porsha way well...

"The hell is this? I hope y'all playing tricks on me" she said slightly frowning and laughing at the same time

"Nah Porsha this ain't a joke. I LOVE CHYNELLA. Only thing what was stopping me from loving her was YOU." As Tre let those word slip from his mouth I saw Porsha's eyes swift to me and shook her head and looked me up and down as if I was a bitch on the side of the street that she didn't like

"Damn man when you THOUGHT your bestfran was someone you could TRUST but she turned out to be a sor" I cut her off with my hand coming up from my side and the other letting go of Tre's hand

"Hol up hol up. How dare the fuck you say that I could never be trusted because I was there for you when you got bullied when no one like you I was there I knew turned on you since day one and for you to stand here and about to call me a sorry bitch is low as hell Porsha when in reality I'm the realist thing you ever had I never seen you as anything less but you coming at me like this because I love your brother is fucked all the way up

When you took Jawan back numerous times he fucked you over did I say shit did I ever stop you because he was related to my moms side of the family nah I didn't I told y'all to do you and be happy but hey that's you and this me so either be happy for us or hate me for the rest of your life" I said and shook my head because she took shit to the left when it really shouldn't have been took that far

Then Porsha started clapping

"I'm glad you feel like your the bitch of the year what the hell you want me to do give you a fucking award?" She said steeping closer in my face and I bagged back "oh you know what I have one right her for you" and she turned around and threw coffee on me

"Happy?" She said smirking " Tre you better get your hoe before I mop this hoe with the fl" and before she could finish I slide that ass all across Starbucks floor

"Get her off of her! Get her!" That's all I heard and eventually I blacked out my heart was weak but my hands weren't never that..



"So what happened?" My dad asked me and the rest of us Porsha and was on one side of the room and I was on the opposite end as honest stood in the middle

"Well me and Tre planned to tell everyone about us like adults and Porsha took things way left so now we're here and I don't won't her in this damn house!" I said yelling

"Ok I understand that Chynella but you and Porsha been childhood friends since grade school and now y'all are splitting?" My uncle said kind of stepping in helping my dad

"I understand that but I don't have no forks how long we been friends once you crossed me you cross me ain't no trying to get back you knew exactly what you were saying because if you didn't you wouldn't have said what the hell you said end of discussion" I said and got up and started for the stairs then I turned around back at them

"I don't won't to see her face in this house at all I will move out if I have to" I said then continued up the stairs

I don't give a flying fuck who you are I will forgive you and move on but don't ever except were ever going to be close and buddy buddy like we were before once you crossed me your crossed me and your done and with that being said I tooled myself to my room and locked the door put my music as high as it couple go and ran me a bath and got undressed I'm too pretty and to mature to go through some so petty everyone you think may ride with you to the end ain't always gon be the person you known the longest sorry but it's true...


King Cairo Stevenson

So I'm downstairs with Maya,Tre,My parents, and uncle and Porsha chilling to sort out where Porsha is going to stay which we don't even know because her parents are gone and was suppose to stay with us the only thing we have as a plan is buy her plane ticket tonight to go stay with her parents until they return

"So I'm going to call your parents and see if you can come and be them" my dad said and walked into another room and we all sat there and Maya looked up at me and shook her head then I shook mine

"Damn Im the one that has to go what a coincidence" Porsha said and shrugged her shoulder and Tre got up pacing back and forth and there's one one reason he's doing that because he is trying to calm from yelling

"Bro you good?" I said sitting up from how I was initially sitting

"Yeah I'm g" then Porsha cut him off

"Why you asking him? I the one going home in the one that got beat up I'm the" Tre cut her off by point his finger in her face and she jumped

"No one fucking cares Porsha your going home because you put that on your damn self everything isn't about what you want and how you want to do it that's your funny problem thinking everything is about you but in reality it's not you have pushed me to the point were I want you gon also!" Tre said yelling and My uncle breezy and I both grabbed Tre and brought him to the kitchen to cook off

"Aye man aye I know you hurt I know I feel the man but you gon have to cool off chill go to your room and do what Chynella doing" he said and told him to listen to the loud music that was coming for upstairs and Tre nodded

With that being said he left up the stairs through the kitchen and I get went to chill because I didn't hear overlapping music once my uncle and I came back into the living room were my step mom and girlfriend sat my dad came back in

"Porsha pack your bags you parents told me to fly you to your aunt and uncles in Cali" my dad said and she mugged then got up and dragged her body to the room she slept in to packed her things

"Come on Maya" I said standing by the stairs

"Aye please go check on your sister" my uncle and dad both said that the exact same time

"Why would I not duh I am" I said and nodded and I walked up the stairs and walked down to Chynella room I doubt she will hear me knock and she probably wants to be alone so I just jogged to catch up with my queen

"I thought you were going to talk to Chynella?" She said as we were entering my room

"nah do you hear how loud her music is and I doubt she would hear my little ass knock I will just talk to her tomorrow I need a shower and massage" I said closing my door

"We all want wants and needs but do we get them no" Maya said and smirked

"Aight keep playing Ima show you a nope" I said taking off my shirt and walking into the bathroom when I got attacked with Maya jumping in to my back

"I'm sorry papi I will give you your wants and all the needs that you need" she said smothering me in kisses

What a great girlfriend to clear my mind of all the drama that has happened today...


Sorry for any mistakes or typos 📢🖐🏽



Give me what you think about how things went😳Give me feedback what you think that's going to happen next💭😏

One&only Miradoee🌴🔥

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