Chapter 2

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For the next week I would go into the Starbucks every other day. She wasn't there. She said when she had a day off she was here. I supposed a day off didn't happen much. She worked in home health so I'm sure her patients needed her most days. Finally, nine days later she was there. I got a coffee and walked over to her.
"Hey, it's nice to see you again." I said, touching her shoulder. I didn't realize she was wearing headphones and I startled her. She turned her head and smiled when she saw me.
"Hi! Sorry, I was catching up on a show I watch. I missed when it aired on TV so I'm watching the latest season online." She explained.
"Oh, I see." I looked at the screen and was positive I went as white as the whipped cream on my drink. She was watching Once Upon a Time, a show I happened the have the leading role in.
"So then you must know-" I began.
"Who you are?" She interrupted with a giggle. "Yes, I knew. I was beyond excited, but I didn't think you'd want me to say your name out loud and have people swarm you."
I just stared at her. She smiled.
"I'm kind of a loner myself, I know I definitely wouldn't want strangers coming up to me by the dozen."
"Yeah, um thank you. It's refreshing not to have someone freak out when they see me. Definitely a change. Do you mind me asking how you like the show?" I said as I sat down.
"Oh I love it!" She said. "I love the twist on the fairy tales. Who knew Snow White was so handy with a bow and arrow." She laughed.
"Yea." I said, recalling memories of Ginny taking archery lessons.
"I love the adventure and the romance. Your character's and Hook's is actually my favorite." She said with a shy smile. I smiled indulgently.
"He's definitely setting high standards for men in reality." She laughed again.
"And he upholds them in real life." I said. Then I realized my mistake. No one knew about Colin and I yet. I just prayed she didn't know he was divorced.
"Oh, was he that way with his wife?" She asked.
I could feel my face fall. She knew. "No. Since you said 'was' I can assume you know he's divorced."
"Oh, yes. I saw him on Twitter asking for privacy for his wife and son and to respect them all. I guess they were being hassled." She said, looking like she truly felt sympathy for him.
"And because you didn't scream when you realized who I am I'm going to trust you with a secret, since I kind of already started to give it away." I resigned to just tell her. "But you have to keep it to yourself." I warned.
"I promise, but I can't say the same for my cat." She joked.
I laughed with her. "Well Colin has been divorced for some time, and he and I have actually been together for a few months now."
She smiled brightly. "So you guys are like Prince Charming and Snow White now? Together on screen and off."
"Yep." I said.
"That's adorable!"
I giggled. "We just started spending more time together. He wasn't on the phone with his wife so much so that opened more free time. Between that and being together on screen I think it was inevitable. I've always found him attractive but now I actually have feelings for him. It just kind of happened. I don't even know how we've managed to keep it quiet. Only a few other cast members know."
Listen to me, babbling on and on. I supposed it was because she was my daughter. But only one of us knew about that.
"I've always thought you two had good chemistry." She admitted. "I'm about halfway through season four right now."
"I won't give anything away. But there's going to be another big twist at the end." I told her.
"I was searching Netflix one night and it caught my eye. I loved Disney as a kid so I thought I might like this. I started watching it not long after I moved here. Now I'm hooked."
"I'm always glad to see someone enjoying it. I'm always hoping my character sends the message that you can be independent, but you need and deserve the love that Emma has from her family and from Hook. Everyone does."
"I'm sure a fairytale love like that doesn't exist, but I plan to find one pretty close. Someone who can love both me and Cadence."
"It exists. I know you said you never had a family but that kind of love exists. When you find it you'll know and you'll never want to let it go."
"You sound like you have personal experience." She pried. I didn't mind. I'd tell my daughter anything.
"I do have my parents, and a brother and sister. I haven't met the right man yet but when he comes along I'll be ready."
I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her that I was being picky because of what her father did. I secretly hoped Colin would be it. He'd been my close friend for so long now. For now I settled for my family and friends, and soon, hopefully, the love of my daughter and granddaughter.
My phone buzzed. A reminder of an appointment today. I groaned inwardly.
"Looks like I have to go. Duty calls." I said, waving my phone with a smile.
"I would like to keep up with you though, if that's alright. You said you're a loner, and I really like you. You're a young lady with a good head on her shoulders and a decent human being. I think we both know how hard those can be to find these days."
"Of course." She beamed. "I can save your email in my phone. I don't have a pen or paper."
"Well, here." I said, handing her my phone with the notepad app open. "Write yours here."
"Okay." She handed me her phone as well. I typed in my email eagerly as she did the same.
"I look forward to talking to you. Oh and feel free to send any tips for the show. We always look for fan input, believe it or not." I said with a smile.
"Bye now." I said waving to her before getting in my car. I breathed a sigh of relief. I now had a way to contact my daughter anytime I wanted. But I would wait to email her until tonight. That way I had time to think about something to discuss.

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