Chapter 12

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I woke up to a certain toddler climbing into the bed. This was weird, I always kept my door shut and my alarm should wake me up. I opened my eyes and realized that I was still in Addy's room. Last night we had both stayed up just talking. She'd fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder so I told myself I would sit with her and then eventually get up and go to bed. She was sleeping so peacefully that I couldn't bring myself to leave. I guess I'd fallen asleep too. And judging by how great I felt, I'd gotten some good sleep.
I shushed Cadence so her mother could sleep more and took her out of the room. We went downstairs and I put a cartoon on for her so I could make breakfast. My phone went off. It was my sister letting me know they would be boarding a plane soon. I realized it was ten in the morning. I texted her back to ask her to tell me when they're pulling in so I can meet them outside before they come in. I knew they would overwhelm Addy, it's how they were. They meant well, I just knew she wasn't prepared to be fawned over. I also realized I might have to step on some feelings by warning them to be careful about Cadence. Addy took forever to trust me with her daughter, and I'm her mother. She only left Cadence in day care because they had cameras. She told me she'd always refused to send Cadence anywhere without them. She probably wouldn't let the baby girl out of her sight tonight.
I heard footsteps descending the stairs and I smiled.
"Sleep well?" I asked her.
"Yeah, surprisingly. Thanks for keeping Cadence occupied." She replied.
"I'm happy to do it." I said with a smile.
"I didn't mean to keep you up last night. The last thing I remember is talking to you. Did I fall asleep on you?" She asked me cautiously.
"You did. But it's okay. It's what moms are here for. My own mother stayed up countless nights with me, especially after you were born."
She looked at me questioningly.
"I did a lot of crying." I explained.
"You did what you thought was best for me." She genuinely smiled.
I could have cried. I knew she understood, why else would she let me in like she had? This was just the first time she'd admitted it.
Our conversation was cut off with the doorbell ringing. I opened it to reveal Lana and Rebecca standing before me.
"You guys know the party doesn't start until later, right?" I asked them.
"Blah blah blah." Lana said in a mocking tone. "We're here to help."
I raised my eyebrows.
"And judging by the fact that you're still in your pajamas," Rebecca pointed out, "you could really use it."
"My alarm didn't go off." I lied. I was truly happy to have gotten a restful night.
"So, what can we do?" Lana asked.
I led them inside and ran down the list of things that had to be done. They decided to start with cleaning up.
Not long after Colin walked into the house of his own accord, he was here nearly all the time these days, he never bothered with knocking anymore. He set his son down to play with Cadence and kissed me on the cheek.
"Good morning, beautiful." He said, making me blush. Addy shied away to help with the cleaning.
"Hello handsome." I said. With us alone, I turned around to face him and pressed myself into him.
He gasped in surprise but took hold of my waist to steady me.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I said in a low voice. He didn't speak so I brought my lips up to his, less than an inch away actually.
"I've missed you." I said. He licked his lips, drawing my eyes to them. I gripped the front of his shirt and dragged him to me. A fire started in my belly. Ever since I'd left myself emotionally vulnerable and said those three little words, moments like these seemed to happen a lot.
He ran his tongue along my lower lip and I opened my mouth in a gasp, allowing him access. I felt his hands take hold of my hips and lift. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he set me on the counter. I knew my daughter and friends were nearby, not to mention her daughter and Colin's son. Strangely, none of this seemed to bother me. I felt him dig his fingers into the bare skin exposed by my shirt riding up, and I used my legs to pull him in tighter. I could feel his arousal.
"Upstairs." I whispered in his ear. "Now!"
He let me off the counter and I tugged him by the hand. We snuck around corners to make sure that we wouldn't be seen. No one would miss us for a few minutes. Everyone was in the living room talking about what would go where. I felt like we were a pair of teenagers instead of two grown adults with children of our own.
We made it up the stairs but we couldn't quite make it to the bedroom before Colin shoved me into a wall and went right for the bare skin of my neck. I craned my head to the side and he moved my hair out of the way, sucking and licking his way from my hear to my bare shoulder. My breath hitched as his hand slid inside the front of my pajama pants. I began to move us down the hall to my bedroom, doing everything I could not to break contact. I finally reached the end of the hall and found my doorknob without using my eyes. I backed into the room and away from him, tugging off my shirt in the process. I would need to change clothes anyway. He let out a low and primal growl before backing me into the bed.
Adaline POV:
What had been seen could not be unseen. I'd walked into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, only to find my mother wrapped up in her boyfriend. I froze for a second, but backed out. As traumatizing as it was, it's not like I'd grown up with her. I was an adult, I had my own kid, I knew how attraction and instincts worked. I encouraged everyone into the living room, farthest away from the two of them. I also pretended I didn't notice the two of them sneaking up the stairs.
Not even ten minutes later Colin descended the stairs on his own. I smiled to myself, my mom had sent him down first to look less suspicious.
"Hey, where have you been?" Lana asked.
Colin took a few seconds to answer. "Jen and I were talking about setting up outside, and then I left to find the bathroom." He lied. "I have no idea where she went. Outside maybe?"
He was good, they must have had to do this before. I shuddered a bit. My mom came down moments later in new clothes.
"Hey, sorry. I didn't want to wear my pajamas all day." She lied as well. I smirked to myself and unpacked a box of paper lanterns that would go outside.
Ginny and Josh arrived an hour after that, along with Sean soon after. The men were asked to hang the decorations that required a ladder, my mom and Ginny set to work making food, and the rest of us decorated and cleaned inside.
My mom tried to argue that I shouldn't be helping with my own birthday party, but I insisted that I loved the busy work and the excitement.
Around 5 in the evening, Emilie and Robert arrived and I was informed that my grandparents, aunt, and uncle had landed and were on their way here. I grew antsy, I hoped they would accept me with as much enthusiasm as my mother had. I wondered what they thought when I was given up for adoption. I didn't want to ask my mom in case it put a damper on her mood. She was happy and free today, and her happiness had been rare until lately.
Jennifer POV:
I watched Addy closely. She seemed to be calmer than I expected. I sure wasn't. I knew how she was when she was overwhelmed, she tended to seclude herself. My family wouldn't let her do that. My mother was dying to see her. She had cried along with me when they took Addy away to put her up for adoption. My mom was my rock through all of it. My dad was eager as well, he'd loved Addy before she was born but he never let on how much I knew it hurt him when I didn't keep her. He supported my decision so I supposed that he just didn't want to make me feel guilty. My brother and sister hadn't quite understood at the time. My parents explained it as best as possible, but they were much older when they finally understood the gravity of my decision and the toll it had taken on me.
My phone dinged. My sister was texting me to let me know that they were about to pull into the driveway. I excused myself and walked outside to see a rental car packed full of my family driving up. I came forward excitedly and hugged my father, mother, and siblings.
"Where is she?" My mother asked.
"Inside. But wait a minute. I need to fill you all in first." I stopped them.
They all looked at me curiously but they were quiet, so I went ahead.
"Addy never had a family." I said.
All 0f their faces fell. They all had thought the same thing I had, that Addy would find a family right away. We thought no one could resist a sweet little baby. How wrong we were.
"She was adopted for a brief time, but they sent her back. After that she bounced around foster homes in Texas. Cadence is a whole different story. After she turned 18 she moved in with her long term boyfriend. She was pregnant soon after but Cadence wasn't even six months old when he walked out. Addy moved to California to have a fresh start, and her ex hasn't contacted her since he left."
My mother took my hand. "I'm glad you told us."
I smiled. "I just didn't want her to have to explain herself. If I hadn't told you, none of you would have a clue."
They made to go inside but then I remembered one more thing. "Oh!"
They all turned to face me.
"Please, be careful about Cadence. I haven't had the nerve to ask Addy why, but she's very protective. It took her forever to let me be alone with Cadence. I think she may have endured some abuse. Just...don't be too pushy. She'll let you in on her own time."
My family looked a bit sad, but I knew if Addy felt that they were getting too hands-on with Cadence, she would shut them out.
The night went off without a hitch. It was a small gathering, but it was so much fun.
My parents absolutely adored both Addy and Cadence. Thankfully, they took my advice and just watched Cadence.
They were thrilled at the success Addy had. She had graduated college early, while being a single mother. She had secured a well paying job immediately. I insisted that she had gotten it on her own, I just put in a recommendation.
Everything turned out amazing. Addy loved her family, and was happy they were visiting. She was moved to tears when these strangers that were now family presented her with things for the home she would soon be buying.
By the end of the night she was exhausted. My friends left for the night, wishing Addy a happy birthday. Colin would be staying the night, his son would be sharing Cadence's room. The little boy was simply too tired, I was happy that Colin felt comfortable enough to do that.
My parents retired to their bedroom. My brother would be sleeping on the couch since four of the five bedrooms were now occupied. Colin and I stayed up late together talking until I finally gave in to exhaustion. The last thing I remembered was him running his hand up and down my back.

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