Chapter 5

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Jennifer POV:
Colin was still soothing me when my phone dinged, letting me know that I had an email. I unwilling pulled my head from his shoulder and wiped the tears from my face.
When I checked my email I had a new one from Adaline.
"It's from her." I said excitedly.
There was an address and a date and time, nothing more.
"It's an address. She wants me to meet her there tomorrow at six in the evening." I explained.
Colin brushed my hair out of my face. "I don't think she would want to see you if she hated you as much as you seem to think she does. It sounds like she wants to let you explain yourself."
"Yeah, maybe." I said in a breathy voice. I turned around to face him. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
He smiled at me. "Of course."
I smiled and kissed him.
Adaline POV:
I put Cadence to bed early. The day was far too long to have her stay up. I didn't know what else to do with myself, and curiosity was eating at me. I went to Google and typed in her name. My birth mother's name.
She was originally from Illinois. Born to two now retired music teachers. That explained my own fascination with piano and singing. She was the oldest of three children, which meant I had an aunt and uncle. She sang in the choir, that was where my voice came from. There wasn't much as far as dating, she was engaged once in 2006 but called it off. She dated a co-star from 2012 to 2013. I read a few other articles, the list of movies and shows she'd been in. Overall she led a quiet life. It would blow up if anyone found out she had me at sixteen and gave me up.
I continued reading well into the night before sleep overtook me at three in the morning.
Jennifer POV:
The next day seemed to fly by. Probably because of my anxiety. I was scared that she would meet me with a restraining order or something.
"You've got this. I'll be here when you get back." Colin told me. I hugged him tightly just before I left.
I typed the address into my car's navigation system and took off. Half an hour later I found myself in front of a cute townhouse. This must be her home. Hopefully this meant she was going to let me into her life.
I calmed myself and knocked on the door. A moment later she opened up. She gave me a slight smile and invited me in.
I entered and found myself in a cute house, meant for just the two of them. A short hallway led to upstairs, where it can be assumed their bedrooms were. On one side of the downstairs there was a living room large enough to fit a couch, recliner, coffee table, and small entertainment center. There were also small potted plants here and there. A small desk was also in a secluded corner, presumably where she did her school work. The other side held a small kitchen and dining room. There was a door leading off that probably had a small bathroom behind it. I took notice that one chair in the dining room held a booster seat. I wondered where Cadence was at the moment. I got my answer when I heard an excited yell. The small little girl came barreling around the corner. I guessed she had been playing in the living room.
I smiled fondly down at her but didn't pick her up. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.
"She really seems to like you." Adaline told me as she headed for the kitchen. I followed her and went around to the other side of the bar that separated the dining room.
"I was going to order in some dinner, but I'm not sure what you eat." She confessed.
"How about I buy dinner and pick it up?" I offered.
"That's okay, it's my home. I don't mind." She said in a neutral tone, so different than when she didn't know what I was to her.
"I insist. I know of an amazing Chinese place. They don't do delivery though, but it's not that far of a drive. I'll bring it back. If you don't mind me saying, you look like you've had a trying day."
"You have no idea." She raised her eyebrows. "Finals are in a few weeks and Cadence is teething. It's enough to drive anyone insane."
"She seems fine right now."
"She's just excited to see someone other than me. Give it a few minutes. She'll be screaming and clawing at her mouth."
My eyes widened. Sure enough, at that moment Cadence came marching into the kitchen. She was crying this awful cry, I could tell she was uncomfortable.
"I know, baby. It hurts." Adaline said as she picked up the distressed toddler.
"Why don't you two come along with me? Car rides always soothe my friend's son and he's close to her age. I think he's getting teeth too."
"That's actually a good idea. I take her in my car sometimes and it works. I don't know why I didn't think of it. Too much on my mind I guess."
I smiled and found the menu for the restaurant online. I knew what I was going to order, Adaline just had to take a look. I set my phone on the counter and asked her to take a look when she got a chance. She finally soothed Cadence enough to be able to set her down and take a look. She found something she would like and set to work packing a diaper bag while I called the order in.
"We can take my car. Her car seat is strapped down a million ways, it would be easier not to have to take it out." She said.
"Okay." I responded. I hoped she wasn't avoiding the elephant in the room.
She strapped Cadence into the backseat while I settled myself into the passenger side. The car was small and efficient. It probably got amazing gas mileage.
Adaline got into the driver's seat and started the car. I gave her instructions as we drove. Finally, I felt bold enough to say what I was thinking.
"We really need to talk about this...situation." I shyly said.
I saw her knuckles go white on the steering wheel.
"I know." She said. "I just thought it would be best to do it over dinner."
I nodded and continued pointing her in the right direction. She stayed in the car while I went inside to pick up the food. I emerged with a large brown paper bag that I put in the backseat. The drive back wasn't as awkward because I didn't speak a word. It wasn't until we arrived in front of her home again that I was brave enough to talk again.
The front door was wide open.
"Stay here, please. I'll take a look." I insisted. She just gawked.
I cautiously approached the house. When I saw inside my shoulders slumped. Someone had seen an opportunity when we left and broke in. I didn't expect it, this wasn't really a dangerous neighborhood. But a thief is a thief. I didn't dare go inside in case they were still there. I went back to the car.
"Call 911 and lock the doors. We're not going inside until the police thoroughly search it to make sure whoever got in is gone." I firmly told her.
She nodded and dialed.
"I want to report a break-in." She said in a scared voice. She gave her address and explained the situation. Within minutes a car arrived carrying two officers.
We both got out of the car to meet them.
"We got a call about a break-in. Is this your house, ladies?" One officer asked of us. Adaline stepped forward.
"It's mine. We were gone for maybe half an hour. We came back and saw the door was open."
"Have you gone inside?" The officer asked.
I spoke up. "I took a look from the front door. It looks like someone ransacked it."
Adaline groaned. I'm sure this was the last thing she needed.
"Okay. Both of you stay in the car please. We'll search it to make sure whoever was here is long gone."
It seemed like it took forever, but eventually they confirmed that the house was empty. Adaline asked to go inside and the other officer escorted her to be safe.
"Are you a friend?" The officer asked me.
"I'm her mother." I said firmly.
"Oh, good. Because it looks like she's going to need somewhere to stay."
"Why?" I asked, concerned.
"Her bed is torn to bits. Whoever was here was searching thoroughly. A lot of people keep money or valuables in their mattress. Glass is shattered everywhere, furniture overturned. She can't clean it up in a night. From what we saw she also has a small child. This house isn't fit for one to stay here at the moment."
"Okay." I breathed, "That's not a problem. I have plenty of room."
"Good." The officer told me. "I told my partner to have her pack essentials for herself and her child. Here's the case information. We'll be contacting your daughter soon with questions."
"Thank you, officer." I said, taking the piece of paper and tucking it into my jacket pocket.
Adaline emerged from the house a moment later with a few bags in her arms. I approached her. To hell with boundaries right now, my daughter and granddaughter's home was invaded and ransacked.
"You're staying with me until this mess is sorted out. Are there any more bags?"
She shook her head. "I just have to grab her pillow and blanket from her crib. She's going to need a sense of home."
I nodded and put the bags in my car.
She went back into the house and emerged with some bedding and a pet carrier.
"I was worried the cat had taken off but luckily she was cowering in her favorite spot in the hall closet."
She locked the door and stuffed the bedding into her trunk. Then she turned to me.
"Thank you. We wouldn't have anywhere else to go."
She looked on the verge of tears so I embraced her.
"It's going to be okay." I assured her. For the first time since she was born twenty years ago, I felt a maternal instinct to soothe and protect.
"Let's get going. Cadence looks tired. Just follow me. I don't live too far from here."
She nodded and got in her car. I took off ahead of her. Every so often I would look in the rear view mirror, just to make sure she as indeed still following me.
"Damn." I mumbled. I pulled out my phone and called Colin.
"How'd it go?" He asked as soon as he answered.
"I'm sorry, but I need you to go home. Adaline's house was broken into and she's going to have to stay with me. I think it might be a bit overwhelming for her to see us." I explained.
"You told her?" He asked me.
"It slipped out. She hasn't told anyone, I think Twitter would blow up if she had."
"You're right. Okay. Just please call me later, let me know how this all goes. I'm worried about you."
"I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about her at the moment. I'll be sure to keep you up to date though. Bye."
"Bye." And with that he hung up.
I pulled into the driveway of my home. I punched the code into the key pad and waved for Adaline to follow me in. I pulled as far into the driveway as I could and she parked directly behind me. She pulled a half asleep toddler from the car.
"She's ready for bed."
"I can see that." I said with a giggle. "I'll get your bags and her stuff out of the backseat."
"Thank you." She said, smiling a sad smile.
I grabbed one of the bags and the carrier containing a poor, terrified cat and led her inside. My home was elegant but not over doing it. It was large for when my family visited, but also very homey. I grew up with teachers for parents, I knew the value of a home. I knew I didn't need a mansion. It was 5 bedrooms, with two master bathrooms, one large bathroom upstairs, and a half bath downstairs. Large enough to host guests, but not too big. The high fence and locked gate was for privacy purposes.
"Follow me upstairs. There's two master bedrooms, I sleep in one so you two can have the extra one."
I showed them into the room. It was very basic. A desk in one corner, a large dresser in another. A king size bed sat on one side against a wall. I showed her the door that led to the adjoining bathroom.
"Thank you, really. I know we're not that close and you don't know me very well-"
I stopped her right then and there. "You're my daughter, that's my granddaughter. Whichever way this goes, you will always be and I know I haven't been around but I want to be now. I know I don't deserve for you to be okay with that, but whether or not you are I will always care about you."
She smiled and laid Cadence on the bed, pulled a diaper and a container of wipes from a nearby bag.
"I'll leave you to it then. I'll bring up the rest of your stuff and then heat up the good if you're still hungry."
"That would be amazing, I'm starving. Thank you again."
I smiled at her and left the room.

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