Chapter 14

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2 Years Later
My mom and Colin had been married for almost a year and a half now. It had been a wonderful affair. I was the maid of honor. Ginny couldn't be because she was married already. Cadence was the flower girl and Evan was the ring bearer. Colin's ex wife had even been there. She congratulated my mother, who apparently hadn't been kidding. They were all good friends. She asked me to be a good big sister. I beamed with pride. I now had a baby brother.
My life now consisted of traveling with my mother. It was a thrill. I went with her to Comic Cons in New York and San Diego, promotions for the show out of the country, all sorts of adventures. I usually was out of the camera view, but sometimes I came along. These were the times when Ginny needed some peace from the spotlight and kept Cadence along with Oliver.
I now had my own special someone, Warner. We met when I was in the same music store I bought my piano from. He asked me if I played, it seemed just an excuse to talk to me since I was holding some sheet music in my hand. I let it go. He hadn't blinked an eye when my mom walked over with Cadence and Evan. He even thought Evan was mine at first. I assured him that it was just the one child. That was a year ago. Now I had long since opened up to him. I still wasn't able to let him stay over, because of Cadence. He didn't mind. He took right to her and adored her like he was hers. That's what I loved most about him. Love was a funny word to me. I hadn't loved someone in this way since Cadence's dad. He was even okay with the fact that I traveled all over and out of the country with my mother. At first I think he was confused as to why my mother and I were hardly apart. When I explained our unique situation, he understood. I wasn't sure if I could ask for anyone more perfect.
I watched him help her with her dinner one night. We'd had a date planned, but my mom got sick at the last minute and didn't want to spread it to Cadence. There was no denying it, in the middle of the phone call she shoved the phone at Colin and I could hear her wretching. Warner went right along with it and suggested we go somewhere family friendly and take Cadence. He even offered to bring Evan to keep him from getting sick, but my brother was currently with his mother in Ireland.
I was so unbelievably happy that night. Something clicked in me. My mom and Ginny had already been telling me over and over that it had been a year, I shouldn't be afraid of diving in headfirst. When I argued, my mother pointed out that I was being hypocritical considering that's what I told her to make her accept Colin.
A few months later he was staying over every weekend. We would stay up late and let Cadence watch movies until she fell asleep. A few times I let him put her to bed. It stood out that she let him get that close to her. She was a shy child. Though I supposed I made her that way. She took a very long time to accept strangers. I told myself I should trust my child's judgement, they have a way of sensing the good and bad in people.
The next time my mom filmed at night, she asked Warner if he wanted to come along. I told him where to stay out of, and when to be quiet. He just walked around in a sort of daze. My mom said they were about to start and I loved watching them film, so I dragged Warner to my mom and Colin's usual chairs. He was amazed that he was sitting in a chair specifically labeled for one of the stars of the show. I laughed it off.
"Oops! Forgot about this!" My mom suddenly announced, rushing over to me. Of course, I forgot she can't have her charm bracelet on during filming. She always wore it, sometimes she forgot.
"Hang on to this please." She said with a smile. I took it with a nod and she kissed my cheek.
I smiled down at the bracelet. There was the mother's and the story book charms I had given her along with the bracelet itself. Over the past couple of years, more had been added. A charm I had specifically designed for her birthday. One side depicted a white swan, and the other a black one. It was specific to her character on the show. Then there were two I had gotten as her wedding present. I couldn't decide, so I had gotten them both. One was a mini pirate medallion, and the other a tiny hook. I always joked about her being married to Captain Hook, and Colin would pretend to be his character. She had added Cadence's birthstone on her own. This bracelet was something special for her and I. It was the first thing I ever gave her, and the first time I ever told her I loved her was when I presented it to her. I loved buying her charms for it. It always took thinking, and I knew she loved that most.
Two years later, Warner would get up the nerve to propose to me, with my parents' and Cadence's blessing of course. Evan had climbed into a chair and gotten nose to nose with him.
"You should be nice to my sissy." He demanded. "My daddy says you have to be."
We all burst into laughter and Warner assured him that he wouldn't ever do otherwise. Evan crossed his arms with a "humph", a little upset that no one was taking him seriously.
Warner shushed us all and leveled with the little boy, assuring him that I would be safe and happy. Evan was satisfied and walked over to hold my mother's hand.
Here I am, three years into a marriage, with an eighteen month old son. Warner had coaxed me into it. He loved Cadence and saw that she was alone when Evan or Oliver couldn't be around. So we gave her a sibling.
My mother sold her house in California and bought a new one that had eight bedrooms. Double the size of what she had before. Warner didn't mind, there was no sense in buying a house here too if we spent most of our time in Vancouver. He found a way to work from home, and so his work traveled with him.
After over twenty five years, my life was absolutely perfect. Even when I thought I had loved it before, now I couldn't imagine it without Warner and our children. I was finally at peace with myself and my past.

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