Chapter 13

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The next couple of weeks seemed to go by in a blur. My family stayed for a week after the party, and after that, Addy got the news she'd been waiting for. She had a closing date for her house. She started shopping around right away, and I often went with her.
This created a bit of a frenzy. The rumors that weren't really untrue circulated more and more. One magazine compared our faces side by side. When Cadence was focused on, Addy and I had both had enough. We were both okay with being gossiped about, but Cadence was only two and would be left out of it. I finally put my foot down and against the better judgement of friends and publicists, and made a statement in a Facebook post.
I know many, many people have been wondering who is this young girl I have been seen with lately. Her name is Adaline, she's a lovely young lady whom I have grown very close to. She's also my biological daughter. She was born when I was only sixteen years old, and because I felt I could not care for her, I gave her up for adoption. She did not ask to be brought into this world, and so she did not deserve a mother who was so young and unable to find a job. I do not consider her birth a mistake or an accident because she is a wonderful and successful human being. We are both very happy to have found each other recently and have not been apart very much since.
At this point, I didn't care about the damage it might cause. I said what I needed to say. I left Cadence out of it, so as not to draw any more attention to her. Pictures of her were already circulating around the Internet. I had no doubt that people would guess that she was my granddaughter.
It was sort of a weight off my shoulder that people knew now. There were no more secrets. I didn't have to watch what I said or did when we were together in public now.
Addy walked into the living room, staring intently at her phone. She looked up when she realized I was there.
"I think you did a great job here. You were polite and to the point." She told me.
"Thank you." I said.
Adaline POV:
After my mom's Facebook post, the few friends I did have on my own page were going crazy asking me if it was true. And I was getting random friend requests and messages, which were all ignored. I made it a point to set my personal page so that no one could find me, I had to find them. No wonder my mom did this with her own personal page. Three days after, I finally got tired of it and made a post of my own.
Yes, my mother is who everyone is asking about. I am very happy that she reached out and found me and has made an enormous effort to become close to me and care about me. Please, do not ask about her or her show. I will immediately block you and will not hesitate to report anyone harassing me. I have already gotten countless friend requests and messages from strangers.
I may have been a little more passive aggressive in my own statement, but I didn't have a public image to uphold.
The next day, an article was up on the whole situation. It featured a picture of the one time I went to a public event with my mother. Ginny, one of the few other people I trusted with Cadence, offered to baby sit. We'd gone to a charity event, it was the first time I'd actually had to have someone do my hair and makeup for me. My mother was hanging onto Colin's arm with her left hand, and holding my hand in her right. I was waving happily at the crowd, the adrenaline of it fueling me. Below the picture was the article.
In a recent enlightenment from Once Upon A Time star, Jennifer Morrison, we've learned that she has a daughter that was given up at birth, due to Morrison's young age and financial situation. Her fans have absolutely exploded in joy for her, thinking she had no children until this point. Here, she is seen with the young lady, who cannot be denied as hers. Her daughter, apparently named Adaline, bears a striking resemblance to her mother. Both share the same bright green eyes, prominent cheekbones, beautiful hair, and lean body. It is, however, highly speculated on who Adaline's father might be. It seems that her dark hair and skin comes from him, along with her height, given that she is taller than her mother. She seems to be simply a darker version of her mother. Given that Morrison was sixteen at the time, it is unlikely that the father is known to the public at all. Although it seems that Morrison's co-star and beau, Colin O'donaghue has taken on quite a role in the girl's life. The three are often seen together, along with a toddler that can be assumed to be Adaline's daughter and Morrison's granddaughter, though not much is known of her. Here's hoping for the best for all of them!

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