My vampire brothers; Being a Salvatore.

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Everything was so different, I noticed myself. But of course, it's more than a century ago I last was here - Home. Well, this is were i'm born. Mystic falls. Now, youre probably thinking, what the hell, did she just say a century?

And youre right. I'm born in another time, in 1850.

I knocked quietly at the door, knowing they will hear it. In less than a second, the door was opened, Stefan standing in the hallway. "

"Hey, Stefan" I said while my eyes filled with tears. I was so good to see him again.

"That's impossible," I saw recognition in his face, which was quickly replaced by confusion, "you can't be alive, you should be ded over a century ago."

He looked like he couldn't believe his own eyes.

"I could say the same to you, but let it go. Your story is probably to boring anyway. Did you eat some rabbits lately? Or the sweet innocent squirrels?" I said with a glimt in my eye.

"Oh, i'm sure you'd been to much with Damon, even though you havent seen him for so long.i missed you, but NOT your jokes about what i'm eating. No one else can be sarcastic on that way," he said with a little laugher, "except Damon, of course. Come here." And then he pulled me to him and hugged me. I hugged back, glad to see him again.

"where is Damon? I asked when he let'd go of me. " He will be home soon. I'll guess you will like to come in?"

As soon I heard the sound of a car, I rushed to the front door. I opened The door, and looked into a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Damon!" I screamed and hugged him as tightly as I could.

"Lucy, is that really you?" he whispered while hugging me back, until I could'nt breath. While looking into Damons amazing eyes, who shined like stars, I felt more home that I did in years.

"It's really me." I whispered back, my eyes filled with tears, the other time that day.

"Come inside again, tell me how you can still be alive. You don't look like your aged a day since 1864" he said with eyes who wanted to know.

"Cause i'm not" I said, taking his hand, pulling him inside the house.

I sat down on the couch, with Damon right beside me. Stefan was sitting in one of the big comfy chairs. I felt like having my brothers back. Like everything was back normal we were humans, eating, laughing, playing football, had our fights. But then the feeling disappeared and I remembered what they are, vampires. Now, youre probably think that I hated them and what they are. I don't. I don't care. I love them and I consider them as my brothers anyway. They were both looking at me expecting that I said someting.

"Where do I start?" I thought about it a little while, "what about the beginning?

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