Making friends.

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"Psst! Don't care about her. Everyone thinks she's a bitch." I turned to look at the smiling boy behind me. He had big chocolate brown eyes and his hair was dark, almost black. I couldn't deny it this boy was smoking hot and his smile was really nice. I just looked at him. No, it's probably catagorized under 'staring'.

"Ehm, sorry.. I forgot. My name's Tyler. Lockwood." The boy smiled and raised his hand for me to shake.

"Lucy Salvatore." I smiled back and shook his hand.

"You just moved here, right? Where do you live?" Tyler eyed me curious.

"I'm living in the old Salvatore boarding house with my brothers and my uncle." I answered.

"Lookwood, Salvatore, be quiet!" The teacher snapped. Wow, that man was fast at learning names.


The bell rang and everyone hurried out of class, to get to the next period. I felt someone beside me and turned my head to see Tylers smiling face again.

"So, what are you having in your next period?" He asked, looking at the paper with my schedule on. "History, i see. Me too. Mr. Saltzman can be a little grumpy sometimes so let's hurry up." We sped up and reached the class, seconds before the teacher showed up.

"Hello, class!" The teacher, Mr. Saltzman said. "Today we're talking about Mystic Falls' history." I sighed and took out a notebook, while trying to pay attention.

"So, as you all now, Mystic Falls has the founding familes. The Lockwoods, The Gilberts, The Fells, The Salvatores, and so on, and so on. In 1864 there was demons..." I lost concentration when a paperball landed in front of me.

Bored? Wanna join me after shcool, doing.. Not-boring-history-stuff ?

I raised an eyebrow and looked around in the class. My eyes fell on a smirking Tyler.

I quickly scribbled, 'I actually happen to find this class very interesting. Oh, who am i kidding, course i want to :)'  down on the paper, and tossed it to Tylers table.

"MS. SALVATORE! Head's office. Now!" Mr. Saltzman half-yelled.

I grabbed my back and smiled at Mr. Saltzman before walking through the door.


So...I'm so sorry this chappie was so short, but i don't really feel like writing this story..Too many things going on in my little life, too many directioner feelings.. IF THERE'S ANYBODY OUT THERE WHO LOVES ONE DIRECTION AND TVD TOO, THEN YOU ARE MY SOULMATE!! DON'T BE SCARED, BUT I PROMISE YOU, THIS IS FAITH!

Oh, well, i'll just go...

Live, love and ship Larry!

Wait, that's very inapropriate, since this is a TVD fan fic.

Just remember people, you may not be plastic, but you are fantastic!

Another One Direction refer, i know..I'm outta here guys..

Love, Celli xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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