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"A toast to success, and for many more just like it!" Triple B exclaimed, raising his champagne glass. Everyone--Pat, Derrick, Jen, Reginald, a few other staff members, and me--raised ours and a tinkling sound ensued as they collided.

"To success!" we cried, and drank.


I was a bit shaky after my third glass; it was my first time drinking alcohol. I headed toward the nearest ladies' room, which was a few doors away from Triple B's office. I leaned on the marble counter, my hot forehead touching the cool mirror and closed my eyes.

The mission was actually fun. I still can't believe how assassination is like a game to me. Nothing felt serious... Afterward, that is.

I splashed some water on my face to help cool myself down and went out the bathroom, my mind a bit fogged up, so I used the wall to help support me. I forgot where I was going, and I was rather surprised to end up before Triple B's office door. Without thinking, I leaned against it, drawn by the voices.

I first heard Reginald's voice. "...I just hope you made the right choice, Bob. The problems shouldn't arise anymore than it already has," he said. His voice was intense with anger.

"I know. I've got it covered. I already sent a check to Rodriguez's family to keep them quiet," Triple B replied with a sigh.

A bang erupted from within, making me jump. "Damn it, Bob, I don't care about that dealer's family. What I'm worried about is the fact he was just a pawn being played by Viktor. You heard it through Maxwell's earpiece. He's on the move again, and he should be already notified by his inferiors about our little fiesta with Rodriguez," Reginald exclaimed.

"James, I know you doubt this project...," Triple B began.

"I don't doubt it, I'm afraid that what's happening right now will leak out to the public, and then what? We have a paid assassin! Do you know how the governments going to react? They're going to shut the entire CIA down! Are you really willing to put the entire corporation in the line?" Reginald growled.

Bob replied,"James, I..."

"You shouldn't be eavesdropping, Ms.Maxwell, despite how interesting a conversation may be," a booming voice said behind me.

I jumped away from the door, my hand instantly pulling out the pistol from my upholster and pointing it at the man before me. I cursed under my breath. "Damn you, Pat. You surprised me. I could've shot you," I reprimanded, scowling.

His eyebrows raised. "Are you telling me you're trigger happy when you're drunk?" he teased.

"Shut up. I'm not drunk," I replied, putting my gun away. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"I'd like to ask you the same thing," he countered. We had a stare-off for a minute before he said,"I was looking for you."

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "Is that so?"

"Yes. Everyone already left, so I thought I'd escort a lady in distress back to her home. It's dangerous at night, you know," he added.

"Pfft. Lady in distress? Far from it. But I'll take up on your offer because you seem to insist. No one could really resist my appeal," I replied, smiling mischievously.

He shook his head. "You're the worst," he muttered.

"Just shut up and take me home."

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