Call for Duty

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My eyes drew open slowly at the sound of my cell phone ringing. I held the white blanket against my body as I reached for it, flipping it open. "What do you want?" I yawned, leaning against backboard of the bed.

"That's not what I call a greeting, Ms.Maxwell," Reginald's voice said from the other side.

I ran my hand through my messy hair. "Is that so? Well, it's certainly something I'd like to know this early in the morning."

"Ten in the morning is far from early. I don't care if you have a hangover from last night, but please be reminded that you're a paid assassin and that you have a duty," he remarked, the sound of sipping some sort of liquid came from him.

"I know. So, what do you want?" I pushed.

A sound of approval emanated from him. "Straight to the point; I like that," he commended before continuing,"You and Pat are being sent to a few places around the world to hunt down Rodriguez's colleagues. Your first destination is Afghanistan... I cannot tell you the exact location or the name of the town in order to keep anonymity to the extra members of your team. I cannot tell you any more. You will be briefed once you land."

"Roger that," I replied.

I was just about to close my phone when Reginald said,"One more thing: Do you know where Pat is? We called him a few times, but he didn't answer at all..."

I yawned. "Don't worry about it. I'll inform him," I assured, hanging up. I leaned over to the other side of my bed, where a pair of jeans laid limp on the bedside table. I reached into the front left pocket and retrieved a phone much like mine. I flipped it open, and it read:

4 Missed Calls

"Hmph," I said, putting it back. I slipped out of the bed and put on an over-sized button-up shirt from the floor. Stretching, I sauntered over to the kitchen to cook breakfast for two.

After a few minutes, arms wrapped around my waist. "Whatcha cooking?" Pat asked, his voice muffled due to the fact he buried his face in my hair.

"Eggs and bacon," I replied.

"Mm," he mumbled, his breath tickling my neck.

I flipped the eggs. "Oh, and Reginald called. He said we're going to Afghanistan tomorrow..."

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