A Riot

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Before I could react, the man had already pressed the trigger, arousing everyone in the quarters. "Damn," I muttered, shooting him on the head. The others ran for their guns, which looked like M-16s, rifles used by U.S. soldiers. I hesitated for a moment. How did they get army artillery? I shook my head. Now was not the time to think about that time. I shot a few men before an alarm was set. I cursed to myself.

A few bullets grazed the floor as I sprinted back the way I came. Damn, damn, damn; I had no where to go. If I kept going forward, there'd be people waiting for me for sure. I quickly scanned the area for any means of escape. I felt so trapped then, that when I saw an air vent a few feet above me, I could've cried for joy. I shot the screws holding its cover off before jumping up and hoisting myself into the vent.

"Pat? Where are you?" I spoke into my earpiece as I crawled forward.

There was a rustling before he answered. "I'm on my way to the roof. Rodriguez isn't here, but he's on his way. Derrick just picked up a phone call from him and traced it. If you can get on the roof in time, I think we can snipe him. I found some snipers," Pat replied.

"Roger that. Signing off," I huffed, heaving myself up. It took a while to get to the roof, but I needed the exercise anyway.

Pat helped me up from the vent and pointed at the Interventions planted on the floor. "Glad you made it safe. I silenced these, so don't worry about being detected," he informed me.

I nodded. "Got it," I replied, positioning myself. "What car are they on?" I asked Derrick through my earpiece.

"It's a black, convertible Jaguar. Liscense plate: 349XP2D. Manuel is in the driver's seat, and he's alone," Derrick answered.

"Okay. Thanks for the info. Signing off," I said, closing in on described car. One shot was all I needed. My crosshair zeroed in on his head. I held my breath and pressed the trigger.

I saw blood splatter on the driver's seat and on the trunk of the car through my scope. I looked up at Pat to see his shocked, elated face. "Wow! Sera... That's about a mile away! A perfect headshot. Job well done, partner," he exclaimed, bumping fists with me.

I gave him a crooked smile. "Ha, yeah. Don't underestimate me," I replied. I pressed on my earpiece. "Derrick, take us home. Our mission's been accomplished," I spoke.

"That's great! We're sending a chopper right now," he replied. God, if only I could see his face right then. I felt so proud. My first mission! A success! But it wasn't over yet.

A group of armed men bursted through the door and pointed their guns at Pat and me. I cursed under my breath, raising my hand in defeat, my partner doing the same, only he said much more unintelligible four-letter words. The men slowly walked toward us, their eyes cautious.

Just then, the sound of a helicopter erupted from behind us. "Put your guns down! Put your guns down!" a voice cried from the chopper.

The men who held us captive had the opposite thought. "Don't move! Stay there!" a few cried at us.

My eyes flickered toward Pat. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him.

"Pretty sure I am. On the count of three. One... Two...," he muttered.

"THREE!" I cried, and we both sprinted toward the edge of the building and jumped. Bullets grazed the roof after us. Pat's left arm caught the third to last ring of the ladder coming from the chopper and his right caught me just before I fell. He hoisted me up, and we were outta there.

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