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The thing is...

I'm conflicted.

I need help.

I want help.

But I just can't seem to force myself to tell.

If I tell,

If I seek help,

Then they'll know.

And they can't know.

They wouldn't handle it right.

Because then they're know how I think,

And about cutting,

And burning,

And hitting,

And hurting.

And then I'd be in trouble.

Because they wouldn't undrstand.

And they don't understand.

And they can't understand.

There's no way they could.

I they knew anything,

That would break me.

I'd come apart.

I'd fall away.

Away from everyone.




I'm be in my mind.

Trying to save my thoughts.

Bu that wouldn't work.

You see,

They'd keep prying,

Keep looking for a way inside my mind.

And then I don't know how I culd handle it all.

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