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I know it's been a while but here is a new part I know you all have been waiting for. Also, forget that authors note.


Sarah POV

"Your lying." I growled leaning on to the table.

"You have to believe us!" Hannah Kate exclaimed. "We work for SHIELD. We were after some criminal and they were at your party. We confront them. They start shooting we start shooting. They are dead."

"Then why do I have witnesses that say different? TELL ME WHY THREE NEW MEMBERS OF MY TEAM ARE DEAD!" I screamed. The room began go grow muggy and hot. The temperature rose as I got madder.

"You need to leave." Bailey came in. She had been watching just in case of something like this. I went into the hall and took a few deep breaths. I went down the hall and to the training room. I walked in and started punching the first thing I saw. Which happened to be a punching bag.

"Rough interrogation?" Jace came in.

"I'm not in the mood." I growled punching the bag.

"Sarah," he whispered into my ear. I stopped for a second. His arms snaked around me.

"I've lost so many people." I whispered staring at the ground. He didn't say anything. No, I hadn't been close to Moxie, Caleb or Joshua but they had still been assigned to be in our team. I felt something knowing they were dead. Tears began to slip down my cheeks. I leaned back on to Jace. He wrapped his arms around me. I was so tired of pain. "I need a night off." I wiped the tears that still remained on my face off.

"Yeah. Where?" Jace asked.

"A new club opened downtown. Want to go?" I looked up at him. He shrugged.

"Do you want to invite anyone to come with us?"

"Sure." We headed to the living room. Evan and Claire were in there. We asked them to come with us. In the end, everyone was coming. We headed up to Jace's room for bed. Exhaustion soon took over....

I jolted awake. The images from the nightmares receded into the depths of my mind. I sat up in bed and rested my head on my knees. Jace was still asleep next to me. My nightmares had returned. I carefully stepped out of bed and went down stairs. I grabbed a bottle of water. It was so pitch black that I could barely see my hand in front of my face. For some reason, I didn't feel safe. There was a sort of prickle on the back if my neck, telling me that someone, or something, was watching me. I went back to the room as calmly as I could. I laid back down. But the feeling never went away.

The next morning I woke up and looked around the room. Jace came out of the bathroom and smiled.

"Good morning sweet heart." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning." I got a quick shower and came back into the room.

"Did you get up last night?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"What's this?" The bedroom door was charred with a handprint in the middle. I held my hand up to the hand print. It wasn't mine.

"That wasn't me." I said shakily. Someone had been in our room last night.

"JARVIS I want you to get the security footage from last night." Jace said. I could tell he wasn't happy about it either. I went down to the kitchen a little shaky. I sat at the table and put my head in my hands.

"Hey Sa-" I cut Silver off by turning around and putting my sword at her neck. It was so fast she didn't have time to react.

"Oh, it's only you." I put my sword up.

"Why is it that I'm always the one who gets threatened with your sword?" She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Sil. I'm just really jumpy." I sighed and sat back down.

"Sar-" I cut off Jace by turning around and pointing my sword at his neck. He immediately became metal.

"Whoa, what's up with you two?" Evan and Claire walked in.

"Someone was in our," Jace stopped himself and looked at Evan. "Someone was in the room last." Evan still didn't like me with Jace.

"Really? How do you know?" Claire asked.

"There's a charred handprint on the back of the door." I put my sword up and rested my head in my hands.

"Are we still going out tonight?" Claire asked. I shook my head and headed to leave.

"Sarah." Jace reached forward and grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and shook him off. "Just leave me alone." I left and headed to the roof. Fire was starting to engulf my hands. It took over my arms. I didn't know why I was mad. What was my problem? Before I knew it, my whole body was flames.

"Sarah." I turned and saw Jace. He was metal.

"I said leave me alone!" I screamed throwing a ball of fire at him. It hit him, melting away some of the metal on his face. He scowled at me.

"If that's the way you want to play, fine by me." He growled and started to walk towards me. Shit, I pissed him off. I started to stumble backwards.

"Jace, I'm sorry. I was just mad." I pleaded.

"Too late now." He threw a punch. I grabbed his fist in my hand and melted away some of the metal.

"Now you two stop it!" Bailey screamed. I stepped back from Jace and released his fist. The fire died away from my body.

"I lost my temper." Jace shook his head. He was flesh now. I sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Bailey, can you give us a minute?"

"Sarah, are you-"

"Please, we'll be good." I looked at her. She sighed and left.

"Jace, I'm sorry." A few more tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No, Sarah, don't cry." Jace pulled me into him. I felt safe in his arms. "I didn't mean it." He kissed the top of my head.

"I didn't either." I shook my head. "I love you too much."

"I love you more than anything." Jace whispered in my ear. It was in that moment that any feeling I had for Thomas, or anyone else I thought I had loved, disappeared. The only one for me was Jace. I could just feel it. Thomas was nothing to me now.


I hope you enjoyed it! I promise that I will post the next part faster than I did with this one! Until next time!!!!!


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