Aystin Nichole Taylor

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"Aystin! It's time to wake up!" I groaned and rolled over, holding the pillow over my head. I slowly fell back to sleep. Few seconds later, my door slammed open and someone shaking me awake. "Aystin Nichole Taylor! Wake the fuck up now!" I scrambled to my feet, getting out of bed. The first voice to wake me was my sister, Shannon Taylor. This voice was my father... Shannon's here for a few days, she's here on holiday from school. Our mother got married to my father. Our mother moved away to Nova Scotia, Canada while Shannon stayed back at her dads. I quickly got to my feet. "Y-Yes?" He crossed his arms and was red in the face.

Uh oh... He's mad... "Aystin Nichole Taylor! When your sister tell you to wake up," He uncrossed his arms and raised a hand. Slap! I fell to the floor with a thud and a stinging cheek. "You fucking wake up!" My eyes started to sting, tears threatening to fall. "You cry, it'll get even worse!" I sniffed. He spit on me and left my room. "Cover that shit before Shannon sees!" I wiped off the germs and stood up, limping my way to the bathroom.

I did my business on the toilet, flushed and turned on the water. I got undressed and stepped in the shower. I did my washing then just stood there, thinking. After a minute or two, I looked over at my shaving razor. Should I...? The next thing I knew, I was taking my razor apart and sliding it across my hips. Knock knock knock. "Aystin, are you almost done?" Shannon. I hid the razor under my soap bottle and turned off the water. "Y-Yeah! J-Just need ten minutes!" I heard a soft "Okay" and footsteps going away from the door.

I got out, dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my body. I grabbed my razor, throwing the remains of my shaving razor in the trash and walked to my room.

I closed my door and dried off my body. I was too busy drying off my body to notice my dad come in. Slap! I landed with a thud. My cheek was now burning. Noticing I was still undressed, I grabbed my towel and covered myself up. That didn't stop my dad from ripping it off. I tried covering myself but he pinned my arms next to my head. Tears started to fall. Slap! What do I do....? I did the next possible thing. "Shannon!"

He covered my mouth and I started sobbing hard. "Shut up! You're going to wake up everyone!" He removed his hand. The shower turned off, meaning shannon was done showering. Next thing I did was scream at the top of my lungs. "Shannon!! Help me!" Dad turned around and was beet red. I heard footsteps coming to my door. "Sha-" Dad covered my mouth and nothing but muffles came out. The door opened and Shannon's eyes grew wide. "Chris, what the fuck are you doing?!" I heard footsteps rushing towards us. Sounded like more than two footsteps... Next thing I knew, Dad was pushed off me and Shannon covered me up with a towel. I was being lifted and I just let myself being lifted.

I let out a sob and looked up to see who picked me up. A boy with lip piercings. I sniffed and looked at my so-called Dad. A blonde guy wearing a blue shirt, Shannon's friend Alex and three more boys was holding him down. The boy holding me sat on my dad, with me in his arms. I sniffed and looked at Shannon. She put up her phone and walked to my bed. "I talked to mom..."

I curled up in the boys' lap. "Wh-What'd she say?" She smiled a little. "Mom's gonna divorce Chris and..." I sniffed and looked at her. "And...?" She looked at the boy. "You're staying with Johnnie and Bryan.' I sniffed and tilted my head. "Johnnie and Bryan?" Shannon smiled. "Johnnie's the one you're on, Bryan is the blonde wearing a blue shirt." I nodded and looked up at Johnnie. "We'll be glad to take her in." I smiled and curled up to Johnnie.

"Thank you..."

I'm Aystin Nichole Taylor. I'm Shannon Taylor's sister. I'm the middle child. My life is a living hell... From the age of 5 to now, I've been bullied at school and abused at home. Our mother wouldn't know that dad had been abusing me. If Shannon hadn't been here, I would've been raped... So I'm moving to the States with her friends. So... That's me.


((Mixi from StitchedUpHearts is Aystin, just without tattoos))

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