Just a Dream

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Johnnie's POV


I'm sorry, Johnnie... I really love you... I'll miss you and the rest of MyDigitalEscape... Goodbye....

Sent at 9:33 am

As soon as I read that, I froze. "Johnnie?" I sniffed and looked at Shannon. "Wh-What's wrong?" I sniffed and closed my eyes. "Sh-Shannon... When I-I tell you.. Pl-Please try to st-stay calm." She slowly nodded. "I-It's Aystin..." She  stood up and looked at me. "W-What's wrong with her?! Is she okay?!" I sniffed and looked at my phone.

Bzz bzz

Ayyyystin Calling...

I quickly answered. "Aystin?! Please don't tell me you did it! Wait... You-" "Is this Johnnie Guilbert?" Fuck! "Yes... Who is this?" I put the phone on speaker. "We've found Aystin Taylor covered in her blood in the girls' bathroom. Her last text was to you. She's currently in the hospital nearest to the school. I suggest you go see her now." Shannon fell down into tears ((kinda like Elsa.)) and let out a sob. "What the fuck, Johnnie?! You and Bryan were supposed to protect Aystin!" I sniffed. "Bryan, I knew I should've gone to get her."

Everybody stared at me. "What?! Why didn't you tell us?!" I sniffed and let a few tears fall. "We were in the middle of the video! I know you hate being interrupted during recording!" Shannon stood up and raised a hand. Slap! I held a hand on my cheek. "If it involved my fucking sister, you fucking interrupt! God! I'm going to go see my sister in the hospital." She grabbed her shoes and jacket and ran out. God... It's all my fault... I love Aystin... I should've stopped her... I stood up and sniffed. "I'm going." Bryan sighed. "Okay. Just be careful around Shannon." I nodded and left the building.

~*After Running*~

I got to the hospital and ran to Shannon. "Shannon! Is she okay?!" She looked at me with a tear stained face and sniffed. "It's all your fucking fault, Johnnie fucking Guilbert! You should've gone to get her! Goddamnit!" She stood up and raised a hand again. I prepared myself for a slap. Instead, I heard a sob and opened my eyes. Shannon was on the cold hard ground, sobbing. I looked down. "Sh-Shannon.... I'm s-sorr-" "Are you two here for Austin Taylor?" I looked up and sniffed. "It's A-Aystin. And yes we are." Shannon stood up and ran to the doctor. "I-Is she okay?!" The doctor frowned and looked down. "Uh, about her..." I could practically hear Shannon streaming. "Johnnie!" I looked at her and sniffed.

She was beet red and get hands balled up in a fist. "You better run." My eyes widened and I looked at the doctor. "What room is she in?" She looked at her clipboard and sighed. "646." I nodded, quickly said my thanks and quickly ran to room 646 with Shannon hot on my trails.

Aystin, please be okay and tell your sister to back oooooooofffffff.

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